I was told that Adolf Hitler was a firm believer in the "Hollow Earth" theory and that's why many of the Nazi's strategic calculations went awry. It's all very interesting. Hitler also apparently believed in the Holy Grail (not just in Indiana Jones), the city of Atlantis, various forms of magic and a whole list of other occult/esoteric subject matter. Spooky ...
Hitler was not an FE believer until the foo fighters never came back. While there could have been several reasons for them never returning, Hitler was very hasty at the time while recieving speed injections and experiencing extreme paranoia. After the german rocket scientists informed him of the possibility of an FE, he was mad with a need to know more. Unfortunately for him, the war did not permit him to discover anything.
References? Since when do you consider anything other than your absurd ellipsoid propaganda. HHitler was indeed a drug addict. He used to recieve regular injections and at times was nearly impossible to wake up. It is said that one of the reasons the germans exhibited such a belated response to the aliied D-Day invasion was because they couldnt wake Hitler up as he was exhausted from too much speed. Experimentation with drugs during WW2 is well documented. The Japs used to give the kamakazis speed. How else do you think they got them to crash a plane into something, it had nothing to do with loyalty to the emperor. They were simply so juiced up they actually thought they would live through it all. Speed makes you feel like superman, like Thor, like you could take on a legion of flying warriors. Believe me I know.
I can fully believe that Hitler took speed, it would explain his energetic and rather scary speeches quite well. However, the kamakazi pilots ... not necessarily. Japanese warriors have been willingly committing harakiri and seppuku (ritual suicide) for centuries, it was a well established part of their culture until the Bomb was dropped on them, as far as I know. But anyway, back to the topic. What I dont understand is how the ice barrier is so well protected from exploration. Humans are perfectly capable of surviving in treachorous icy conditions, and are those who claim to have explored antartica also part of the Conspiracy? The FAQs explanation of ice guards is truly inadequate as the rim must be absolutely eeenormous.
One must look no further than a google search of a brief history of meth amphetamine. It was being researched in the early 1900's as sort of a ''cure-all'' as it supressed ones diet, allowed for incresed energy, and also provide a feeling of euphoria. When taken inlarger doses it could keep one awake for prolonged periods of time and (as tested on mice) possibly provoke violent behavior. During WW2, american GI's consumed a great deal of amphetamine, as did the Japs. Japanes suicide pilots were inspired by a bit more than fearless nationalism as the took pervitin and isophan, which were brand name forms of meth. The drugs proliferation was largely abetted by the international pharmaceutical supplier Smith, Kline, and French (now Glaxo,Smith,Kline--a former employer of mine).
As for the FAQ encouraging the idea of ice wall gaurds, do not subscribe to such nonsense, they are simply not needed. The ice barrier as far as we know is there for anyone to visit however chances of reaching the edge are very slim. The terrain is most inhospitable. Also, others have promoted the idea of navigational manipulation at the hands of NASA/WSC. Im am surprised that the FAQ has remained how it has for so long, I personally feel it begets a false impression of this society to newcomers or noobs. I have plans to write a draft and then private messege it to Orbisnonsufficit so he can make it more concise. From there we will pass it to other prominent FE advocates here for their review and approval. I hope this will allow for more consideration from newcomers (noobs) and possibly encourage more, much needed FET research from people all across the earth and from various backgrounds, occupations, and degrees of education.