Total Members Voted: 28
Voting closed: September 25, 2006, 06:14:06 AM
Never give up, never surrender!
Bunch of young'ins in the forum...
It must suck living in Richmond.
Quote from: "Selling 230Q at $460"I'll be as excessive as i like my loveThat's ok, you have a few years yet. I hope most people in here aren't your age though.Most aren't much older.
I'll be as excessive as i like my loveThat's ok, you have a few years yet. I hope most people in here aren't your age though.
Quote from: "Desu"Quote from: "Selling 230Q at $460"I'll be as excessive as i like my loveThat's ok, you have a few years yet. I hope most people in here aren't your age though.Most aren't much older.I have more than three years on him
Wut, I'm one of the youngest here?
Wut, I'm one of the youngest here? Ubu, you're worrying me......
Wonder if we can TP a website?
Be dissapointy, me no kerr.
We don't 'TP' in the south, we burn crosses.
No, I'm friends with a black guy, and another friend's biological dad an afromerican.
Native to where, again, Desu?
Don't worry, I'm part "native," too.