You are still not getting it.
If earth is round, earth looks flat.
This is a stretch of the imagination isn't it? Its like saying, the earth is red. It looks blue and green close up, but really its red. Even if it was blue and green it would look red. So it could be red despite seeming to be mostly blue and green.
If the earth is round, I expect to see hints of roundness. I want it to appear like I am on the top of a bulge, and that the horizon is exponentially falling away at the edge of my perception. What I don't expect is a flat surface that comes to an abrupt end. That, my cognitive senses tell me, is a flat surface. Anyone saying it might be round even though it can only be flat is talking a bunch of horse
In FE, if we saw the edges of the disc, it could be only the icewall, woudn't it?
You can only see as far as the edge of your perception. Haze and other particulates in the air prevent you seeing for infinity. Yes you can see the stars above you, but you are only looking through a few miles of air (most of which is very thin). Looking out across the horizon you must look through thousands of miles of air, full of dust, moisture etc. Its hard to see more than 40 miles let alone a few thousand. This is kind of a different subject though. It would be rude to pursue this in this thread, as it means ignoring the objections of the OP.