In this short note I strengthen the
Barn Door Paradox to the
Barn Door Antimony, this disproves Einsteins special theory of relativity and should be of interest to those natural philosophers in search of truth rather than prestige and popularity gained from nonsense-publications.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a bar heated uniformly cools uniformly throughout. The heat equation may be used to see that it cools with exponentially, but this is already more technical than necessary, the physical law I need for this demonstration is that one end does not cool faster than the other.
In Einsteins relativity book he defines the "Postulate of Relativity", originally due to Gallileo:
- The Principle of Relativity The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to the one or the other of two systems in uniform translatory motion relative to each other
According to this, and the constancy of lightspeed various equations for spacetime transformations are developed. According to these a man running (at something like 99.999% the speed of light) while carrying a 20 meter bar may run though a 10 meter barn, have both doors shut then opened quickly (according to the barn doors reference frame) then run outside. This paradox is resolved by realizing that simultaneity is relative, according to the runner the doors were shut at different times. There is no contradiction in this, as unintuitive as it may be.
But I ask you to consider a heated bar, glowing white hot as he begins to run: What color will it be as he enters the barn? According to the running it may be yellow hot as he enters and red hot as he leaves. From the reference frame of the barn door,
the bar will be red hot at one end and yellow at the other. This violates the consequence of the heat equation earlier mentioned, a physical law. Thus The Principle of Relativity is contradicted. By this Gedankenexperiment we conclude that relativity is false.