I didn't like the idea of the tin foil hat. Well, I liked the idea, just not the mechanics.
Care to elaborate?
I'm not sure if it would work (would be fair), but what do you think about the TFH choices always being revealed by the oracle during the narration for everyone to see. That way it would aviod the faggotry of what Skeleton did, and since they are supposed to be public anyhow....
To be honest, I think the problem was that it was Skeleton. Anyone else will be fine. I don't want everyone to be able to see the results, because then everyone can input on the results without the tfh having to reveal himself, which would basically defeat the purpose.
Also, to make it even more cryptic than it already was, I was thinking the drunk would guess only names, and I would randomly generate a role for each of them except the randomly chosen correct one. This would be in contrast to guessing a player and a role and having a yes or a no given (as I assume it was done with the tfh in this game).