• 5 Replies

Ryan Onessence

  • 325
  • All and neither; make of it what you will

It will apply as much here as it does there regarding what I have to share.
In short It highlights the nature of information overload and the implications of the topics that will be covered.
Some information is highly spiritual/immaterially oriented in conjecture i.e. not to be delved into by those with a rigid mind set as it can cause mental problems. 

As this thread is diverse in the topics pertinent to it, I will post the various subjects covered in the relevant discussion boards and they will be woven back here as a tapestry.

It is highly advocated that for the sanctity of ones psyche, they at least contend with this brief version of the disclaimer:

bear in mind this information contains sensible tho diverse notions that cannot be refuted (not all need to know so as to benefit form the implications of this phenomena use the heart as a guide) what is ignorance for one is not ignorance for another however...Each is to discern what is beneficial to their awareness for themselves....but deep down all that deny themselves of things out of fear of what it may mean for them in regards of change, is known by those of which allow that ignorance to hinder...

If you are such a person that is anxious about the idea of consciousness being the fundamental cause and factor in all things created (and please understand I am not implying a vengeful god that's going to come and get you) then for your own sake forego reading this material. It is not my intention to start debate here but simply to offer what I have to share with those who already accept it on some level. When looking into in greater scope the notions become far more grandiose.

I will urge all who come across this to take note that when something is known the knowledge of it cannot be undone, even if it is a concept that cannot be proven through the rigour of conventional science but which has thought provocative implications about how and what consciousness's roll is in the way that our existence is explored with regard to the purely mental processes of thought based scientific experiments.

If this is not your cup of tea then you probably shouldn't be reading it. Given the implications of the notions presented introduce thoughts that may be uncomfortable for some to consider, then it is only responsibly wise for myself to advocate that due to the fact that the notions that are extrapolated upon are irrefutable. Then it would be best that those who don't wish to have an unwanted irrefutable concept of consciousness based reality to become part of their mental inventory, then they best stick with focusing on how they prefer to assume reality is, for the same principles that are described work in both head spaces. Only one pays direct attention where as the other utilises them passively so as to function at its optimum; implying the latter is reductionist scientific methods.

Note: A line "______" like so denotes a suggested memory retention/rest point, to avoid Info Overload...always go with your own impulses however.



This was the best simplified answer harvested online that best reflects the reasoning and purpose that this anomaly of quantum physics has within the articulation of the Omniverse Cosmology.


"This is the fundamental question in quantum physics (and the most overlooked ).
it is the quintessential question of what came first the chicken or the egg ?

Here is why:

1. All measurements require a conscious observer.

2. To explain consciousness, science breaks it down to the interplay of smaller and smaller units ( neurons, molecules, atoms, quarks, photons, electrons, etc. )

3. the existence and state of these discrete elements is dependent on quantum theory which requires a conscious observer to collapse the equation.

4. the conscious observer or "consciousness" remains unexplained (i.e "the black box ".)

Since consciousness is unexplained by physical theory but remains present in our understanding of physical theory, it is the mother of all things ( even the unconscious since it cannot generate the "conscious" )
The measurement problem is resolved by unifying the observer and observed into a single system that is not compatible with traditional reductionist science ( breaking things down to understand them ).
The unification is achieved by understanding there is only a universal consciousness that we are a part of. ( GOD ).

The measurement problem cannot be resolved by quantum theory becauase it is a metaphysical issue ( and unrelated to the success of quantum theory as science in its own right ).
What it does reveal is the deep mystery surrounding our existence and purpose in this universe.

If you ask me, there is only the "consciousness"...... it is always there and never dies even if the universe dies..... since we create our universes........
There are some great books out there.....
Try "the end of science" by john horgan."

Authored by the user Fullbony on Yahoo answers.


As of 24/02/11 it has been announced by the International Science Grid that NASA has a mathematician Grigor Aslanyan, a doctoral student at the University of California at San Diego who is solving data that suggests the universe is a torus - see Grigor Aslanyan: Universal Torus.

It is believed the Torus' dimensions could be of 3 different types.

a. Infinite in 1 dimension and finite in 2.
b. the vice of a
c. finite in all 3

I feel that these arrangements of a Torus' 3 dimensions could be a hint that there are 3 different cosmic codes of creation.
i.e. Copernican (convex earth), Ancient/instinctual (flat earth) & Geocosm (concave earth - see the Concave Earth Hypothesis )

What if Quantum physics has more or less unveiled to some extent that our beliefs and perceptions of the world are what determine our reality. Would that mean they also determine which Torus code of the cosmos oneself is in?

Perhaps people are only capable of perceiving and therefore believing anything that is a possibility to begin with.

For sure everyone's fundamental perception of reality is more or less the same, but what is being addressed here is ones internal perception i.e. the Copernican world view instils a feeling of vastness associated with convex RE perception.
The stars really have no innate ability to evoke the assumption that they are inconceivable distances away. They look small/close however ones beliefs cause the internally felt perception to compute a sense of expansion, that they are really far away. Its like looking down on ants and pretending that they are people, as most children do at some point... So people take on board the unquestioned conviction that stars are far away, thus they feel expanded when they view them.

The same goes for the horizon line, most people have the conviction that the earth is convex so they believe it curves beyond the horizon. Thus there is a sense of roundness to the earth extending beyond their threshold of perception i.e. their internally perceived orientation.

If you entertain alternate cosmos's/timelines and universes etc and Infinite combinations of all possibilities that are possible.
Then the same continuum of events exists in all three models of reality...

The conundrum is that when scientific "proof" of one version of reality is confirmed that it tends to warp peoples assumptions of reality in a biased manner.
The FE perception is the oldest perception of the world and has the highest residual imprint in the Akasha (the cosmic records: space is like a field of information of all that is possible and all that is experienced)... 
This is why in some places the scientific data doesn't fit the model because some areas have higher frequencies of residual consciousness and perception from the ancient past and so the reality codes warp when one enters these zones....

The Tamarack Mines mystery is a good example....although if you try hard enough to find an alternative answer you will. But the very fact that the plumb bobs lowered into the mine shafts behaved in a manner contrary to expectation lends to the idea that belief attunes reality. (expectation being key in narrowing  perception in on one set of reality codes) expectations are like beliefs, and beliefs have been proven to be more powerful than thoughts alone as they are combinations of feelings and logical or illogical thoughts.

Experiments have shown the human EMF is 500 times stronger around the heart than it is around the head.
The following paragraph is an excerpt from: The Heart, Mind and Spirit by Professor Mohamed Omar Salem The Heart, Mind and Spirit

The heart’s magnetic field:
 Research has also revealed that the heart communicates information to the brain and throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions. The heart generates the body’s  most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. The heart’s magnetic component is about 500 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body.
It was proposed that, this  heart field acts as a carrier wave for information that provides a global synchronizing signal for the entire body
(McCraty, Bradley & Tomasino, 2004)

Now take into account that the Korshens of Cyrus Teed's religion were avid believers of the concave earth hypothesis at the time of the Tamarak Mines mystery i.e. oddly enough plumb bobs hanging down two shafts diverged away from one another, instead of converging, which would be the expectation considering the earth's assumed convexity.
This mystery puzzled modern science then, almost as much as it still does now, with very few credible reasons for it in the convex model.
However this mystery supports the concave hypothesis and warps the reality codes when people visit there as a strong residuation of the Korshens beliefs intermingled with the resistant (resistance reinforces whatever it is in focus of) and baffled vibes of scientists whom investigated the phenomenon, some today still think its a hoax, until they get hold of the real papers proving it happened, for it is too bizarre and contrary to expectation.

The following Is a Chronologic Index of How to best integrate this Overtly Esoteric body of Information

Religion /Science an Overview

Esoteric (internal/metaphysical) Science / Exoteric (reductionist) Science

The Quantum Measurement Problen

The Ancient Greek Concept of "Nous" (source)

Edward Leedskalnin - Magnetic Current

Imploversial Physics

The Concave Earth Hypothesis
Tetra Dimensional Torus (TDT) FE Model

Glossary of Phrases & Acronyms (they are defined in the original thread):


Astral Plain (AP)
Baseline Physical Realm (BPR)
Celstial Soul (CS)
Convergence Point (CP)
Hierarchy of Realms (HoR)
Highest Astral Realms (HAR)
Imploversial Physics (IP)
Infinite Paradise Continuum (IPC)
Lower Astral Realms (LAR)
The Thrice-fold Macro-Quantum Factor (3-MQF)
objective zone (OZ)
Tangent of Unlimited Awareness (TUA)
Tangent of Limited Awareness (TLA)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 09:51:35 PM by Ryan Onessence »

Knowledge gained via academic means and intelligence are not mutually inclusive. Those who assume authority and superiority over conventionally uneducated persons would be wiser to keep this in mind.



  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 11803
Re: The Esoteric Science and Philosophy of Existenzion
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 02:52:31 PM »

This is a link to the Psychological Disclaimer of my ning website. It will apply as much here as it does there regarding what I have to share.
God is real.                                


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Ryan Onessence

  • 325
  • All and neither; make of it what you will
Re: The Esoteric Science and Philosophy of Existenzion
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2011, 08:28:23 PM »

As of 24/02/11 it has been announced by the International Science Grid that NASA has a mathematician Grigor Aslanyan, a doctoral student at the University of California at San Diego who is solving data that suggests the universe is a torus - see Grigor Aslanyan: Universal Torus.

It is believed the Torus' dimensions could be of 3 different types.

a. Infinite in 1 dimension and finite in 2.
b. the vice of a
c. finite in all 3

I feel that these arrangements of a Torus' 3 dimensions could be a hint that there are 3 different cosmic codes of creation.
i.e. Copernican (convex earth), Ancient/instinctual (flat earth) & Geocosm (concave earth - see the Concave Earth Hypothesis )

What if Quantum physics has more or less unveiled to some extent that our beliefs and perceptions of the world are what determine our reality...(see - The Quantum Measurement problem for a more insightful layman's grasp regarding this conundrum)

Would that mean they also determine which Torus code of the cosmos oneself is in?

Perhaps people are only capable of perceiving and therefore believing anything that is a possibility to begin with.

For sure everyone's fundamental perception of reality is more or less the same, but what is being addressed here is ones internal perception i.e. the Copernican world view instils a feeling of vastness associated with convex RE perception.
The stars really have no innate ability to evoke the assumption that they are inconceivable distances away. They look small/close however ones beliefs cause the internally felt perception to compute a sense of expansion, that they are really far away. Its like looking down on ants and pretending that they are people, as most children do at some point... So people take on board the unquestioned conviction that stars are far away, thus they feel expanded when they view them.

The same goes for the horizon line, most people have the conviction that the earth is convex so they believe it curves beyond the horizon. Thus there is a sense of roundness to the earth extending beyond their threshold of perception i.e. their internally perceived orientation.

If you entertain alternate cosmos's/timelines and universes etc and Infinite combinations of all possibilities that are possible.
Then the same continuum of events exists in all three models of reality...

The conundrum is that when scientific "proof" of one version of reality is confirmed that it tends to warp peoples assumptions of reality in a biased manner.
The FE perception is the oldest perception of the world and has the highest residual imprint in the Akasha (the cosmic records: space is like a field of information of all that is possible and all that is experienced)... 
This is why in some places the scientific data doesn't fit the model because some areas have higher frequencies of residual consciousness and perception from the ancient past and so the reality codes warp when one enters these zones....

The Tamarack Mines mystery is a good example....although if you try hard enough to find an alternative answer you will. But the very fact that the plumb bobs lowered into the mine shafts behaved in a manner contrary to expectation lends to the idea that belief attunes reality. (expectation being key in narrowing  perception in on one set of reality codes) expectations are like beliefs, and beliefs have been proven to be more powerful than thoughts alone as they are combinations of feelings and logical or illogical thoughts.

Experiments have shown the human EMF is 500 times stronger around the heart than it is around the head.
The following paragraph is an excerpt from: The Heart, Mind and Spirit by Professor Mohamed Omar Salem The Heart, Mind and Spirit

The heart’s magnetic field:
 Research has also revealed that the heart communicates information to the brain and throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions. The heart generates the body’s  most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. The heart’s magnetic component is about 500 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body.
It was proposed that, this  heart field acts as a carrier wave for information that provides a global synchronizing signal for the entire body
(McCraty, Bradley & Tomasino, 2004)

Now take into account that the Korshens of Cyrus Teed's religion were avid believers of the concave earth hypothesis at the time of the Tamarak Mines mystery i.e. oddly enough plumb bobs hanging down two shafts diverged away from one another, instead of converging, which would be the expectation considering the earth's assumed convexity.
This mystery puzzled modern science then, almost as much as it still does now, with very few credible reasons for it in the convex model.
However this mystery supports the concave hypothesis and warps the reality codes when people visit there as a strong residuation of the Korshens beliefs intermingled with the resistant (resistance reinforces whatever it is in focus of) and baffled vibes of scientists whom investigated the phenomenon, some today still think its a hoax, until they get hold of the real papers proving it happened, for it is too bizarre and contrary to expectation.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 01:04:33 AM by Ryan Onessence »

Knowledge gained via academic means and intelligence are not mutually inclusive. Those who assume authority and superiority over conventionally uneducated persons would be wiser to keep this in mind.


Mrs. Peach

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Re: The Esoteric Science and Philosophy of Existenzion
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 08:56:27 PM »
Very interesting.  Thanks.  :)


Ryan Onessence

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  • All and neither; make of it what you will
Re: The Esoteric Science and Philosophy of Existenzion
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2011, 12:31:29 AM »
Very interesting.  Thanks.  :)

Your Welcome. :)

Knowledge gained via academic means and intelligence are not mutually inclusive. Those who assume authority and superiority over conventionally uneducated persons would be wiser to keep this in mind.