Results of my study

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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #180 on: April 16, 2016, 09:36:02 PM »
Doth the hand of the future restus upon no thought.

I have not understood the everlasting growth of thought less ideas.

Foruth it will be.  Is it not the knowledge that binds the fabric of the thought of the world.

Thus the past will mend the force of the future under the palm oak of the tree.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #181 on: April 16, 2016, 10:04:12 PM »
Basic Mathematics and the Taint of Failure

   Early life. 
   The new born child is in a world of wonder.  What is the world that he has been born into.  Such wonder and awe.  There are no rules, no regiment.  The child is free to explore his environment.  Taste, sound, touch.  These are the creative motivations for early ponder.  The innocence is quickly extinguished by the corporate and institutional agenda of the world to which he or she is born into.

   The travesty of the sterile world takes its place upon the mind of the child.  From the steady din of the cold world, to the manufactured existence that is forced, the child is quickly put into a system where free thought is stifled and obedience to a higher vapor is encouraged.  Such examples of these vile instruments can be found on the pages of a child toy store or clothing store. 

   As I have demonstrated in early works, the example of “1+1” The child is quickly forced to understand this concept.  It is taught not on a blackboard with chalk, but, is, reinforced with the simplest of materials.  The wood play blocks that have been inscribed with simple mathematical formulas and symbols.  These wood blocks are as simple as the number “1” and the number “2” and so fourth.  There are also division and addition symbols.  There can be no independent thought at this point.  The child has been forced upon a system that will grip him or her for the rest of their childhood and most likely for their natural life.

                           What would a world look like if such ideas were not forced? 
                           What scientific advancements would have been created?
                           What future may we have?
                           What wonder there may have been in this world?

We live in a system that has been manufactured by unknown forces.  There is no free thought to be had.  This dis service to our planet and our lives is profound.

I will be continuing this study into the future.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #182 on: June 24, 2016, 03:32:48 PM »
True about the spoiled wonders of early life, Brother bullhorn.   

I recall my first birthday. How I was mesmerized by a single candle burning amongst the gathering of giants. The flame represented so much that was new in the moment. I was transfixed by its power.

Due to limited Earth time, however, I was not able to express my feelings about the flame power through speech....but, I recall the moment when the giants blew out the candle! they erupted into joyous laughter at such activity.

I was confused by their actions producing a frown, not a smile for the picture taken with a flameless confection before me.   

Very happy to hear news of the study moving forward!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 03:35:04 PM by gotham »



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #183 on: September 03, 2016, 03:37:32 PM »
The Horn at the Gate

Oh how mighty was the horn, how it thrusts and cowl
The string of passion force the flame of Power.

How does the first
How does the second
How does the third
How does the fourth
How does the fifth
How does the sixth
How does the zero place the grinds of the earth

For isuth the path alowe



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #184 on: February 18, 2017, 05:53:59 PM »
Truth has saturated the earth. A new age has sorouth fromuth the earth.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #185 on: February 19, 2017, 05:49:03 AM »
Brother bullhorn, received within days of your update was a communicated nudge of forthcoming study revelation. Amazing, just Amazing update...



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #186 on: April 22, 2017, 07:28:42 AM »
Black as the coal the rain of truth will flame the lake.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #187 on: July 03, 2017, 02:43:28 PM »
Brother bullhorn, I believe since the summer of the V'th year looking back that you had a break from your university duties allowing in-depth focus on The Study.

May you have the luxury of such this summer to enrich us all with the outcome...




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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #188 on: October 03, 2017, 02:09:57 PM »
Brother Gotham,

It is good to hear the words that pro understand fromuth your mouth.  Words themselves have proven to be that in which the understanding bears not the fruit of the truth.

We have begun to live in a society that has claimed the very notion of truth and spread it across the vast vile plane of existence. 

Is it not that the bird chirps
Is it not that the whale humms
Is it not that the sky is blue
Is it not that the dog barks
Is it not that the wind roars
Is it not that the chime will chime
Is it not that the scholar will read
Is it not that the ocean is composed of water

These things are known truths, these truths are known because they can be witnessed.

Alas, other things that we claim are not witnessed.

Look to the great scholars and thinkings that have left this earth.  Have they not thought the truth of the world.

How do we know this
How do we understand this

In time one will find the answer to these questions.

I have over the last 10 years taught my mind to understand these vulgarities.  It is in time that it will be unfurled and understood.

Good Evening,


Good Night



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #189 on: October 03, 2017, 08:41:31 PM »
One of my good friends the scholar of the sea has passed on.

I have rekindled the old passage I wrote upon him.

Please Enjoy in his good name.

One of my colleagues, a man of the sea and true Bargemaster, were discussing the methods of past travel and navigation upon the sea.  Both of us thoroughly disgusted by the sailors of new, and their constant reliance and dependence on satellite navigation.   In thought of this I took to his attention the old navigation device called The Chip Log, it allows you to estimate your speed of travel.  For those to whom are negligent with your studies of the past, I will do my best to rekindle your thoughts.

   The Chip Log works on the idea that if you put a large piece of wood upon the sea, you can chart your course of travel and the given knots.  By doing so you may calculate your movement upon the sea, and to estimate your time of arrival.  By close examination of the fallen wood tree you may hath find your current speed.  Although a trained seafaring captain can use this without fail, there was a need to improve it for the junior and less competent.  A rope was tied to its mass, and with upon it knots (this is the origin of the speed measurement Knot) were tied at intervals, by calculating its passing from the fairlead to the bow, it was able to provide a precise measurement, but, much less than the skilled and honoured Capitan, but, solid enough for the jesters of old.   It has been said that the sailors of the past were true to their craft, and the boatmen of today are reliant on computers and are scabs to the coin, unable to navigate much less than a fool.

             I would like to add that Brother James has recommended reading Problems with Philosophy by Bertrand Russell.  I have been reading this book for over two years now, I find this to be beneficial to anyone here trying to understand their life.  Most important the chapter titled Truth and Falsehood.  I would recommend this book here to most of the people who care of the world in which we live.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #190 on: October 05, 2017, 02:50:59 PM »
Brother bullhorn, very sorry to hear of your friend's passing.

I shall show my respects to him this evening.  I have a  dark blue sapphire stone that is the color of the deep sea. When a candle is lit and set by the stone, the reflection on the wall resembles waves whipped up by powers of the ocean. When the candlelight escapes through the window it makes its way out to the sea arriving in ways only some understand. 

Living by the ocean, I hear the waves meeting the shore in the quiet of the evening.

To honor your friend the candle will be lit, the stone will emit sealight, the light will meet the sound above the waves that your friend knows so well.

I wish you peace.     
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 02:56:42 PM by gotham »



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #191 on: October 06, 2017, 07:22:14 PM »
Brother Gotham,

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate deeply the caring actions you have done.

I have, for this occasion composed a Poem for the time.

The Sea and the Shore

The waves they make a sound
The water may it sway
The Gull by the bay
See it make way
The dawn it will see
The night it will sleep
May the dawn of the ocean
Bring a tide of one tear
The ship of the stars
May it guide your way



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #192 on: November 11, 2017, 03:48:32 PM »
Oh what a comfort it is, Brother bullhorn, to know you are deciphering the basis of truth within society as you advance The Study. You have displayed the patience and persistence necessary to unravel the mystery of why so many people have lost the capacity for individuality of thought, reason and action.

Let no one or no thing stand in the way of your progress...   



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #193 on: March 29, 2018, 12:30:04 PM »
Indeed the time has come.

When the moon will dance on the sea.

I will precede the study with a song.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #194 on: April 07, 2018, 08:33:41 PM »
Be it not

Shall the night hath begun
Is the past want not of the knowingly past.

One must gaze upon the shallows of the undone truth and focus ones thoughts on its beginnings and, its endings.

Thus it is thrust before the gallows of sorrow as the aqua sun lays its mind before as vigorously thy looks to the den of a seagull.

Where hath the hull birth when the thirst of time hasuth not undone its quest for the feathered flock.

The seal of the is a crest of the wine.

Listen to rehearsal of ones clock and listen to the tick from its stock.

Feather time and focus your mind in the nature of viscous water.

Bold Mind begotten

For the study shall be a continuation of the night full gull.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2018, 04:33:27 PM »

The Path and texture of the study

now understood so very well.

The wait for a primer made less worrisome.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #196 on: April 13, 2018, 08:35:15 PM »
The Perpetual Machine of Reality

To whom was the start of this function.

There can be no answer as to this question.  Why has it been built.  Why do certain things occur.  Why was it built

These are questions that have no answer.  One may ask the question why a certain organization exists, or, why this obelisk exist.  The answer is that no one knows the reason.  Each individual, each person reading this document is responsible for its existence. 

If you are a worker in a store, you produce the items for sale.  These items are used to fund the needs of other workers working on a project with no guide, with no endgame.  A perpetual public work project or idea that exists. 

The object in question is being built, however this object has no function.  Its purpose is unknown.  No individual knows of its purpose.  The object is created through many individual parts produced by many individual persons.

Many scholars have attempted to find out its meaning and many have failed.  How can one know the meaning of it when they are part of the machine.

Secondary to the needs of understanding Is the cause of the minds action in this sense. 

As the mind procures the way forward on must lookuth to the past for the guidance that will never arrive. 

The intention of this dossier is to subject ones thoughts into guidance and not to follow the path that has not been formed by the gatekeeper of the mind.

It is without the second sense of the word of truth Is one to be left with no vision.  Please allow the elaboration of the mind to produce the favor with a village.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #197 on: May 11, 2018, 02:24:46 PM »
To eschew contradiction in the mind is the now boon of the philosopher and one can only strive to achieve such a state.

Reality turning to mulch for those that do not track advancement of the Study and rewards for those that do.   



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #198 on: July 30, 2018, 09:42:13 PM »
The corrective actions

In time the knowledge will begin anew.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #199 on: August 19, 2018, 05:53:45 AM »
It is then "to be".

Barrels of doubt will rain down landing with a thud as non-knowers become aware. 

Good, better, and best.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #200 on: October 04, 2018, 11:26:33 PM »
The last thoughts of Pierre Le Pesant

I Write these words in the minds eye of the great Pierre Le Pesant.

This narrative is of his thoughts and his mental stature. He should be honoured in the timeless study that will livuth

Forgetuth the Fruits that havuth lay upon the Earth

Creating moon with the favour of a past dawn. Heeth the words thatuth hath spavvn anew.

Forecast has but no rain on the desert blanket.

Where hath the stock of corn but beneath a summers breatuth.

Yearning for the last thought before the pesant last.

The economy of thought. This is how the people’s of whom society has entrusted with the keys to the perverbial gates.

No person should have to endure the process without having two keys to turn. Two vices to fetch in the question of life.

Slow the box containing his thoughts to emanate a glow from its hinges.

We can only ask and seek what we have never yearned.  Looking back and the devoted farmer as he tends to his flock and gander. The stretching dawn has but a brush to the green glades that so ever swamp the mind and it’s past thought.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #201 on: October 08, 2018, 10:32:55 PM »
It has been said, and it has been written that there are many questions that have not been answered regarding the life of a Knot

There are stories of this bird living in costal areas and sparsely vegetated areas.

Ornithological records dating back thousands of years have dated this birds independance.

The reason that this majestic bird has been revered in the fashion as it has is primarily due to its structure.

I have spent many years looking at the bird in its natural habitat. I have concluded that birds of a similar variety will be featured in upcoming studies.

These birds are dominant players it the search for truth in the flame of isolation. 



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #202 on: October 09, 2018, 09:29:48 PM »
Corn, Rice, Grain and Water

These crops and staples were once the only diet that most of the great thinkers consumed.

It is no wonder that there are no grand thinkers in this society.  A simple diet of these sustaining products is all one should consume.

I have pondered where the processed food of today’s society was not available to the thought masters of yesterday.  One may say that it is simple. One may say that agricultural sciences had not degraded to the provisions of today.  Others, may in fact say that simple food is not provided due to regulatory issues.

I believe that the oppression of the farmer has contributed to his demise.  The farmer, once revered as a patriarchal figure has been insulted and degraded. The once stoic brand is now that of an unkempt and unwashed dog. This is no accident.

From raw financial deals and supports and lack of medication for the 23 hour days to the removal of the farm act.

Whom is responsible for the disgusting display of isolationism. One can say that the feed manufacturer is responsible, others could say the mechanical contractor were made unavailable for technical support.

The farmer was once allowed to collect raw water for his crops. Now, these crops are under regulatory jurisdiction. Different dates for inspection have rendered the farmer unable to tend to his flock.

Looking at all of these concerns I will be devoting several hours to address theses concerns.

Future posts and documentation will examine positive pieces of agricultural equipment and how they could serve other purposes.

The next Study contribution will be on the history of the common shovel.



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #203 on: October 15, 2018, 12:58:55 PM »
No living being exists simply to be a spectacle or to perform tricks for human entertainment, yet all circuses and traveling shows that use animals treat them as mere props, denying them everything that's natural and important to them.




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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #204 on: November 10, 2018, 02:44:33 PM »
You've touched on the cradle of it all and the study is destined to reveal important truths.

We realize the efforts are daunting and also appreciated. 

The pathway riddled with attempted misdirection you've seen, understood...and avoided.   

To the glory of the knot, the farmer and the shovel.   



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #205 on: December 18, 2018, 02:50:35 PM »

The signature of the past has an age of declining declarations. 



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #206 on: December 24, 2018, 07:10:46 AM »
Alliance of an Alloy

Where doth the periodic table of elements exist in nature.

Upon inspection and visual examination of the natural environment, no evidence of this table can be found.

There is no place in nature where the elements are laid out in a fashion similar to this pseudoscience document of filth and vulgarity.

If we are to believe that this table will hold the keys to truth in science then we have to examine the four pillars that hold the weight of the table.

In the next few dissertations I will examine each leg of the table and how nature itself bears little to no resemblance to the stain on the table.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 07:18:24 AM by bullhorn »



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #207 on: December 28, 2018, 07:24:30 PM »
Agricultural Instruments

Beyond the seed of the crop has but a lay to the cornerstone of the lost vision the once honoured harvester.

The introduction of the rake as a gift to the horticultural engine of progress.

Upon what genius did one come to the conclusion that the introduction of a long stem attached to the prongs would make an ease of use.

There is no question that the addition of a handle to the rake itself has improved efficiency to the farmer.

The farmer has been taken from his knees to the standing position with this simple addition.

This leads into the greater question that we all must rekon.

Is there a simple solution to the complex problems that lay before mankind of today.

What simple addition will bring luminous thought to the designers of every day instruments.

I have been bringing these topics to light to help usher a new design to yesterday’s vision.

I am reminded of a poem I hath thought of under a meditative stance

The Carpenter

Bring us your wood
Bring us your easel
Allow us the Chance
To clean your chisel

Visions are lost
In the dust of the wood

Visions are found
On the Chalk



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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #208 on: January 03, 2019, 09:03:59 PM »
I have thought some Poetry would bring enlightenment to the Scientific Method in to that of is studied.

The Midnight Harvest

Doth is the way of the day
The Horse shall chime 29 times
The Sea of Flow

Version of a past
Shall one speak of noth

Bridge light speak it tough fear

Crest the solace of forever
The guardian of forever
Hinge of no engine. 



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Results of my study
« Reply #209 on: January 05, 2019, 10:31:00 PM »
Bird And Man

It was very recently that I was walking through the glade, when, upon a chance I was greeted with a sound of that I did not understand.


This was not a sound that a man hath make. This sound was that of a Mew Gull.

For those unfamiliar with this specimen, this is a type of bird.

The bird has several calls, this is something that I have come to understand based on several factors and deductions.

To give some background to the walk I was on and the particular instance to that of the encounter.

It was early morning, between 5:00 and 5:30. (My understanding after researching several ornithological papers) is that the Common Gull will make loud bellicose vocalizations.

In my attempt to understand it’s call, I consulted several ornithologists to deduce a meaning.


No such meaning could be understood given the many differences our two species share. Although there are common similarities, the differences are vast and stark.

Will there come a day when human kind will hear the calls of the animals.

Will there come a time when the cry’s through the slaughterhouse are heeded with compassion and care.

Will mankind ever show compassion for an animal crying in pain?

« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 10:35:56 PM by bullhorn »