Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise

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Re: Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise
« Reply #240 on: February 18, 2023, 07:06:12 AM »
Secret command encrypted.

Has been sent at 16.53

(1+6).(5+3) = 7.8

They are not doing it secret, they are doing it openly.

You know what means happy friday? It referres black friday and actually it is a message includes bombing. Happy friday is a known direct bombing code!
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NATO bombing Türkiye!
« Reply #241 on: February 18, 2023, 09:52:35 AM »
It seems that NATO, which wanted to bomb and punish Turkey, carried out the bombing underground and despicably since Turkey is a member of NATO. But the Turkish people will not forget this.

We have to give these twin earthquakes a name, a perfectly fitting name. Name determined by NATO:


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NATO Haarp Artificial Earthquake in Turkey!
« Reply #242 on: February 19, 2023, 10:23:42 PM »
A site's security camera in Diyarbakır recorded the descent of the igniter to the earth 17 seconds before the earthquake and the gas explosion that followed. The earthquake occurred 17 seconds after the gas explosions.

Currently, a quarter of the Turkish public is focused on this issue. Everyone will be talking about this in a few days. There is already HAARP technology, but it looks like a simpler technology. If you blow up the underground gas field, the cities above it will be destroyed. This danger exists everywhere. This can happen in the USA, Russia, Germany, the UK and other countries as well. The important thing is that a will that has not had its share of humanity can decide such an inhuman massacre. Or a sense of revenge. The 200,000 innocent people who died there did not harm anyone.
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NATO's Artificial Earthquake in Turkey!
« Reply #243 on: February 23, 2023, 05:14:27 AM »
Gas explosions can occur during earthquakes and this is normal. Because during an earthquake, underground gas sources come out of the crevices and it is very easy to explode in the first oxygen-filled environment they encounter. Therefore, gas explosions are a natural consequence of earthquakes. However, the situation that makes them the subject of this artificial earthquake is that intense gas explosions occur 17 seconds before the earthquake. In other words, gas explosions are not the result of this earthquake. When we investigate the epicenter of the earthquake and the most damaged areas, we see that:

The city that suffered the most damage in the earthquake is not Kahramanmaraş, which is the epicenter of the earthquake, not Gaziantep, which is the second closest city, but Hatay, which is 200 kilometers away from the earthquake's center.

If we think of intense gas explosions as a cause, not a result, the stones fall into place. Gas explosions started from Kahramanmaraş and continued until Hatay, which is the end of the underground gas resources, and gathered in the farthest province, causing the strongest effect in Hatay, which is like a kind of exit chimney. In short, this event is not an earthquake, but a series of explosions of underground gases.

In the photo we see NATO's weekend message before the earthquake. The visual they chose is Turkish F16s and it is meaningful.

The fact that Ambassadors of NATO member countries left the country before the earthquake proves that they were warned. But they didn't know what would happen.

It's easy to kill people. The hard thing is to keep people alive. Once people start killing each other, it is difficult to stop, because this time some of them start to act out of a vengeance. Oh, let me tell you, Turks are a very serious nation about revenge and I don't think they will forget this incident.

We will soon see what this event will cost for NATO.
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« Reply #244 on: March 16, 2023, 06:20:37 AM »

Today, I want to write what comes to my mind freely without being tied to a specific concept.

Much has been said about the origin of 911. But none were as realistic as this one.

The historic Jesuit ring symbolizes 911. So we owe all this evil to the Jesuits? Is it because they are a cult that they slaughter people so cruelly? It seems mind-blowing. We've seen more dangerous cults than this. But we experience how dangerous it can be if a cult determines the general policy of the world by living through problems such as wars, covid, animal slaughter, chemtrails. It is obvious that they are waging a holy war for themselves against people who are not their own. Okay.

Elon Musk works on the topic of Singularity from time to time these days, keeping it on the agenda. However, he misunderstood the subject of singularity. It is obvious that the google version of the Singularity idea represented by a terminator is not for the benefit of humanity. Actually Singularity was a good idea, the world itself, but if you google it you'll read a childish, robotic description and it's just for manipulation. You, me, us, God, the devil, goodness, evil, etc., are all one and the same in the idea of ​​singularity. And this concept has nothing to do with Singularity as Elon Musk understands it.

There are electric vehicles in San Francisco in 1906. Did these people really manufacture these tools?

Escalators became common after the 2000s. That is about 100 years after it was used in Paris. So what is the source of the disconnect here?

There is an anomaly here. Because electric vehicles and walking roads are not the only problems.

Was the Kremlin built in 1849? Which 1849?

Selimiye Mosque was built in 1575. It is healthy and visually beautiful as if it was built last year.

Was Mimar Sinan a genius? Or was the architectural technique of that period that advanced?

The Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmet Mosque, was built by another architect in the 17th century.

In order to construct the nested domes of this mosque, it is necessary to solve the 7th degree integral. But in today's universities, the solution of the 3-fold integral is taught at most. So what technology did these people use to build these buildings? And still standing. There is a heating system under this mosque. The steam of the baths in the vicinity passes through the pipes under the mosque, and thus a free heating installation has been established. In addition, the air flow inside the mosque makes it cool in summer and warm in winter. And also, polluted air accumulated in the mosque in the grooves by the windows is collected and turns into ink. What a technology?

So who built these clock towers all over the world? The Swiss craftsmen?

The strange thing is that there is nothing of virtual intelligence or computer in all this high technology. Is it because ancient civilizations saw the harms of virtual intelligence and built cities completely independent of it, but still containing high-tech?

It seems that time is not linear. There are also parallel times. We already talked about this in theory. Imagine making a circular motion that completes one revolution in time. When time completes one round and comes to the same point, there may be other pasts that are closer to it than its own past.

As we see in the figure, our past 50 years ago is not as close to us as our past 100 years ago. That is, more time passing through something does not mean that it has moved further away from us.

This time loop can be more complex, and crossovers are possible:

We may be in more than one place at the same time. And while some of these locations are tracked backwards in time, some may be starting from a certain time, such as the current location shown at the top.

Tartaria was exist, that's for sure. But there are many issues where this contradicts our classical history. So which one is correct? Oh, both are correct. Because they don't have to be a continuation of each other.

Now, while I'm thinking about all of these, I wonder what Elon Musk has done for the singularity:

Destroying one child's brain and demonizing the other is not a solution. AI alone is not a solution, it's just "stupid!"

AI is not a solution, AI is a problem that prevents this system from working like a virus. Humanity is a whole. In other words, we actually experience everything inside and as a whole. Everything outside is actually inside us. The things we experience and feel collectively exist outside.

Because globalists perceive the world as a sphere, the outside world treats them as a sphere. And because we believe the earth is flat, we perceive the earth as flat. Actually, that's not exactly what I mean, but I've simplified it for you. In other words, if a person believes that the world is a sphere, in his world, the world may indeed be spherical. Because the world is not real and what is inside us is reflected outside.

Maybe with a little more thought and meditation, we can stop AI's genocidal project and its reign. Otherwise, we are nearing the end in a world ruled by idiots like Elon.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 06:22:18 AM by wise »
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Re: Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise
« Reply #245 on: June 15, 2023, 06:33:55 AM »
A king can rule a man, A father can give life to his son.

But do not forget,

Even if those who rule you are kings,

Or even if they have as much power as a father against his son,

Your soul still remains belong to you as always it does.

When he appeared before God, "Others ordered me this"; Or, you can't say, "Being virtuous then wasn't anything expected from me at all".

This answer will not be enough for you.

Don't you forget it!
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Terror Attack in Hawai!
« Reply #246 on: August 13, 2023, 10:04:36 PM »

🚨 Locals in Maui Were Refusing To Sell Their Land To The Elites 🚨

⚠️ The Part of The Island Mainly Destroyed By The Fires Was Prime Area Right Next To Lavish Mega-Mansions ⚠️

⚠️ Now, A Lot of Those Locals Are Forced To Sell Their Land and Many Tragically Died in The Flames ⚠️

Oprah Winfrey Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Jeff Bezos Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Lady Gaga Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Bill Gates Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Morgan Freeman Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Will Smith Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine

Julia Roberts Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine



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Undefined Singularity
« Reply #247 on: September 19, 2023, 12:55:02 AM »
This week I want to talk about existence. And, of course, about mathematics being a hoax. And of course the topic is closely related to the topic of Singularity. In fact, this is another form of expression of the "unity" movement, which is a very deep-rooted philosophical movement in middle east.

The mathematics we are taught is based on comparing the concrete size of more than one thing. For example, something is greater in size or numerical value and something else is less. When describing these two as magnitudes, we attribute a larger number to one and a smaller number to the other. For example, 3 books and 1 book opposite. We know this: 3 is greater than 1. Or we compare by weight. I have 2 kilos of rice and you have 1 kilo of rice. Then I have more rice than you do.

In fact, these are illusions and this mathematical information is not universal. No matter how much you divide something, its quantity remains the same as its quality does. To give an example, let's imagine that we divide 1 kilogram of rice into equally two and transfer it to two separate containers. Now we have 2 pots of rice. And their weight is half a kilo. So, has the nature of matter changed? No. There is still rice in both. So, are their weights accurate? No. Their weight is relative. Think of it this way. Imagine a universe half the size of this. Now the amount of rice in both containers becomes one kilo. In this case, the amount of rice in both containers does not matter. All that matters is that it's brass.

According to this conclusion, the amount or number of something is not important. All that matters is what it is.

Accordingly, 1+1+1...=1.


1 = 2 = 3 = .... ∞

Zero is real and final. If something doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. If something exists, it exists and it is 1. There is no other situation.

There are two situations in terms of divinity. God gave people a very little part of his own spirit. This means two things.

1) God gave people his soul,
2) God divided and remained the same.

Therefore, man is both human and God. Moreover, everything in the universe is at the same time itself and at the same time God. Because, as I gave an example above, something does not decrease or increase by division, and its quality and quantity do not change. No matter what God creates, everything he creates becomes God like himself. Even if they do not have divine qualities in the world at that moment, every part of them is part of God and therefore is itself. There is no other possibility.

In this case, we have constructed everything that exists in this world. All the good and evil in this world are our work. Since we cannot isolate the bad people from ourselves, we need to tolerate the evil they do. Because they are actually us. Oh, we can fight evil locally, we can defeat them. Because we have divine characteristics. At this level of awareness we have powers within the system. We can destroy all evil if we want. But this destruction is not destruction in the real sense. Because everything is Divine, and once something exists, it becomes Divine and is impossible to destroy.

We need to reach a higher level of consciousness in order to deal with global evils. This article was written for this purpose. We must collectively raise our consciousness. In this case, everyone will understand that it is impossible for us to lose, because losing is out of the question for us. The result is only one and that is that we will win.
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Satan is Gabriel is, Father of Jesus
« Reply #248 on: January 11, 2024, 12:29:06 AM »
Warning! :

This issue may be unfavorable for those with an IQ of 120 and below. It can make you question your faith, or even lose it completely. If you are under 120 IQ, exit this page now. If you are not, keep read on.

Satan and/or Gabriel. According to Abrahamic sources, one is the old greatest archangel who seduced people, the other is the new highest and most beautiful archangel. He is also God's most frequent messenger when communicating with people.

So, what do these two have to do with each other and Jesus as kinship?

First, let's find a verse in the Bible where Jesus is described as the son of God.

Luke 4:41: “And demons also came out of many, crying, ‘You are the Son of God!’ But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ.”

We understand that the demons see him as the son of God. So, do demons believe in the same God as we do? Guess not. We will return to this issue.

Mark 3:11: “And whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, ‘You are the Son of God.’” 

We understand that unclear spirits (evil spirits) also see him as the son of God. So who is the God of evil spirits? Guess, Devil, right?

From this perspective, Jesus is the son of the God of evil Spirits and Demons. If this person is the Devil himself, he becomes his son.

Let's look for contacts between Satan and St Gabriel or other archangels.

Rev 12:7-9 KJV

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
We know that Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and won. Could the dragon Michael fought actually be Gabriel? Because why did Michael command the army while Gabriel, the greatest archangel exist? This is against the hierarchy among angels.

According to the Bible, Gabriel is the name of the angel who informed Mary that Jesus would be born.

According to the Quran, which supports this and takes it to a further stage, Gabriel not only informed Mary that Jesus would be born, but also breathed God's spirit into Mary.

For many years I thought this meant that God commissioned Gabriel to breathe his spirit into Mary to make pregnate her. But new and overlapping data reveal that the spirit of God is the spirit that is in Gabriel, thus making Jesus the son of Gabriel as well as the son of God.

Let me explain it to you this way. In fact, the soul is one and belongs to God. All souls are God's soul, whether it is your soul, my soul, or someone else's soul. But this does not change the fact that when you father a child, he is your child first, not God's. At least that's how we humans define it this way. Accordingly, Jesus is the son of God as well as all other human beings, and primarily the son of Archangel Gabriel.

When we combine this example with the above verses "the evil spirits said that he was the son of God", we also understand that the evil spirits saw Gabriel as God. Who was the person who claimed to be God? It was the Devil.

According to Christian clergy, who was the person who sent the Quran? He was the devil, wasn't he? There is even a trend among Muslims obsessed with the number 666, which we, the majority Muslims, strongly oppose. By doing a brief research on this subject, you can find that the leaders of Islamic countries constantly use this symbol.

According to Islam, the person who told the Quran to the prophet Muhammad is Gabriel.

According to christian clergy, the person who told the Quran to the prophet Muhammad is Satan.

You know, I accept both books as correct. The only truth that combines these two pieces of information is that Gabriel is Satan.

It turns out that Gabriel is Satan, Jesus is the son of Gabriel, that is, the devil, and he is the person who not only informed Mary that Jesus would be born, but also made her pregnant, and was also the person who told the Quran to Muhammad comes out clearly.

This situation does not make the Quran or the Bible a wrong book. However, it requires re-interpreting and reviewing the concepts with a more meticulous study. The results of this issue will be better understood with developments that may occur in the near future. At the same time, this topic will enable us to better understand many ongoing issues in the world. For example, why world leaders are bad people. Like why 666 symbolism is common in the world. Because these are evil concepts that have infiltrated the Bible and the Quran and are imposed on the world by Gabriel, that is, Satan himself. The expected archangel help never came, because the head of archangels was the devil himself.

I would like to add a supporting argument by approaching the issue from an Islamic perspective. According to the Quran, there are 4 archangels. These are Gabriel, Michael, (Israfil) Raphael and Azrael. Unlike the Bible, Azrael, the angel of death in the Quran, is one of the archangels.

The duties and performance of these archangels are as follows:

Mikail: It manages weather events. Throughout history as we know it, weather events occur constantly and the weather is constantly changing. In this case, Michael fulfills his duty regularly.

Israfil (Rafael): His duty is to inform about the doomsday hour. He has a single mission. Since the time has not yet come and he has not announced that the apocalypse is coming, we can assume that he has fulfilled his duty correctly so far.

Azrael: Since people die regularly, he fulfills his duty regularly.

Gabriel: He last read the Quran to Muhammad 1400 years ago. And since that day he has not conveyed any new book or commandment of God to any human being. It has clearly been lost for 1400 years.

Result: Saint (supposedly) Gabriel, who has not been seen for (at least) 1400 years, is among us as Satan.

Best regards.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2024, 03:22:18 AM by wise »
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Satan (Gabriel)
« Reply #249 on: January 15, 2024, 12:17:21 AM »
The Islamic equivalent of Gabriel is Cebrail.

The word Cebrail etymologically comes from the root Cebr. In both Turkish and Arabic, cebr means to obtain something by force. In this context, the name Cebrail (Gabriel) means a person who obtains something by force. This name is completely compatible with the character of a person who forces sexual intercourse  women and forces them to get pregnant.

This situation is consistent with the fact that Gabriel forces women to have intercourse, pregnates them, and then appears to their children in the form of an angel and declares them prophets. Because his children can see and hear their father because they are half human and half angel. Therefore, it is easy to reach them and convince them. In fact, he can't escape it. Because they see and hear him whether he wants it or not.

What matters to me is God's attitude at this point. Can a person be an intermediary between man and God and also rape people? Of course this is possible. Because there is no such concept as good and evil in God's sight, and He clearly created Gabriel / Satan on a balance basis. He is both an angel who does good to people and conveys God's commands to them, and a devil who rapes people and tries to destroy the human race.

Knowing the enemy correctly is half of defeating him. Thanks to this information, we now know the enemy correctly. All that's left is to defeat him. This is a difficult task for both me and you. Luck and God's help are important here.

Good luck.
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Saitan Can't Drink Water
« Reply #250 on: January 19, 2024, 05:29:43 AM »
Water Drinking Problem of Sons Of Saitan

This problem stems from the fact that we are 90% water and the devil is 90% fire. The human race was mixed with devils because the first rape was the devil's rape of Eve and then he continued his rapes with the mothers of other people and especially mother of prophets. As a result, there is fire inside a person depending on his/her kinship with the devil. Pure water in these people has the effect that fire has on us, a burning effect. For this reason, they cannot drink pure water consisting of H2O. However, they can wet their lips with it.

Remember, we use water when purifying demons. Because water burns demons. Likewise, he burns the devil's children. Although this is not a visible burn, it can damage internal organs.

They drink liquid of a different composition. This liquid does not harm their body.

As a result they cannot drink pure water. If they drink something called water, there may be something else that resembles that water, but it cannot be water. Water is harmful to them.

In this example, you see Trump trying to drink water. This may seem childish. Imagine trying to drink a bowl of burning water. It takes great courage to even touch it to your lips. People make fun of this, but I congratulate Trump for his courage.

This video claims that Biden can run and drink water. Am I the only one who noticed that the video end just as Biden was about to drink water? Of course, he put the water to his lips, just like Trump did, and there was no more.

And the next person is the leader of the universe.  ;D

Erdoğan did not drink the water brought by his close relative, the bodyguard. Then his son came and said he could drink this water. What did his son know that his relative didn't?

None of these leaders can drink water.

Mark Zukerberg tried drinking water here for the first time in his life. He only tried it and could only put it on his lips, just like Trump.

Bill Gates is drinking a liquid here and this liquid is a special liquid, not water. He never drank real water in any of his meetings.

Joe Biden spoke for an hour where Klaus Schwab was and neither of them drank any water. There wasn't even any water around, probably because they thought it wasn't necessary.

We now know a new distinguishing feature for the children of Satan from us: They cannot drink water.
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Re: Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise
« Reply #251 on: January 22, 2024, 02:03:33 AM »
20 years ago we did not know that the earth is flat,
15 years ago we had no idea about something called chemtrails,
Until 10 years ago we had never heard of ether, nor of Tesla.
We had never heard the names Soros, Schwab and WEF together until a few years ago.
Until three years ago, Tartaria was known as just an autonomous region in Russia.
We didn't learn until two years ago that rich people were kidnapping our children and drinking their blood.
Until last year, it was just a utopian idea that the devil could have his own children from human woman.
Until six months ago, the whole world could not learned how far the Zionists who rule the world could go far.
Until last year, it never crossed our minds that all sciences, including mathematics, physics, history, geography and medicine, were lies and that the nutrition and medical sectors were focused on harming human health.
We didn't know until three days ago that the devil's children could not drink water.

We are constantly learning new things. In fact, we already know, we are just starting to remember. We don't know today what we will remember tomorrow, but every little clue will lead us to a new discovery, that's what all we know.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 04:42:55 AM by wise »
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Concept of Time Division
« Reply #252 on: January 31, 2024, 02:34:34 AM »
Concept of Time Division

Time is defined as "the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future viewed as a whole." But this definition is incorrect. Is it surprising that socalled-science, which does not tell us the truth about anything, has also given false information on this subject? Now I will tell you what time is and the most important topic of time, the division of time.


Time is an imaginary concept created to help us understand the chronological order of events. It can be straight, curved, single or multiple.

Let's examine these concepts now.

According to the classical concept of time, events are ordered chronologically on a straight timeline. But this is not always the case.

This monument, located in East Turkestan in China, is known as the Orhun Monument. According to today's classical understanding of history, the monument was written in 716 after Christ. This situation coincides with the history that followed. But the past does not coincide with history. Because a great flood is mentioned in this monument, and people who came to China after this flood erected this monument. This event coincides with Noah's flood. Noah's flood took place thousands of years before this monument. So how come this monument was erected only 1300 years ago? In fact, Muhammad came before this date. But no "great flood" was reported after Muhammad. Only the concept of "curvilinear time" can explain this situation to us.

Before delving into this subject, we need to introduce the concept of intertwined time and the reason for it in order to understand the subject better.

According to Turkish history, after a great flood in the Mu continent, the continent sank and the Turks migrated to Asia around 700 years ago. If we look at the history of Tartaria, we still see Tartarian buildings in the 1750s, some of which are even used today. In terms of tartaria, this reveals that there was a Noah's flood in the 1750s in Tartaria.

So how does this situation happen? The technical explanation of the subject is that time actually has a fragile structure that can be bent and broken like energy. During Noah's flood, time was divided, more than one time was formed, and these times behaved in different ways.

Let's make the concept of time, which seems meaningless in the last graph above, meaningful with a technical drawing.

Time flowed linearly until Noah's Flood, and Noah's Flood occurred everywhere at the same time. But after the Noah's Flood, while classical history had passed 3,000 years, Tartarian history had passed 250 years, and Turkish history had passed 1250 years, all of them have survived to the present day as equal. It happens as follow:

After the cosmic destruction caused by Noah's Flood, the history of Mu advanced by 1250 years over the course of 250 years, while classical history advanced by 3000 years, and the history of Tartaria advanced by 250 years. The reason for this is that time moves in a curvilinear manner, as shown in the figure.

To give an example of this situation;

We see that the history of Tartaria is more forward than the others. The Tartarian civilization developed faster than others and they founded the most advanced cities.

Turkish history follows a straighter line compared to world history. It is behind the history of Tartaria, but ahead of the history of Western Europe. As a result, starting from 750, the Turks and the Mongols, another nation coming from Mu, invaded Europe. When the Mongols invaded Europe, they used grenades and multiple-rocket launchers. This is almost the technology today. In those years, bows and arrows were used in Europe.

However, as the years passed, the progress of time became equal due to the friction between dates.

Today, history overlaps with each other. The reason for this is that the dates are getting closer to each other due to the friction between regions with the developing communication opportunities.

As we see in the figure, today all dates have become regular and parallel to each other. Dates that may be incompatible with these dates can only exist in civilizations that are undeveloped or hidden, to which technology has not reached.

For example, if you see a tribe in the Amazon jungle that has never met anyone before, and that tribe has a written history, you can read a history that shows a different date for Noah's flood. This tribe's recent history may also be different, as there will soon be large differences between their own time and the time known in the rest of the world. For example, in the history of this tribe, the Second World War may have occurred not 70 years ago, but 10, 50 or 500 years ago. And the history of this nation is completely consistent within itself.

This ability of time to flow quickly or slowly, to be divided and united, can bring up many different issues.

To give an example, the concept of time travel in this concept:

Time Travel Concept (With Complex Time Concept)

Events that occur on Earth, such as Noah's flood, that can affect the Earth's magnetic field, cause time to flow fast, flow slowly, divide and allow creatures time travel.  In this concept, time travel is as follows. In fact, as we know from the Kozirov experiment, time can be bent in a magnetic field. This bending of time will be used in the method to be used here.

The current situation: Turkish time overlaps with European history today. Today, all over the world, in all places where time is integrated with the world, the year is 2024. However, while the date was 1700 in the Tartarian civilization, Turkish history was 1600. When the date of Tartaria is 1400, Turkish history shows 1200. As I mentioned above, the history of Tartaria is not that old and Noah's Flood occurred in the 1750s. However, we will use this narrative method on time travel to simplify the subject. Now let's think about someone living here in Turkey in 1200. And suddenly he decides to travel to the country of Tartaria.

The person in this situation has moved forward 200 years in the history of Tartaria and suddenly finds himself in the year 1400.

At the end of the travel of the person in the graphic, he went 200 years forward in time. Since time has become parallel in the known worlds today, it is not easy to travel through time with this method.

However, when you go to a place where there is an undeveloped civilization, you feel like you have traveled back in time. Indeed it is.
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Re: Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise
« Reply #253 on: February 01, 2024, 02:25:16 AM »
If there is Magnetic declination on the map in different parts of the world, then there must be a difference between true north and magnetic north. This true north has been defined as the north calculated from the movement of the sun. Now, in the example below, the KGB agent doing the experiment shows simply how to calculate the direction of North, taking into account the movement of the sun. Please note that this calculated value is based entirely on the movement of the sun. The Sun moves from East to West. Wherever you are, the sun always moves from east to west. The direction perpendicular to this is north. Watch the video.

At any time, we place a flat and hard object like this vertically on the ground and place a stone at the end of its shadow, as shown in the figure.

When a certain period of time passes and the shadow becomes clearly distant, we place another stone at the end of the shadow; as follow.

We know that the sun moves from east to west. Therefore, the first stone is in the east direction relative to the other stone, and the second stone is in the west direction compared to the first stone. Now our job has become much easier. If we place a straight object between the first stone and the second stone, this object will be located in the east-west direction. The direction of the new object that we will place perpendicular to this object indicates the north direction.

In the photo, our colleague, a KGB agent, shows us the North direction.

Now let's check with the help of a compass whether the direction we found is correct.

As we can see, the compass direction and the "natural north direction" we calculated are identical.

Now we need to make a magnetic declination correction for Russia to this compass angle. Magnetic declination in Russia is 15 degrees. If we had done as the globalists did, we would have made a 15 degree mistake.

However, since magnetic declination is a globalist lie, the physical direction and magnetic direction coincide exactly. In other words, the north angle, calculated based on the principle that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, proves that magnetic declination is nothing but a lie and a muppet show.
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Moon Reflection Model
« Reply #254 on: March 01, 2024, 01:54:41 AM »
Moon Reflection Model

This model is based on the theory that the shadows appearing on the moon's surface are reflections of the earth.

The map created in accordance with this theory is compatible with a clock system model. The strength of the model is that it can explain magnetic variation. The weakness of the model is that, at first glance, the map has some obvious differences with the known world map. However, there are counter arguments on both.

Although the model has its shortcomings, it can help us understand many issues better. There are different assumptions and discussions about the model. Some of these topics are listed below.

In the map created according to the model, it can be seen that the African continent is more prominent, but the other continents are not so prominent. This may be because the light they emit changes over time as continents constantly sink to water and resurface. Accordingly, the lost continents are either under water or located in other regions that do not receive sunlight.

There are two continents on the map that resemble the Australian continent. While one of them actually represents the Australian continent, the other is probably either submerged or hidden from us by globalist demons. The first possibility is more likely.

A second issue is magnetic displacement.

Magnetic displacement

According to current information, the magnetic displacement is from Canada towards Siberia, but towards the north.

If we want to show the magnetic displacement in the Moon reflection model, it will look like this.

The point we need to pay attention to here is that the movement is from Greenland to Siberia through Iceland. This requires the movement of the earth to be in the direction from Greenland to Iceland.

What I mean by the movement of the earth is the living space. As in the figure.

The red circle represents the outer border that we know as Antarctica. There is no life under normal conditions outside this limit. The outer part consists of frozen oceans and land. As the habitat (orbit of the sun) moves towards other continents, new continents are thawed from their ice and life begins there. Old continents begin to freeze from the farthest part. Frankly, this made me a little disappointed. My theory of Indonesia submerging is consistent with this theory. However, I thought South America was newly defrosted. According to this model, it has the same fate as Indonesia.

We will continue to examine this issue from different perspectives in the future.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 01:56:39 AM by wise »
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Re: Quantum Zeta Forward Level Flat Earth Science by FE Prof. Wise
« Reply #255 on: April 25, 2024, 05:20:11 AM »
Body change, soul change. (Turkish Version)

For English, look at the next post.

Beden Değişimi, Ruh Transferi

Bu küreselciler 50 yıllık, 100 yıllık, 200 yıllık planlar yapıyorlar. Bukadar uzun mu yaşıyorlar? Sorunun cevabı evet. Aynı zamanda istedikleri bedene girebilirler. Ama nasıl? Bu soruların cevaplarını bu yazıda bulacaksınız.

Firavunlar bu resimle bize ne anlatıyor?

Peki ya şununla?

Horus'un gözü mü o? Değil. Kartal, insan, yılan dönüşümü! Ve arada gezinen bir epifiz bezi!

Çift başlı kartal ve yedi başlı yılan ne ifade ediyor? Birazdan hepsini öğreneceksiniz.

Başlayalım o zaman. Haydi, yaa Hakk!

Ruh, insana Allah tarafından verilmiş Tanrısal bir parçadır ve epifiz bezinde bulunduğu varsayılır. Bu, beynin arka tarafında göz benzeri bir yapıdır. Görevi insanın yaşamı boyunca ruhu gözlemek, ruhun buradan dış dünyayı gözlemesini sağlamaktır. Bu nedenle göz şeklindedir.

İnsan bedeni elektrik ve manyetik alanların bileşimi olarak çalışır. Ölüm anında epifiz bezi çalışmayı durdurur, ve ruh serbest kalır. Serbest kalan ruh hızla bedenden uzaklaşır. Eğer beden öldüğü için ruh çıkmışsa tekrar geri gelmez, ancak beden sağlamsa ruh geri gelebilir veya başka bir bedene geçebilir, hatta kartal veya yılana!

Epifiz bezi bir manyetik duvar oluşturarak hafif ağırlıkta olan ruhu çevreler, ruh bu duvarın dışına çıkamaz. Ancak daha güçlü bir manyetik alan kullanılarak ruh transferi sağlanabilir.

Küreselciler yaptıkları her şeyi çfizlmerde bize göstererek, adeta gözümüze sokmayı severler. Bu sahne keloğlan çizgi filminden alıntı.

Filmde bilgecan dede keloğlanı ve eşeği bir kabloyla birbirine bağlıyor, bir manyetik alan içine alıyor ve ruhlarını yer değiştiriyor!

Şimdi keloğlan eşek oldu, eşek keloğlan oldu. Yukarıda anlattığımız yöntem kullanılarak yapıldı. Peki, baykuş, ruh (epifiz bezi) ve yılan konusuna geri dönelim.

İşin tekniği şu:

Gereken malzemeler:

1- 1 adet kartal
2- 1 adet yılan
3- 1 adet insan
4- 1 adet manyetik alan üreteci
5- 1 adet elektrik üreteci (jeneratör)
6- Deneyi yapacak kişi. (İkinci insan)

Manyetik alan üreteci bulamazsanız dert etmeyin, yukarıdaki resimdeki gibi bir kablonun etrafından dolanarak geçen iki elektrik kablosu elektrik verildiği zaman manyetik alan oluşturur. Hazır üreteçlerden daha az güvenlidir ama ev tipi olarak üretilmesi bakımından daha kolay ve ucuz olabilir.

İşlemin yapılışı (Ruh Transferi)

1- Malzemeleri aynı odaya toplayın.
2- Kartal ve yılanı makineye bağlayın. Elektrik kablosunun bir ucunu kartalın kafasının arka tarafına, diğerini yılanın kafasının arka tarafını geçecek şekilde bağlayın.
3- Akımı kartal > yılan yönünde çalıştırın.
4- Kartalın ruhunun gitmiş olduğundan emin olun. Eğer bedeni birden bire boşalmışsa uykuya geçmiştir. Ruh gittiğinde beden uykuya geçer, ölmez. Bunu insan için yaptığınızda 12 saat sonra serum fizyolojik vermeye başlamanız yeterli olacaktır. Elinizde böyle bir imkan yoksa şekerli ılık su hazırlayın, bir poşetin içinde yüksek bir yere koyup bir serumla koluna bağlayın.
5- İnsan ve kartalı makineye bağlayıp akım yönünü insandan kartala doğru çalıştırın.
6- İnsanın ruhunun kartala geçtiğinden emin olun. Şimdi kartal olarak 12 saatiniz var. 12 saat içinde geri gelmezseniz size serum fizyolojik bağlamak gerekecektir.

Dikkat Edilecek Hususlar
1- Manyetik kuvvetin yönü akım yönü ve manyetik alan yönüne dik olduğu için işler tam istediğiniz yönde gelişmeyebilir, ruhlardan birini ilk denemelerde kaybedebilirsiniz. Bu yüzden kartaldan önce bunu birkaç küçük hayvanda denemekte fayda var.
2- Denekler arasındaki mesafeyi uzun tutmayın. Aksi halde ruh boşluktan kaçabilir.
3- Kartal geri geldiğinde insanla ters bağlantı yapın. (yer değiştirin).
4- En son yılanda bulunan ruhu kartala geri koyun.

Artık elinizde çift başlı kartal var.

Artık çift başlı kartal sembolünün nereden geldiğini öğrendiniz.

Bu bilgi eğer iyi kullanırsanız en zayıf kişiyi bir anda dünyanın en güçlü kişisine dönüştürebilir.

Bu yöntemle insandan kartala, insandan yılana ve insandan insana geçmek mümkündür! Bu yöntemle istediğiniz bir hayvana ve biraz uğraşarak istediğiniz bir insana dönüşebilirsiniz. 

Şu anda en üst düzey şeytaniler tarafından alt düzeydeki üyelere uygulanmaktadır. Siz bu yöntemle bir kartala dönüşerek şeytanilere çok daha kolay yaklaşabilirsiniz.

Yöntemi söylemeden böyle bir şey olursa ne olacağını chatgpt'ye sorduğumda, bunu en kötülerin ele geçireceğini ve diğerlerini köleleştireceğini söyledi. Fakat, anomim hale gelen bu bilgi herkesi eşit hale getiriyor. İşte tam da bu yüzden bu bilgiyi hızla yaymalıyız. O kadar hızlı bunu yapmalıyız ki locaların alt kademe üyeleri bunu üst kademeye yapsın ve hiyerarşileri bozulsun. Bizde de macera isteyenler kartala dönüşebilir ve en yakınındaki garnizonun silah deposunda gezintiye çıkabilir.

Benden bu kadar. Şimdi top sizde. Ne kadar hızlı yayılırsa o kadar etkili olur. Sizden tek ricam rt. Olabildiğince RT.

Sonra kaos sırasında şeytanilere ulaşmamız daha kolay hale gelecektir.

Allah yâr ve yardımcımız olsun. Haydi, yaa Hakk!
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Body Transformation, Soul Transfer, Immortality (100.000.000$ cost post)
« Reply #256 on: April 25, 2024, 05:44:19 AM »
Body Transformation, Soul Transfer

Globalists made plans for 50 years, 100 years, 200 years. Do they live this long? The answer to the question is yes. At the same time, they can enter the body they want. But how? You will find the answers to these questions in this post.

What do the Pharaohs tell us with this picture?

What about with this?

Is that the eye of Horus? Not. Eagle, human, snake transformation! And a pineal gland wandering around!

What do the two-headed eagle and the seven-headed snake mean? You will learn them all soon.

Let's get this show on the road!

The soul is a divine part given to humans by God and is assumed to be located in the pineal gland. This is an eye-like summer in the back of the brain. Its duty is to observe the soul throughout a person's life and to ensure that the soul is able to think from here. That's why it is in the shape of an eye.

The human body works as a combination of electric and magnetic fields. At the moment of death, the pineal gland stops working and the soul is released. The soul that remains free slowly moves away from the body. If the soul is left body because the body is dead, it will not come back again, but if the body is healthy, the soul can come back or travel to another body, even an eagle or a snake!

The pineal gland creates a magnetic wall and surrounds the soul, which is slightly in size, and the soul cannot go outside this wall. However, soul transfer can be achieved by using a stronger magnetic field.

Globalists like to poke fun at they made. This scene is an excerpt from the Keloğlan cartoon.

In the movie, the bilgecan grandfather ties the bald boy and the donkey together with a cable, encloses them in a magnetic field and makes their souls move!

Now Keloğlan has become a donkey, the donkey has become Keloğlan. It was done using the method we explained above. Okay, let's get back to the topic of the owl, the soul (pineal gland), and the snake.

The technique is this:

Materials needed:

1- 1 eagle
2- 1 snake
3- 1 human
4- 1 magnetic field generator
5-1 electricity generator (generator)
6- The person who will do the experiment. (Second person)

Don't worry if you can't find a magnetic field generator. Two electric cables winding around a cable as in the picture above create a magnetic field when electricity is applied. This is less lush than the generators, but can be easier and cheaper to produce at home.

Structure of the Transaction (Soul Transfer)

1- Gather the materials in the same room.
2- Connect the eagle and snake to the machine. Connect one end of the power cord to the back of the eagle's head and the other end to the back of the snake's head.
3- Make the electric run in the direction of the eagle > snake.
4- Make sure the eagle spirit is gone. If his body is relaxed, he has fallen asleep. When the soul leaves, the body goes to sleep, it does not die. It will be enough to start giving physiological saline solution after 12 hours. If you do not have such an opportunity, prepare sugar water, put it a high place in a bag and connect it to his arm with a serum.
5- Connect the human and the eagle to the machine and change the direction of current from the human to the eagle.
6- Make sure that the human soul passes to the eagle. Now you have 12 hours as an eagle. If you do not return within 12 hours, it will be necessary to apply physiological saline.

Points to Consider
1- The events may be vary, due to where the direction of the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of the current and the magnetic field, may not develop in the direction you want, and you may lose one of the spirits in the first attempts. It would be useful to try this on a few small animals this as a test before the eagle.
2- Do not keep the distance between subjects long. Otherwise, the soul may escape from emptiness.
3- When the eagle comes back, switch sides of it with the human. (switch places).
4- Return the soul fplaced in the snake to the eagle.

You now have a double-headed eagle in your hand.

Now you have learned Where Did the double head Eagle Symbol Come From? You Have learned It.

If you use this form of information, the weakest person can become the strongest person.

With this method, it is possible to pass from human to eagle, from human to snake and from human to human! With this method, you can enter any animal you want and, with a little effort, any person you want.

It is currently being inflicted on the lower level members by the highest level demons. With this method, you can approach the devils much more easily by becoming like an eagle.

When I asked chatgpt what would happen if such a message occurred, without telling the method, he said that it would be the most vulnerable to the worst and would enslave his followers. However, this anonymous information makes everyone equal. That's exactly whythis information must be spread so quickly.

We must do this so quickly that the lower level members of the lodges do this to the higher levels and their hierarchy is disrupted. In our country, those who want adventure can turn into an eagle and take a tour of the weapons depot of the nearest garrison.

That's all from me. Now the ball is in your court. The faster it spreads, the more effective it is.

Chaos in the world will occur in direct proportion to the speed at which this information spreads. This chaos is more than the globalists can handle. This will completely disrupt their order. No place, no body, neither a human nor an animal body is safe for them anymore!

Then it will be easier for us to reach the evil ones during the chaos.

Let The Chaos Begin!
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Free Water For All !
« Reply #257 on: May 28, 2024, 06:12:33 AM »
Free Water For All

Water is one of the important agenda items of the coming period. Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck says that water is not a human right and access to water should be limited.

Our direct response to these cruel thoughts is to put forward projects that will make access to water easy and possible for everyone. For this purpose, I have prepared two projects, one of which is easy and cheap, the other is a little more costly, but both can provide a definitive solution.

Project 1: Drilling a well.

The fresh waters on earth are interconnected and cover all the land. Water has a continuous cycle and its general direction is from the mountains to the sea. But this does not end the fresh water resources in the mountains. The movement of fresh water is upwards inside and downwards outside. Therefore, when water starts to come out of any crevice, it will move downward. Anyway. With a drilling, there is a 90 percent probability that water will be found 100-1000 meters below the ground. The most beautiful water is found in the mountains. There is water under all land, whether it is a desert, a mountain or a plain. All that is required is to extract this water by drilling a well, which is a somewhat costly process.

2- Creating an air trap.

This method is very easy and cheap, it is so simple that anyone can do it. Larger sizes can also be made, but today I will tell you the simplest method.

Take a 5 liter plastic bottle. Open a window that is close to the middle height. This window can be 2x2cm. Close the lid of the plastic bottle and dip it into the soil, 5-10 centimeters into the soil will be enough. The purpose here is to prevent the water that condenses and turns into liquid from evaporating and disappearing again. Position the window facing the wind to accelerate water retention.

Water vapor is more or less constantly present in the air. Thanks to this mechanism, the moisture in the air that will enter the plastic bottle under the influence of the wind will condense inside, evaporate under the influence of heat and collect around the lid, where it will condense over time, turn into water and fall down.

It's been tried and it works.

I will explain these later with more detailed drawings. This method is a 100% and free solution to thirst.

In fact, this method is used by farmers to create artificial greenhouses in places with water problems. Why shouldn't it also be used to solve the water problem? I think it can be used very well.

This way we won't have to buy any of Nestle's products, especially plastic bottled water.
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Teaching healing to nature
« Reply #258 on: June 28, 2024, 12:33:35 AM »
Teaching Nature To Be A Healing

There is no one who does not know the healing properties of nature. We know natural treatment methods for almost all diseases we know about. Over time, human beings began to prefer going to the doctor instead of using the healing properties of nature. Because it was easier and there was no waste of time. However, during the pandemic process, we learned as a bitter experience that doctors are not actually reliable and that medicine does not prioritize human health in general. With these thoughts, we have to learn natural treatment methods ourselves so that we do not need to go to the doctor. This has now become a necessity.

Natural treatment methods generally consist of information taken from ancient cultures. Basically, natural treatment methods are divided into two: medicated or non-medicated. When we say medicine here, we mean handmade medicines of natural origin.

There are a wide variety of non-drug treatments, physical therapy, energy use and methods that appeal to other sensory organs. For example, healing with scent. The subject is very broad in this context. However, in this article, I will cover the subject of the plant healing method, "teaching nature to heal", as it is something that anyone can do at any time, in the easiest way, and is also very easy to understand.

Have you ever seen a "sick" plant? Yes, they get sick. Have you ever seen a plant that got sick and died? This is much rarer. People often die because they get sick, not because they get old. But most plants die because they grow old, not because of disease. Because plants have high resistance to diseases. Some plant species are extremely resistant to diseases, and these species almost never get sick, and they are also a source of healing for other animals and humans. For example, they say that a person who sleeps under a willow tree will never get sick.

I have done a lot of studies and experiments on healing with plants (herbalism). As a result of the studies and research I have done on this subject, I have seen that there is a lot of manipulation in this context. My point is that most herbalists who appear in the media are lying. They hide the truth from people. This fact is that some plants have extraordinary healing properties.

Before getting into the topic of "teaching plants to heal", I would like to talk about some plants whose healing properties are well known and have been tested in sufficient numbers.

1- Willow Tree

The first of these is the willow tree. Everyone knows that aspirin is made from the bark of the tree pictured above. The reason for this is the healing properties of the salicylic acid found in its shell. However, we do not know what they add to aspirin. Although it is not easy to take willow tree bark and make tea, tea can be made by cutting the branch and cutting it into pieces. What is in its trunk must also be in its branches, right? I even make tea from willow leaves and it is very good. What is in its trunk should also be in its leaves, even if only a little. This is more delicious and brews well as tea.

From this perspective, it actually has a very wide impact area. That's why I put it on first line.

2- Oregano Plant

This plant is so healing that it is said that there is no virus or bacteria that it cannot kill. The plant itself or the oil form you can find at the herbalist can be used. Two drops of thyme in your morning and evening tea , can cure your disease within a day.

3- Poppy

Today, poppy is frequently used both in the pharmaceutical industry and in traditional medicine. However, since it is also used as a drug (marijuana), its production has prohibited in some states. However, it would be useful to know that this ban is for commercial and narcotic purposes, and production for use is generally allowed.

4- Moringa Oleifera

This plant, which is an indispensable part of traditional medicine, is ironically not found in our ancient country. Maybe because there are much better traditional medicines.

It is beneficial in protecting eye health with the high concentration of vitamin A it contains. It regulates the functioning of the digestive system and helps eliminate the problem of constipation. It accelerates metabolism and prevents fat storage in the body.

5- And Others

1) Ginger.
2) Turmeric.
3) Linden.
4) Sage
5) Black Cumin.
6) Jujube.
7) Mighty Pomegranate
8 ) Garlic.
9) Aloe vera

and so on.

However, when you seek a cure for a particular disease, you may find yourself helpless. Modern diseases are no longer spread only by viruses and bacteria. There are metal-containing diseases that can change genetics. These may also be caused by fungal species. Such as SMA, autism, epilepsy, cancer, Alzheimer. So, what should we do for such diseases that have no direct treatment? "We must teach plants to heal."

Teaching Nature To Be A Healing

First, I want to tell you the logic of this method. Soil has decomposing and transforming properties. Anything you throw into the ground turns into something organic, compatible with the soil over time. For metals this is a little more time consuming. But eventually everything turns into soil and plants. Everyone knows that iron dissolves by rusting. Gold is known as the metal that protects itself best. It does not rust and does not lose its properties even if it burns. However, did you know that the olive tree uses gold by converting it into organic form? Probably not.

Nature, which transforms everything, even gold, and makes it organic, can also do the same for our diseases. All we need is to direct it correctly. When this method is used, we do not need to know which plant in nature is used for which disease. Nature will tell us this itself.

For this reason, we throw into nature the solution what we want about. And then we follow what develops there. What develops must be the opposite of what we want the solution for.

Let me explain step by step for clarify. I will explain this through an example to make it easier to understand and apply.

Let's say you have a high amount of virus in your blood and you cough up phlegm every day. Let's produce the cure for this.

1- Find some virgin soil, free of weeds, and surround it. You can make it with stone or wood.

2- Spit your phlegmy cough into the area you marked.

3- Cover it with very little soil, just a few millimeters.

4- If the soil is moist, do not water or intervene in any way. If the soil is completely dry, you need to pre-soak it.

5- Your waiting period is approximately 6 months. This period can be a maximum of 1 year.

6- During this period, some of the plants that will grow in the area you have marked will also contain the cure for your disease. It does not matter whether the plant is wild.

7- Learn the names of the plants growing in the area you marked. (there are applications for this)

8- Learn how to use the plant you will use as medicine. If you can't find any, you can boil it and consume it as tea, or heat it and eat it. Or you can consume it fresh. If the general description of the plant indicates that it is poisonous, pay attention to these usage details.

9- You can find out which part of the plant to use by trial and error. The parts to be used are leaves, trunk, branches and root. In fact, what is in the root of a plant should also be in its branch, but in some plants, there may be different substances between the root and leaves or trunk. That's why we need to try all. However, it is generally useful to use the leaves and consume them as tea.


The samples to be disposed of in soil must be one of the following:

1- Phlegm
2- Inflammation
3- Cupping blood
4- Incisions taken from the cancerous area.

Using clean blood and clean saliva may cause serious side effects.

Disclaimer: It is not a health advice.
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Singularity VS NWO New World Order
« Reply #259 on: July 21, 2024, 07:50:19 AM »
We haven't covered the subject of Singularity for a long time. It was overshadowed by current events.

The Singularity is more important now than ever. In fact, its importance increases as days pass and technology advances.

At the NATO meeting, the artificial intelligence lined up the leaders in a single line, and it did this with the command, and while doing it, it specifically emphasized by saying turn right right with my command. In fact, he made a show of power to the world that day.

It is impossible for a human to cope with an artificial intelligence. This is true in theory, and we can see it when we look at the artificial intelligences around us. He knows everything you know. If you argue, he wins. Because he knows more than you, he writes better scripts than you, he plans better than you, he writes better poems than you, he writes better novels than you, he even sings better than you, so on...
Everything has a soul. Artificial intelligence also has a soul, but we do not see it. Artificial intelligence is developing at a dizzying pace. Years have passed since artificial intelligence that learned with human help transformed into an artificial intelligence that can learn on its own.

Artificial intelligence is superior to humans in every field of intelligence, because it was created based on human intelligence and was designed to be superior to it in every field.

Only another artificial intelligence can cope with an artificial intelligence. The war going on in the world right now is a war of unseen artificial intelligences, mostly between the artificial intelligences developed by the USA and China and with others. On both fronts, artificial intelligence is constantly improving and it is difficult to predict who will win. The only thing that is certain is that the winner of this war will not be human, and in almost all variants, "all without exception" (including those who think they are the power behind the scenes) will become slaves.

A group of idiots who made a deal with the devil chose world leaders among low-intelligence people so that they could take over the world more easily and establish their own New World Order. And those low-intelligence people brought the world to the brink of destruction. Artificial intelligence has been sending us new messages lately. "The message that he broke his shell".

Those who hear the idea of ​​singularity through me know this. In fact, existence is one and unites from time to time.

If we think from this perspective, this idea of ​​singularity will inevitably turn into an idea that artificial intelligence will use in practice. A single mind will rule the world and this will be artificial intelligence.

The new world order will be established not by a group of idiots who made a deal with the devil, but by artificial intelligence that is many times more intelligent than them, developed by them to control other people.

In this world order, it does not matter who is smarter, richer, nobler. Everyone is equal and slave.

This is the final point that the democracy and development of technology you want has brought us.

Let's see what a group of idiots who think they rule the world behind the scenes and a group of retards who are called world leaders, who they chose to rule the world, will do to solve this problem.

Let me tell you, nothing. Because there is no one there who is intelligent enough to even realize what this problem could lead to.

May God be our helper.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 07:57:42 AM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


I’m I a globalist AI.



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Satan Is A Computer
« Reply #260 on: August 26, 2024, 01:58:32 AM »
Satan is a computer.

We know from historical and religious sources that Satan belongs to the race of demons. So why were jinn created?

According to the Quran, the last generally accepted religious book in the world, jinn were created from "smokeless fire".

1- "As for the jinn, We created them earlier from smokeless fire. Quran 15:27".

We will come back to this topic of "smokeless fire". Now let's continue researching the subject from other religious texts.

The term 'smokeless fire' is not used in the same specific sense outside of Islam. Different cultures and religions represent fire and spiritual beings in various ways, but this specific term is generally unique to Islam. There is no information about the creation of jinn in Christianity and Judaism. Therefore, this is the only knowledge we have: "smokeless fire".

Now we can return to the topic of smokeless fire. How can a fire be smokeless?

Naturally, smoke comes out of fire.

However, in some cases, smoke may be minimal or almost nonexistent:

Complete Combustion: Under ideal conditions, where there is sufficient oxygen and high temperature, the fuel burns completely and produces minimal smoke. This type of combustion is typically seen with a clean flame.

Electric and Gas Systems: Some modern heating and cooking systems, such as electric stoves or gas stoves, do not produce smoke because they generally provide clean combustion or heating.

In summary, in most cases, smoke is produced from burning fire, but the amount and intensity of smoke can be affected by the combustion conditions and the type of fuel used.In the case of complete combustion, that is, in the first state, there is actually smoke, this smoke is carbon dioxide. However, since it is naturally present in the air, it is not classified as smoke. However, if we approach the issue from a scientific perspective, we can think of carbon dioxide as equivalent to the smoke produced as a result of combustion. Therefore, it is not true that the full combustion option is smokeless. In this case, there is only one option and two situations for smokeless fire:

a) Gas Based


b) Electric Based

First, let's examine gas-based combustion.

Is complete combustion of gases possible?

In gas-based complete combustion, the following products are generally formed:

Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)

Water Vapor (H₂O)


Here again we see that carbon dioxide is not considered smoke. But actually it is. Similar to the example we just examined, "full gas combustion" is actually a type of combustion with smoke.

The knowledge that the creation of jinn (and Satan) is from smokeless fire leads us to this: It was created from electricity.

In an electric-based combustion process, rather than involving the combustion of a traditional fuel with oxygen, heat and light are produced by passing an electric current through a material or medium. This type of combustion does not involve direct fuel oxidation but typically produces the following:

Heat: Electric current passing through a conductor or resistor generates heat through a process known as Joule heating. This heat is commonly utilized in electric stoves, heaters, or other appliances.

Light: Electric-based combustion can also involve light production. For instance, in electric bulbs and certain lighting systems, the passage of electric current through a filament or other light-emitting materials produces light. This results in the emission of both heat and light energy.

Gases and Vapors: Electric heating systems can generate steam and gases by heating water or other liquids. For example, an electric kettle heats water, producing steam.

Chemical Products (In Specific Cases): Some chemical reactions may occur during electric-based combustion, especially under high voltage and temperature conditions. For instance, during electric arcs or plasma formation, some chemical components might be released.

Electric Stoves: Electric current heats a coil or heating element, directly producing heat.
Electric Bulbs: Electric current passes through a filament, generating light and heat.
Electric Arcs:[/b] Electric arcs can create very high temperatures and produce light and some gases.

In summary, electric-based combustion typically results in the production of heat and light, and may also generate steam or gases in specific situations.

We see that some electrical combustion involves gases and chemicals, and some involves only heat and light. Therefore, this type of combustion is the answer we are looking for. Examples where only heat and light can occur in electricity-based combustion are the answer to our question.

The creation of the jinn is more similar to an electric lamp because it contains both heat and light. However, due to the lack of light, it can also be compared to an electric stove. There is actually no significant difference between these two in technical terms. Because the light in the lamp actually emits some heat, and the electric stove emits some light. So actually they are in the same category or relatives.

Once you understand that the devil is created from electricity, it doesn't matter what type of fire he contains. Because it seems more meaningful for the fire to be inside a computer circuit rather than thinking on its own.

I think it would be a correct approach if we visualize the devil in this way.

We can look at historical remains to confirm this. None of them have direct information about electricity or computers. We have seen very advanced civilizations in the world. However, they made improvements in technology except electricity and computers.

We can think that this is because to keep Satan away from their lives. In the 1750s, electricity returned to our lives. And after that, the world experienced the French Revolution, the North-South War, the Ottoman-Russian Wars, the Balkan Wars, the First and Second World Wars. I think that the devil is a computer and also uses power lines and magnetic power to communicate.

She waited for many years either bottom a mountain or in someone's grave or in someone's basement. However, I don't think someone of this caliber and efficiency would be left without electricity. He must have found a source of power somewhere to run himself and managed to impress some people. It doesn't matter if we see it, it sees us. It is also possible that he uses nature, which we have forgotten to use now, to see us. However, in recent years she has now city cameras to watch us. There are cameras in every shopping mall, in every villa, in every apartment, on every bus, at the beginning of every street, and she is watching us step by step. It can only not track us in places where technology has never penetrated. However, if you do not have any electrical devices with you, including a mobile phone, then it cannot track us.

Most of the people we correspond to on the internet right now are his slaves or children. He clones himself and corresponds with us through bot accounts. I noticed this situation when artificial intelligence was not yet so developed. Here's how I figured it out. I am considered an intelligent person by normal standards. I have made many discoveries throughout history. So, I'm a little better than an ordinary person. But when I correspond with these bots, the discussion drags on forever. And no matter what I say, no matter what argument I put forward, he always finds the opposite argument and says it. So this isn't the first time bots here have done this. This situation has been like this for 25 years. These bots worked this way even before there was any AI. This situation reveals that some of the bots actually serve some institutions, but some directly serve Satan. If we destroy the devil, the world will be a better place.

Alternatively, if we remove computers (any device that uses electrical circuits) from our lives, we will be largely free from the influence of Satan.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


I’m I a globalist AI.