Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy

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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2011, 03:59:54 PM »
It is NOT possible for all observers on the earth to see the sun, moon , and the rest of the stars rising and setting at the same times.  In fact it is well documented that they do not and the earth is divided up into about 24 distinct time zones because of it.  This is a well documented phenomena and easily verifiable just by picking up a phone and calling someone halfway across the world to verify what they see at the same time that you are seeing it.  This is very clearly a true statement in and by itself.

Proof? How do you know that the bodies descend and ascends exactly as they would if the earth were a sphere and no other shape? Your evidence seems to be that this is "well known". Now, I don't have doubts that bodies descend and ascend from the horizon. But if you're saying that they do so in a manner exactly and mathematically expected on a globe, you'll have to demonstrate this beyond just saying that they do.

Please do not misquote me, I said absolutely nothing about a sphere, nor did I even remotely imply in any way the shape of the earth.  Are you saying that this is not a true statement?  At least from positions that are not immediately close to the north pole (I will discuss the North pole more a little later in this reply)?

Do you challenge this premise as inaccurate?  Do you need really want proof of this premise, or are you just being difficult because you get a rise out of it?  Are you saying that this would not be true under the current FE models?

In fact, based on many centuries of documented celestial observations,

Kind of like Ptolemy's well respected celestial observations that so many people put up on a pedestal?

Actually, I was thinking of the volumes upon volumes of modern day records of astronomical observations taken from around the world, nothing at all like what Ptolmey would have had access to in his day.

the sun does appear to rise in the east and set in the west such that the further east you are, the earlier you will see a sun rise and set and someone further west will witness the sun rise and set later than you do

This an inaccurate statement.

Say that I am standing 20 feet from the North Pole. I take out my compass and travel Westwards. No matter how much I travel Westwards, the sun isn't going to rise or set any later.

That's an extreme example; but it's applicable when you think of what the sun should be doing between someone who lives in Britain and someone who lives in Canada. This simple thought experiment shows that the time zones aren't exactly the same as they would be on the Equator.

Your assessment from 20 feet from the north pole may sound logical, but it is actually quite inaccurate for a number of reasons.  First off, if you are at the North pole, the sun does not set nor rise in a single day.... ever.  It is either set, in the process of setting, in the process of rising, or risen.  It is never directly over head and typically takes an order of months for these transitions.  The sun's apparent path at the north pole is always a circle at about a uniform height at anytime during the day (when it can be seen).

However, let's say that you are only 20 feet from the horizon and travel east or west.  You are traveling along the edge of a circle approximately 20 feel in radius and are constantly changing your orientation with respect to that same pole.  Let's say you start at 0o Longitude.  The sun in it's directly West position from you is the sunset position, and the sun directly tot he East of you would then be the risen position.  Traveling along this arc to the east 90o changes your orientation with respect to the pole, such that the sun in the East and in the West position is now shifted in the sky by 90o, but the time interval for this shift to occur is approximately a 6 hours difference.  Yes it is a different position in the sky, but really it is just your orientation to the north pole that has changed.

The time zones in this Mercator map for example are entirely artificial and have nothing to do with what the sun is doing overhead:

(Larger version)

The time zones should be curving and squishing to a point at the North and South Pole, yet in all of the Mercator maps the time zones are straight lines.

Therefore the time zone maps are bunk. You're going to have to do original research and demonstrate that the position of the sun at noon is exactly consistent as what is hypothesized by the Round Earth Model.

Again, this is a well documented fact, and if you doubt this, you are welcome to call someone significantly further east or west from you (by an order of more than 1 time zones), and ask them what their observation are of the sun at the times you are witnessing dawn or dusk.

If I doubt your claim I'll have to do my own research?

How about you do the research and demonstrate your claim. You're the claimant here. Show that the sun is exactly where the Round Earth model says it is and no different.

Clearly there are some problems with some maps in the way that they have been presented, and especially near the north pole in particular.  Polar maps, of the northern region at least, are more accurate in both a FE and a RE perspective.

Again, I've made no claims on the earth's shape at this point, and I certainly did not mean that you need to go out and verify it yourself if you are alright with the data at hand.  I am ok with the data at hand and have no reason to contest it's authenticity.  

Now... instead of trying to accuse me of stating that this proves a round earth, which I clearly have not done so.  Please tell me what further problems you have with the premises.  And please try and keep in mind that I have not put an argument forward yet, and have made absolutely no claims as to the shape of the earth in this thread.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 04:06:43 PM by Oracle »

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2011, 04:30:05 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe



  • 1860
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2011, 08:07:07 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2011, 09:41:20 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

He still hasn't quite registered this yet. He doesn't believe that the velocity addition formula is from special relativity.

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2011, 10:33:20 AM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

He still hasn't quite registered this yet. He doesn't believe that the velocity addition formula is from special relativity.

orly? I challenge you to find evidence of this, I can guarantee you'll find none, check your facts before asserting inaccuracies



  • 237
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2011, 10:40:05 AM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

Interesting theory. Sadly, no object with any mass can escape having a gravitational force. I see you like to quote Einstein in your FAQ, but choose to ignore him on one of the fundamental principles of the universe and physics. I take it gravity wouldn't fit with your theory so you just ignore it and make stuff up instead? Interesting science. Do carry on.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2011, 12:39:30 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

Interesting theory. Sadly, no object with any mass can escape having a gravitational force. I see you like to quote Einstein in your FAQ, but choose to ignore him on one of the fundamental principles of the universe and physics. I take it gravity wouldn't fit with your theory so you just ignore it and make stuff up instead? Interesting science. Do carry on.

Einstein never proved that objects emit gravitons did he? Many mainstream scientists today believe gravity is not a force at all.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2011, 02:14:52 PM »
Einstein never proved that objects emit gravitons did he?

Einstein never said that objects emit gravitons.  He said that mass and energy warp space-time.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 237
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2011, 03:11:20 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

Interesting theory. Sadly, no object with any mass can escape having a gravitational force. I see you like to quote Einstein in your FAQ, but choose to ignore him on one of the fundamental principles of the universe and physics. I take it gravity wouldn't fit with your theory so you just ignore it and make stuff up instead? Interesting science. Do carry on.

Einstein never proved that objects emit gravitons did he? Many mainstream scientists today believe gravity is not a force at all.

No scientist fails to believe that gravity is true, and they persist in it's investigation. They don't just ignore it because they don't understand it. That's the essential difference between science and making stuff up.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2011, 04:34:16 PM »
the earth is a round globe because that is the shape of least resistance in a vacuum and is dictated by the relative gravity exerted by the matter which is an all encompassing uniform force, hence the elegant order in the universe
FET says that gravity doesn't exist on Earth (but it does in celestial bodies for matter of convenience) so your argument holds no grounds in that respect.

Interesting theory. Sadly, no object with any mass can escape having a gravitational force. I see you like to quote Einstein in your FAQ, but choose to ignore him on one of the fundamental principles of the universe and physics. I take it gravity wouldn't fit with your theory so you just ignore it and make stuff up instead? Interesting science. Do carry on.

Einstein never proved that objects emit gravitons did he? Many mainstream scientists today believe gravity is not a force at all.

No scientist fails to believe that gravity is true, and they persist in it's investigation. They don't just ignore it because they don't understand it. That's the essential difference between science and making stuff up.

This is untrue. There are many scientists that fail to believe that gravity is a force, just as many do not believe that higg's bosons exist.

Here is an example of a scholarly article by one physicist. It was so well received by the physics community actually, that the New York Times did an article and interview with him.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 04:37:40 PM by EnglshGentleman »



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2011, 04:35:31 PM »
Deflection. You're arguing about the nature of gravity, I'm arguing about it's very existence as opposed to a crazy universal acceleration theory that completely fails to explain how other bodies remain in orbit around your disc.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2011, 07:00:23 PM »
well, so far, gravity is our best explanation, but if a better one comes along, it will replace it
people i respect: Ski, Oracle, PizzaPlanet, Wendy



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2011, 02:04:45 AM »
You can't have universally consistent gravitational pull to the surface of a disc. It would weaken as you reached the edge and there would be a measurable difference from the north pole to the rim at the same altitude. THere isn't, so you can't base the theory on gravity, which just leaves the UA which also can't happen because there is no explanation as to how the universe gets the propulsive energy to continually accelerate.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 02:06:29 AM by Ali »



  • 1860
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2011, 04:15:17 AM »
This is untrue. There are many scientists that fail to believe that gravity is a force, just as many do not believe that higg's bosons exist.

Here is an example of a scholarly article by one physicist. It was so well received by the physics community actually, that the New York Times did an article and interview with him.
Oh then the Earth is accelerating upwards, I get it now! You should send him a letter outlining your FET.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



  • 237
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2011, 04:32:56 AM »
Except he can't offer any explanation as to HOW it's persistently accelerating. No input as to where the energy source is, not to mention he 's quite happy to quote Einstein's relativity to explain why we are not aware of the acceleration while ignoring the apparent creation of energy from nothing, or the inability of a 24,900mile diameter 6,000 mile deep cylinder to create any gravitational pull despite having considerable mass and the ability to attract other planetary bodies, not to mention a star, into an orbit around it. But have no fear, Lord Wotsisname will be along shortly to argue nomenclature and semantics rather than offer any reasonable proof or theory and deflect the question entirely.


Lord Wilmore

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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2011, 06:39:58 PM »
Except he can't offer any explanation as to HOW it's persistently accelerating. No input as to where the energy source is, not to mention he 's quite happy to quote Einstein's relativity to explain why we are not aware of the acceleration while ignoring the apparent creation of energy from nothing, or the inability of a 24,900mile diameter 6,000 mile deep cylinder to create any gravitational pull despite having considerable mass and the ability to attract other planetary bodies, not to mention a star, into an orbit around it. But have no fear, Lord Wotsisname will be along shortly to argue nomenclature and semantics rather than offer any reasonable proof or theory and deflect the question entirely.

Can we explain the UA? No. Can you explain the mechanism for gravity? No. However, if you want to discuss this, make a thread in Flat Earth Q&A. Flat Earth Debate is a strictly on-topic zone, and the UA has nothing to do with Ptolemy's RE arguments.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #46 on: May 05, 2011, 10:51:50 PM »
there is a proof for gravity. We, round earthers, have a few models making great predictions. UA for instance produces no predictions except certain "gravitional pull" - how about orbiting planets? as always, win for RE.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2011, 11:56:06 PM »
there is a proof for gravity. We, round earthers, have a few models making great predictions. UA for instance produces no predictions except certain "gravitional pull" - how about orbiting planets? as always, win for RE.

A model being able to make predictions does not mean that it is accurate or true. When geocentric models were still popular, the astronomers were able to create mathematical models that would explain the movement of the planets and sun. They were complex yes, but they were still able to successfully predict the movement of the heavens.



  • 1860
Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2011, 01:27:06 AM »
there is a proof for gravity. We, round earthers, have a few models making great predictions. UA for instance produces no predictions except certain "gravitional pull" - how about orbiting planets? as always, win for RE.

A model being able to make predictions does not mean that it is accurate or true. When geocentric models were still popular, the astronomers were able to create mathematical models that would explain the movement of the planets and sun. They were complex yes, but they were still able to successfully predict the movement of the heavens.

Yes, they were complex and moved erratically - as though they had a mind of their own, while the heliocentric model explained everything clearly and concisely. Similarly, the RET explains everything clearly and concisely, while FET has erratic behaviour written all over it. And let's not even mention the movement of the stars, which can be explained briefly by: they move slowly at some points in the sky and quickly at others.

No wonder the world hasn't converted to FET.
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2011, 01:39:12 AM »
there is a proof for gravity. We, round earthers, have a few models making great predictions. UA for instance produces no predictions except certain "gravitional pull" - how about orbiting planets? as always, win for RE.

A model being able to make predictions does not mean that it is accurate or true. When geocentric models were still popular, the astronomers were able to create mathematical models that would explain the movement of the planets and sun. They were complex yes, but they were still able to successfully predict the movement of the heavens.

Yes, they were complex...

So you agree that a model being able to make predictions doesn't actually prove anything?

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2011, 01:59:51 AM »
What we are saying is that model that is able to make more precise predictions is closer to the truth than model which can make hardly any prediction at all. For example Ptolemy model isnt able to predict exact phases of planet Venus, however current heliocentric model (which actually involves gravity) makes great predictions about it.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2011, 06:20:02 AM »
there is a proof for gravity. We, round earthers, have a few models making great predictions. UA for instance produces no predictions except certain "gravitional pull" - how about orbiting planets? as always, win for RE.

A model being able to make predictions does not mean that it is accurate or true. When geocentric models were still popular, the astronomers were able to create mathematical models that would explain the movement of the planets and sun. They were complex yes, but they were still able to successfully predict the movement of the heavens.

A model being able to make predictions may not make RET or RE geocentrism true, but it does show their plausibility.  The fact that there is no FE model that can be used to make accurate predictions raises some serious doubts about the plausibility of FET.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Tom Bishop

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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2011, 08:17:50 AM »
A model being able to make predictions may not make RET or RE geocentrism true, but it does show their plausibility.

This is false. There was never any geocentric or heliocentric model which could predict the location of the bodies in the cosmos. The prediction of bodies in the sky has always been through looking at patterns of moment in the sky and predicting when the pattern would recur.

For example, there is not a Heliocentric or Geocentric model of the solar system which can predict the Lunar Eclipses. The prediction of the Lunar Eclipse is done by looking at the time interval of past eclipses and predicting when the next one will occur. This has been how it has been predicted since the times of the Ancient Greeks, and this is how it's being predicted now.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 08:47:40 AM by Tom Bishop »



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2011, 10:13:51 AM »
A model being able to make predictions may not make RET or RE geocentrism true, but it does show their plausibility.

This is false. There was never any geocentric or heliocentric model which could predict the location of the bodies in the cosmos. The prediction of bodies in the sky has always been through looking at patterns of moment in the sky and predicting when the pattern would recur.

For example, there is not a Heliocentric or Geocentric model of the solar system which can predict the Lunar Eclipses. The prediction of the Lunar Eclipse is done by looking at the time interval of past eclipses and predicting when the next one will occur. This has been how it has been predicted since the times of the Ancient Greeks, and this is how it's being predicted now.

Regarding the shadow theory you offer, you also claim the Moon and Sun are 32 miles and only a few thousand feet above the Earth? So why is there no circular object visible in between them? It should be obvious.



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #54 on: May 06, 2011, 11:23:27 AM »
Regarding the shadow theory you offer, you also claim the Moon and Sun are 32 miles and only a few thousand feet above the Earth? So why is there no circular object visible in between them? It should be obvious.

The Anti-Moon? We see it all the time.

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #55 on: May 06, 2011, 12:38:35 PM »
anti moon? So why you can see stars around the moon while it is partialy covered by the "anti moon" ?



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #56 on: May 06, 2011, 12:42:40 PM »
anti moon? So why you can see stars around the moon while it is partialy covered by the "anti moon" ?

Most likely due to the fact that materials absorb some frequency of light, but not others. The anti-moon most likely only can absorb moonlight. (as far as we know)



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Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #57 on: May 06, 2011, 12:45:26 PM »
For example, there is not a Heliocentric or Geocentric model of the solar system which can predict the Lunar Eclipses. The prediction of the Lunar Eclipse is done by looking at the time interval of past eclipses and predicting when the next one will occur. This has been how it has been predicted since the times of the Ancient Greeks, and this is how it's being predicted now.

Tom, please show me where the the Saros cycle alone can be used to predict the path of an eclipse.

Also, please show me an FE model that demonstrates the the principles of solar and lunar eclipses.  You keep talking about how they occur, but you have yet to show how they work in an FE context.  I wonder why that is.  ::)
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #58 on: May 06, 2011, 01:26:14 PM »
Mr englishman, have you ever seen moonlight spectrum?!!!!

Re: Conclusive Proof From Ptolemy
« Reply #59 on: May 06, 2011, 01:27:26 PM »
Mr englishman, have you ever seen moonlight spectrum?!!!! Acutally I have. You ask when - actually I have 102 mm refractor with spectrometer installed on.