i didn't respond to that post because I felt that much of it was rambling. But here you go:
Since you are so bent on this "Ptolemy" is a fraud... let's remove this from the discussion and just use a generic person who makes the same claim, here, I'm going to say it, this is me and not Ptolmey.
It doesn't matter if it's you or Ptolemy who makes the claim. If the account is fictitious or imagined it's invalid.
It is NOT possible for all observers on the earth to see the sun, moon , and the rest of the stars rising and setting at the same times. In fact it is well documented that they do not and the earth is divided up into about 24 distinct time zones because of it. This is a well documented phenomena and easily verifiable just by picking up a phone and calling someone halfway across the world to verify what they see at the same time that you are seeing it. This is very clearly a true statement in and by itself.
Proof? How do you know that the bodies descend and ascends exactly as they would if the earth were a sphere and no other shape? Your evidence seems to be that this is "well known". Now, I don't have doubts that bodies descend and scend from the horizon. But if you're saying that they do so in a manner exactly and mathematically expected on a globe, you'll have to demonstrate this beyond just saying that they do.
In fact, based on many centuries of documented celestial observations,
Kind of like Ptolemy's well respected celestial observations that so many people put up on a pedestal?
the sun does appear to rise in the east and set in the west such that the further east you are, the earlier you will see a sun rise and set and someone further west will witness the sun rise and set later than you do
This an inaccurate statement.
Say that I am standing 20 feet from the North Pole. I take out my compass and travel Westwards. No matter how much I travel Westwards, the sun isn't going to rise or set any later.
That's an extreme example; but it's applicable when you think of what the sun should be doing between someone who lives in Britain and someone who lives in Canada. This simple thought experiment shows that the time zones aren't exactly the same as they would be on the Equator.
The time zones in this Mercator map for example are entirely artificial and have nothing to do with what the sun is doing overhead:

Larger version)
The time zones should be curving and squishing to a point at the North and South Pole, yet in all of the Mercator maps the time zones are straight lines.
Therefore the time zone maps are bunk. You're going to have to
do original research and demonstrate that the position of the sun at noon is exactly consistent as what is hypothesized by the Round Earth Model.
Again, this is a well documented fact, and if you doubt this, you are welcome to call someone significantly further east or west from you (by an order of more than 1 time zones), and ask them what their observation are of the sun at the times you are witnessing dawn or dusk.
If I doubt your claim I'll have to do my own research?
How about
you do the research and demonstrate
your claim. You're the claimant here. Show that the sun is exactly where the Round Earth model says it is and no different.