If you measured it from a place which has particularly LOW gravity at sea level then you would expect G to rise as you got higher into the sky were the earth an infine plane.
Why would you expect G to rise higher?
Because an infinite plane causes gravitational forces equally at all points aboive it regardless of distance.
An infinite Earth causes gravitational forces equally at all points along one plane, not all.
Did you read what I posted?
Infinite earth supports gravitation as per newtons laws of gravity.
Newtons laws of gravity prove Gauss's laws of gravity.
An infinite disc exerts equal force in a uniform direction on all objects regardless of distance from that disc.
Infinite theory states the earth is an infinite disc
ERGO, according to infinite theory the earth should exert equal force on all objects regardless of distance to it.
The closer you are to the plane the more you are affected by the ground underneath you, and less by the ground to the sides due to horizontal vectors cancelling each other out. ERGO, the closer you are to the earth the more you are affected by the flaws of the nearby ground.
If you start at a place with flaws that cause particularly low gravity at sea level and then start to move away from the earth, gravity will INCREASE for you as G increses up from the minim up to the average.