I don't understand how in one hand you claim that the universe is constantly accelerating, while in the other hand you reject the possibility of a non-accelerating fixed point of reference. Acceleration is a change in velocity, as we all know, and velocity, as has been mentioned, is a vector based measurement which requires a frame of reference to determine. How is it then that the universe can have acceleration, and thus velocity, while simultaneously asserting that there is no frame of reference? You argue that the Earth is the only frame of reference, and thus acceleration never approaches the speed of light because we're on it. The Earth is acceleration RELATIVE TO SOMETHING, but you deny that that something exists! Please help me out here, I must be missing something
Also, please explain terminal descent and why when an object in a perfect vaccuum is accelerated upwards it will always fall back down, even though basic physics indicates that it would maintain its acceleration upwards if UA, and not gravity, were to blame.