Reading ENaG will solve all of this and experiments have been duplicated.
FYI, I am taking your win away that you previously claimed because you make unproven assumption. You are back to square one. If you make this thread my challenge as you did, then I am referee and will make the final judgment on all claims.
You actually can't dispute my win, because I was refuting a statement of opinion only, there were no facts, data, or experiment given to prove conclusively that the earth MUST unconditionally indeed be flat.
You forget the rules, I only have to show that it is possible for an alternative to a FE to exist based on the data at hand. I don't have to prove anything, just have a viable working argument to the contrary.
But to be fair... maybe Markjo would be willing to be score keeper on this?
To continue...
A statement of fact has created the apparent need for this thread to exist. It has my name attached to it and has a stated purpose of gauntlet and challenges and verbiage indicative of need of a final say. That say will come from me in this arena and any other that has its roots started here.
Ok, back to it!
You made your biased statement of opinion as if it were fact, you were challenging my initial statement, I rose to meet the challenge, so the choice of venue and how this will proceed is mine, not yours.
Again, I'm not going to address the entirety of the whole EaNG in one sitting, I have already adequately refuted the first 21 pages as mostly useless conjecture and opinion and gross assumptions in another thread. Either pick something specific from it, or I will pick it for you. If I get to pick, then I can choose whatever I want, that doesn't seem fair, so I'm giving you the opportunity to pick something that is completely irrefutable by Zetetic standards.
Remember, assumptions cut both ways, but I don't have to prove that the earth is round, just show that it could be based on the information at hand. You, however, do have to provide conclusive proof, (or at the least, very very convincing evidence) because that was the claim.
A paraphrase of Dr. Rowbotham's quote bolded there would be "there is so much Zetetic truth backed up in our favour by experimental evidence" so he is on firm footing there.
So, justify it.