You know, Obama is an unbelievably canny politician. This whole 'my position is constantly evolving/I am wrestling with this issue' is pretty much genius. Honestly, this guy wins at rhetoric.
this is nothing new among politicians, dems or repubs. it is very hard to get a straight answer out of them because they dont want to tie themselve to one side of an issue. there are very few politicians that dont play this game. if you say he is a genius then that means Washington DC is crawling with geniuses, and i think we'd all agree thats not even close to being true.
Really? Our last President was perfectly fine with tying himself to one side.
true, and it was nice because at least you knew where he stood, my point is that its very rare that politicians do that.
You know, Obama is an unbelievably canny politician. This whole 'my position is constantly evolving/I am wrestling with this issue' is pretty much genius. Honestly, this guy wins at rhetoric.
this is nothing new among politicians, dems or repubs. it is very hard to get a straight answer out of them because they dont want to tie themselve to one side of an issue. there are very few politicians that dont play this game. if you say he is a genius then that means Washington DC is crawling with geniuses, and i think we'd all agree thats not even close to being true.
You're right that many politicians do change their views a lot, but they usually try to spin the record to look like their current position was the one that they always held. (Classic example: Bush and his reasons for invading Iraq.) To be fair, it's hard to really blame them, considering the fact that any change of opinion will be interpreted as "flip-flopping" by pundits and rival politicians, subjecting them to further blasting. A politician actually admitting that he now has a different opinion isn't all that common.
Bush invaded because we thought they had WMDs, i dont think he's ever backed away from that, even after we didnt find them. but using the Iraq war and Obama voting to approve it when he was a Senator and then campaigning that he was against it from the start is a perfect example of what you said. are you saying that politicians who flip flop shouldnt be called out? i understand sometimes people do have an honest change of heart on certain issues, but the majority of the time its about trying to make themselves look better for election purposes.