Let me ask something regarding the sun and moon here. Based on FET, they move in changing circles overhead, yes?
Now, FET also states that the Earth is constantly ascending upwards, thus contributing to the effect that the majority of the scientific body, RET, attribute to gravity.
For this to be true, we must also assume that the other celestial bodies are also constantly ascending, and at the same rate. Otherwise, if the Earth were moving upwards and the sun and moon are staying at the same height, the Earth would long ago have crashed into them.
Thus, we can assume that the sun and moon are ascending upwards, and also in fluctuating circles. In other words, a spiral.
We are able to simulate this effect using small scale models, and every attempt I have seen indicates that when spirals move with fluctuating velocity, they do not return to smaller location without outside influence. This is due to inertia, which is easily proven scientific fact. What actually happens is that the spiral continues to get wider, not smaller.
Based on these facts, and looking at your theory and explanation, what force is acting on the sun and moon to cause them to move regardless of inertia back to their original positions, and why is this force not also relevant in explaining functions of the Earth?