This afternoon, I cracked open a bottle of vintage port in order to celebrate the run up to the Holy Season. However, I smashed the cork with the corkscrew and the broken shards fell inside the bottle. I tried to drink it, but when I poured it into a glass, shards of cork came out too, and a fine cork dust polluted the port so absolutely as to preclude our enjoyment of it whatsoever. Now, to do what I could to salvage the port, I cut a square from a bedsheet and attached it to the neck of the bottle with an elastic band.
I turned the port bottle above the glass, but the port outpouring was scant, and stopped quickly. I soon found the only way to extract the filtered port from the bottle and into the glass was to hold the neck close to the glass and raise the bottle away from the glass at an accelerating rate. My challenge to globularists everywhere is as follows: if the universal force of gravity is all that extracted the port from the bottle under normal conditions, why is that it was only by stacking acceleration of my own creation that I was able toextract the port under these modifed conditions?
I had previously wondered if gravity weren't in theory entirely equialent to acceleration of our terrestrial plane; I now wonder if the conditions of decanting are not entirely at odds with the globularist lie and this equivalence principle is actually false, but strongly in the zetetic direction - that namely there are conditions upon the Earth which produce circumstances entirely discrediting the theory of gravity altogether, whilst preserving the predictions of universal acceleration, and thereby also demonstrating the falsity of the equivalence principle?
It is fair to say that my worldview has been shaken by this bottle of port, which has only been poured with the assistance of artificial acceleration entirely apart from and contrary to the theory of Newtonian gravitational physics.