Huh? Are you concluding that all anti-abortionists are Christians? Or in the above post, that all Klan members are killing in the name of Christ?
Of for the love of the fucking spaghetti monster wake up you ignorant fuck. Don't you see the fucking similarities? The Muslim extremists do not fucking represent most of modern Islam! Most Muslims are quite happy to spend their days working out how to pay the mortgage and how to put food on their families (sorry, couldn't resist a Bushism)
Fucking Hell, where do you get off generalising Muslims but pulling the old-as-fuck 'No-true-Scotsman' defence for YOUR fucking brand of bronze-age mythology?! Oh wait, I forgot that followers of the One True Faith (TM) were allowed to do that, except of course that ALL faiths think they're the 'One True Faith'
Hey, Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
I did not generalize Muslims. All I stated was that the people in the middle east committing terrorists attacks, are the extremist Islamic people. Hard to comprehend? I didn't generalized the Muslim people at all. Fuck this world where anything anyone says is "OMFG GENERALIZING" Its fucking horrible. GTFO you politically correct faggots.
Is it so hard to comprehend that the ones blowing themselves up are doing it for Allah/Muhammed? That's what their version of Islam teaches. You do this, you get 40 virgins or w/e. I'm also PRETTY FUCKING SURE, that not all the anti-abortionists are extremist Christians. Fuck, they can be any religion for that matter, even no religion at all. I'm against abortion, and I'm agnostic, can you comprehend that?
It doesn't fucking matter at all, when one strongly supports a position, like you fucktards on this board, me defending the opposite position only makes you strongly agree with your side more.
I'd also like to note, Mormonism is the weirdest religion (thats actually regarded as one) ever conceived.