Flat Earth Believers - Rules & Guidelines

  • 1 Replies


  • The Elder Ones
  • 173
Flat Earth Believers - Rules & Guidelines
« on: April 23, 2006, 07:47:12 PM »
Welcome to the Flat Earth Believers forum!

As is strongly suggested by the name, this forum is meant for believers in the Flat Earth theory to have a place to discuss issues within the theory, but not to alienate FEers from the rest of the board. Thus, some Round Earthers will be allowed to post here (so long as they do not make pro-RE posts), and those who are not will still be able to read everything posted here. That said, I do encourage all believers to post the majority of their ideas in the General Discussion forum, as well.


The rules can be found here, and I will add that only flat Earth posts will be allowed. I have no problem with people playing devil's advocate for RE from time to time, so long as it serves to further the (pro-FE) discussion.


To join, simply PM me or apply for usergroup membership. The criteria are, basically, that you've shown yourself to be a reasonable debater and have argued the FE side of a debate at least once. You will be turned down if I know nothing about you, however, so be sure to at least make yourself known elsewhere on the board as one who fits the criteria first.

And with that, happy posting!




  • The Elder Ones
  • 173
Re: Flat Earth Believers - Rules & Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 06:49:58 PM »
In an attempt to bring members who may not know they're eligible into this forum, I'm posting to refer people to the above, which I'd edited a while back, but really didn't make it known to the community except in the form of yet another post in General that likely very few people actually read. As you can see, this forum still needs help to get off the ground, and there are too few people I'm certain believe in FE to really meet the purpose of this forum.

So, with that, check out the rules for posting and joining, and let me know if you're interested. If you fit the criteria, we'd love to have you here!
