I am in favor of term limits in congress, or at the very least, primary challenges to incumbents.
I disagree with term limits. The president has a limited maximum time in office simply because it is inherently such a powerful office, and having too much power for too long will eventually corrupt almost anyone. But a member of Congress is simply a representative of their people. They have no actual "power", per se. What's wrong with the voters consistently liking the representation of one person in particular?
Also, what do you mean by "primary challenges to incumbents"? Anyone is allowed run in a primary, regardless of the incumbent's party. It's just that very few politicians have won over an incumbent in a primary before.
Members of Congress are bought out and owned by the major lobbies, millions and millions are spent by corporations on lobbying alone. The recent healthcare bill, was largely written by a wellpoint employee who left the company to go work as a congressional aid.
What I mean by primary challenges, is if you have a democratic incumbent running for reelection, another democrat should have the option of running against the incumbent in a primary. This is largely not allowed within a party, however a few PAC's are calling for this and we actually had a few primary incumbent challenges this year.
The problem is, in a state like Maryland, which is mostly Dem, we have a democratic incumbent senator Barbara Mikulski(sp?). Because it is extrememly unlikely she will be defeated by a republican, she literally never has to campaign in Maryland or answer to her constituants. This basically allows corruption to breed, and if there was a democrat challenge I think it would act as a check to that.
Harry Reid had a primary challenge this time which he barely survived. He's probably one of the most corrupt people in congress today, but who want's to get rid of him if NV only other choice is Sharon Angle.