Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war

  • 1084 Replies
Re: Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war
« Reply #1080 on: August 09, 2013, 08:35:50 PM »
Can't we all just admit that the Borg will eventually consume both of them?
Also, the people on your websites are specifically framing their claims, not to learn the truth of the matter, but because they want to "debunk" Apollo Hoax claims --


Chris Spaghetti

  • Flat Earth Editor
  • 12744
Re: Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war
« Reply #1081 on: August 14, 2013, 09:59:15 AM »
Can't we all just admit that the Borg will eventually consume both of them?

Not after Admiral Janeway's attack in 'Endgame'



  • 3471
Re: Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war
« Reply #1082 on: August 14, 2013, 01:49:07 PM »
I don't know if this has been mentioned but the focus above seems to be on Jedi moving large things, blowing up star ships etc but surely they could do far more damage on a smaller scale. Stopping someones heart or blowing up a star ship by breaking the anti-mater regulators in the engine.

The Force most likely has some proximity restrictions.
From what I've seen of Star Wars and it's extended universe the force has whatever limitations are required by the story. I've never understood why Jedi can't fly or at the least levitate an object that they're on (like a chair), a bit like the way Magneto flies in Xmen.

Like the way Qui Gonn and Obi Wan force-dash out the way of the droidekas on the trade federation ship but then Obi Wan DOESN'T use it for some reason to rush through the force-fields (Never understod why they even existed) in the Naboo power plant when fighting Maul. he also stands there impotently, instead of throwing around debris or trying to trip Maul up using the force.
Indeed, why wasn't he trying to choke Maul, or giving him a force wedgie.
That would actually have made the movie tolerable.
Probably too powerful.  He'd deflect it then take the millisecond of distraction to cut Qui Gonn in two.

But there were two of them, one of which was behind a force field. Obi Wan could have tried to knock Maul over with the Force while Qui Gonn was fighting on the other side.
I don't know what you're implying, but you're probably wrong.

Re: Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war
« Reply #1083 on: June 27, 2016, 11:27:39 AM »
wow, been a while on this thread. i found it last night and got to reading it. just thought that i would throw this out there. REG focused a lot on using the ICS as a valid source. truth is, it isnt. the book itself relied almost exclusively on EU material and on flawed calculations. in fact, it was completed and went into the publishing phase months before the movie it was named for was even done filming. curtis saxton used a flawed BDZ scenario to calculate his turbolaser yields. the original EU definition for Base Delta Zero was to destroy all population, production centers, medical centers, natural resources, and any possible military facilities. this was completed with a fleet of 3 cap ships, an unknown number of smaller support vessels and all of their fighter/bomber compliments and was finished with on the ground storm trooper mop up. ( according to the imperial source book 1989 ) it should also be noted that BDZ was not true canon, but EU until SW Rebels, where it was mentioned and defined as wiping out the entire population only. saxton is the one who changed that definition to mean ONE ISD in under an hour. (source:  AOTC ICS) so in effect, his turbolaser yields in AOTC ICS is based on non canon information and a made up definition of said non canon information at that. that alone debunks those firepower claims.

Re: Scientific proof that Star Wars would crush Star Trek in any war
« Reply #1084 on: July 17, 2016, 02:30:52 AM »
Ever notice how in both universes, all planets are round, and round earths are cannon in both universes?