Not that I would ever be seen dead teaming up with Clocktower in the upper fora, but this is not the upper fora.
The man makes his first b*ll*cks by suggesting you can weight the earth. The earth has a mass. Weight is the effect of mass x gravity of earth. Earth would only weigh as he suggests, by sticking it on another earth of equal mass.
Ignoring that though, I am having trouble following the exact point of the article. So I'm going to skip to a bit that is just rubbish.
Additionally, if I had ever been taught, in any of my science classes from high school on, that I could just simply multiply the radius of a planet (or of the Sun, or of the Moon) by the density of the same, then divide by 12 times the speed of light, in order to find the surface gravity of said body, I think that would have, at the very least, helped prepare my brain for the mental onslaught that is GR. Perhaps the poster doesn’t yet see why that perspective on those relationships is new and exciting, but I do, and I am merely trying to help others see it, as well.
Ok, lets put that to the test.
Density of earth is 5454.5 kg/m^3
Radius of earth is 6378136 m
Speed of light is 300,000,000 m/s
He wants (density * radius)/ 12 * c = gravity which is m/s^2
Ignoring the numbers for a second ...
That is (Kg/m^3 * m) / m/s
= kg/m^2 / m/s
= kg/m/s
What is a kg per m per second? A newton is a kgm/s^2 but its not that either. This is not an acceleration.
I want m/s^2 as my gravity and he has produced kg/m/s.
Its a dimensional nonsense. The key to finding his error will be in his posting dissecting the units as I have done. Dimensional analysis.
I know enough about science to maybe think that but I can't really explain it well - I think they are basically saying that the universal constant of G can be just the constant of the speed of light if looked at right.
Well yes it could because they are both constants. So saying c ~ G as a function of density and radius are true. However one is a velocity, the other is an acceleration. He has equated the ratio of density * size of a sphere to is gravity as a constant which happens to be roughly 3,600,000,000 which is also 12 times the speed of light. However when using one to find another, the dimensional nonsense arises.
The numbers come out right, but for the wrong reasons.
Well that's my reasoning anyway.
Maybe ClockTower has more to add, or would rather spend his time picking fault with my suggestion?