attempts to condem spirituality because of a single mosaic preliterate scribes attempt to declare the earth to be flat, square, and the absolute center of the universe, while the sun, moon and tiny stars circled the earth daily, may have resulted in innumerable death and torture for heracy, a complete end to the vastly advanced mayan culture, because their pyramids were astronomical observatories, and they were aware of the suns magnetosphere and the orbital planetscompared to emperor constantines common mans religion, christianity, merged with paganism, while the nobility of our ancient world could go either way, might turn off some peoples vision of the spiritual or unseen element of living creatures, but in so doing puts them in a similar realm as others who existed in the realm of transgenic truth. To discover the realm of spirituality is something that must be discovered, our magnitude of literacy fails at description at our current magnitude which does not believe " truth " the absense of deception, is real, but instead uses words and numbers to prove or disprove anything the client is willing to pay for. Our academic caste system, shuns information technology, you can't get a degree in networking engineering, our academic caste system graduates nobility and hireling alike, declaring themselves the leading edge of science, while odsolete when compared to the information revolution bring them down into a realm whereby all they are capable of teaching are things like units of measure, chronological histories, and data aquisition technology, even then they are there for the mentally challenged, for education comes from interest and interest alone, the right of the route of access to truth is an inalienable human right. We need to resurrect respect in government, and eliminate lawyers,judges,politicians, and their lobbies who pay the congressmen and senators to enact their predatory laws, in a world having abandoned nature, replacing it with predatory law and throway fashion, denaturing the earth, as we draw ever nearer the next great ice age, which humanity as we know it will cease to exist, without absolute objectivity, and embracing information technology, capable of guiding us with direction based on the variables, yet to be identified, in a world governed by law given credibility by academic ventures, who haven't bothered to study the soil we walk on, and the species it contains, a gaggle of fools who discuss things like light, and dimensions, and other unseen imaginary concepts, declaring spirituality, the way home to be a myth, like instinct a word describing the complex cultures and languages of other species, we are the idiocy leading those possessed by the demons of ignorance, bla bla bla