The Flat Earth Society > Suggestions & Concerns

"Australia doesn't exist" threads

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--- Quote from: Lord Wilmore on September 12, 2010, 06:53:41 PM ---The current setup is simply not working, and is causing a ridiculous amount of acrimony and, frankly, trolling.

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It shocks and saddens me to learn that people might come to troll at this glorious foundry of truth.

Have you any idea how long this has been going on?

Lord Wilmore:

--- Quote from: EnglshGentleman on September 12, 2010, 07:40:12 PM ---Perhaps you can explain what these threads have to do with FET then.

The Four Humours
Higher Education Requirements
Why are all pictures of the Earth in two dimentions?
How goes it my Brothers
Reason that the minimum wage is so low.

--- End quote ---

We've been over this, and repeating myself has become tiring. I suggest you invest in a parrot.

--- Quote from: Crustinator on September 13, 2010, 08:10:17 AM ---It shocks and saddens me to learn that people might come to troll at this glorious foundry of truth.

Have you any idea how long this has been going on?

--- End quote ---

It's very hard to put a date on such things. However, if I had to, I'd say some time around September 10th 2009.

In any event, this issue has in my view been resolved.


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