Of course, that quote contains outrageous claims.
What would you consider outrageous? I need not go any further than the FAQ, EAT, Earthquakes, FE Map, or time, speed, and distance calculations to comprehend that FE is all faith based pseudoscience. When people like this can learn their shapes and why navigation would fail utterly by using spherical coordinates over a FE, they might actually figure out the Earth isn't flat. This includes manual plotting of ones course by using the Sun, stars, and the Moon according to the RE coordinate system. You might also want to understand what a non-planner triangle is, or what a Green flash is. You might also want to figure out how to track the orbits of the moon and sun to figure out the hilariousness of the FE model.
And Parsifal,
Einstein theories have far more credibility than yours do. And I don't think I recall him ever assuming himself to be correct if something proves him incorrect. Your argument is not how the scientific community works. You apparently believe you can cast magic pseudoscience and then assert it as fact without substantiating it, demonstrating it, or even remotely showing any real data in regards to it. I am not interested in faith based pseudoscience.