As you may have noticed, killing others within a society goes punished, which as a result makes people kill other people less.
Your lack of grasp of the basics of social philosophy doesn't mean any dispute against your "philosophy" isn't serious.
Your best argument, is using Fear to force people to kill each other less?
That isn't really a deterrant against anything. There are ways to avoid punishment for killing people in any society.
Literally any society has ways of helping criminals get away with their crimes, whoever they may have murdered. It's called bribery.
Or have you never heard of Corruption before?
Politics is a way of saying "Crime does evolve ... from Chaotic Crime to Socially Acceptable, Organised Crime, called
Partisans have been executing or sabotaging their political rivals or dissidents for the whole of known history. It's never going to end. Political people actually have the fanaticism required to kill their adversaries. As well as the motivation in form of Political Supremacy, gained by it.
And they certaintly have the funds to bribe or threaten or blackmail or kill anyone who gets in their way.
You ...
don't get politics ...
do you ....