Why do I bother trying
Once again, I'm not arguing your math.
Let me put it this way so you better understand the consequences of scale here. It's not just the math, but also the distribution of mass area vs land mass area vs sea/ocean area vs the real world. So If I were to take figures lower than what is posted in the FE FAQ, Places like Alaska would shrink while you tried to compensate for mass area expansion as you get further out towards the circumference.. However with the current numbers, Alaska is actually under scale, or nearly under scale already while places like South America are massively over scale. Hence it's not just the math, but the physical impossibility to ever make FE work! You can't make it any smaller or larger as it is now without screwing it up even more than it already is.
Thus FE will never have a real map. You can spend the rest of your living days trying to create a map to actual scale and never accomplish it. It's really that simple. And if I were wrong, I would have seen it in the math alone.
So what numbers could they ever possibly give me to make FE work? The answer is none, and this is because it will NEVER WORK!
I basically killed the entire FE theory with "7th grade math". Hence, this is like circumventing Sony's multi-million dollar DRM with a simple 45 cent marker. And you people think these corps are actually smart enough to maintain a global conspiracy lol.
This is like poking fun at someone who makes a spelling error in a post, just because a map is made does not means all FE'rs believe in it or justify its actual proportions, its just to give the idea of an outer perspective of the world in their eyes.
Seriously, I'm all for bashing FE'rs logic but not when its nitpicking at the dumbest little details......
And I love Ichi
I wasn't poking fun at him for his spelling error, I was pointing out his hypocrisy.. Thus I wasn't nitpicking, he was.

Such things are irrelevant to the discussion, and I thought we were over with playing that game a while back.
And again, it doesn't matter what proportions they attempt to use, it will never work. This means their perspective is a physical impossibility according to actual scale and proportions. Sure it's wonderful to fantasize, but to believe it without even substantiating it is nothing more than faith based pseudoscience. To clarify this, if they can't even know the diameter and circumference of their supposed theory, the have no base to even suggest it's even a circle or even flat!. They have no base to support the entire sum total of their theory! Thus, this FE theory self-collapses and proves how much it's based on assumption and faith. The argument that nobody agrees on something posted in the FAQ shows exactly how weak FE is, and why it's solely reliant on circular arguments and conspiracy theories to give it magical support.
So let's cut the BS and simply say FE = WRONG!, inaccurate, inconsistent, faith based, lacks any real data, is mathematically incorrect, relies on circular arguments, relies on conspiracy theory, and can't stand up to scrutiny.
Sorry, I lack sympathy for people that mindless follow ideological constructs out of blind faith. :/ This doesn't make them bad people, but rather misinformed. Sorry for the Hell's Kitchen approach, but it keeps circular arguments to a minimum.