Noob thoughts

  • 15 Replies
Noob thoughts
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:06:43 PM »
Okay throught he years I have loosely read here and there about the Flat Earth Theory and as a kid and teenager use to believe it without ever even hearing the theory. The evidence around us made me question a round earth. I am not saying I ever totally bought into the flat earth, just had a hard time believing in a round earth.

 People use to tell me "What about the pictures?" Yeah well that's a stupid argument, I have also seen Dragons fly around on the movie screen and Superman fly. Doesn't give me credit to run around telling people dragons are real and people can fly!

 Anyways I read through a few of the posts here and now I am going to just come out with some opinions. First of all there are some serious non believers that are permanent members here and I have to ask myself why? Why do you hang around arguing? Are you afraid you are that wrong that you have to shut down every conspiracy theory?

Second why the heck do Flat Earthers have to try to scientifically prove everything! Okay I understand why but really? Do you think a picture of a Ice wall or the moon will turn anyone or somehow validate the theory? I say tell it like it is,
" You believe you can stand upside down and never know it yet you won't believe that a mystical force connects all ends of the earth unto itself?"

 Tell you what, place proof of gravity in my hand, real proof. Not just dropping a apple in it for that proves nothing. For all i know invisible pixies grab the apple and place it in my hand. You can't just prove an invisible force by some lazy jobless dude sitting under a tree and a apple falls on his head.  Prove to me why gravity could not exist before proving that it does.  I had always assumed Flat Earthers had not fallen prey to the gravity theory. Until it is proven to me officially it is a theory. Now I see they are using gravity to say we fly upwards??? Why??? That is worse than a round earth.
 Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence. Take a piece of paper and brick of the same size and drop them.  Gravity makes the paper float down whilst the brick slams down? Hmm so wind effects gravity? Heck no, its weight and no gravity pulling does not create weight. Its just weight, no force needed. Why do we all have to complicate something so simple?

 Some of the FE'rs here need to quit being stupid and ruining those here that have a honest belief. The moon is eating itself? Yeah and Al Gore invented the Internet. Stop ruining it for those that stick by a belief no matter what society tells them. You are just seeking attention.

 Lastly props to all that believe. Because of you the media and governments has to watch the crap they try to force feed us. They know there are those that know what they believe and they live it.  Keep on keeping the dream alive! Props to the site!



  • 343
  • Earth Shape Agnostic (ESA) - QUESTION EVERYTHING
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 07:26:39 PM »
Exactly. You have seen problems with both theories. Im an Earth Shape Agnostic (ESA). I dont think we can yet understand which is true. I advise u to read up more on the New World Order which will further commplicate things.



  • 18359
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 08:01:48 PM »
1. I stay because I'm bored.  I know this is a troll site but what the hell, it provides some entertainment.

2. You need to learn the definition of weight.
Weight is Mass * g .  What you SHOULD have said is "mass".  What you'd be incorrect on is that wind doesn't have anything to do with it.  Yes air resistance does have an effect.  Ever heard of Terminal Velocity?

But let's just cut out air shall we?  Try this: To to the top of a really tall building or even the Grand Canyon.  Now take 1 10lb ball and 1 100lb ball and drop them from the same height at the same time.  I'll bet you that they hit the bottom at EXACTLY the same time.  In fact, school kids do this experiment on a smaller scale across the nation!  I did it in my physics class using a mass, a cart, and some shock ticker tape.

Shock ticker tape, BTW, is tape that leaves a scorch mark when electricity arcs by it.  A simple spark timer is used at 60hz to measure time. 
The mass is connected to the cart, which holds the ticker tape.  The sparker is turned on and the mass is let go.  The cart is pulled by the mass and the tape is pulled through the sparker.  By measuring the distance of the sparker you can determine how fast the cart was going which tells you how fast the mass was falling.  You also find that the speed accelerates, which is one of the defining characteristics of Gravity.

Next we have the Cavendish Experiment.  This shows that two masses will attract one another horizontally.
Thus, Gravity, an attractive force all mass has toward other mass as well as Electromagnetic Radiation,  is proven to exist.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.

Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 08:08:05 PM »
Tell you what, place proof of gravity in my hand, real proof. Not just dropping a apple in it for that proves nothing. For all i know invisible pixies grab the apple and place it in my hand. You can't just prove an invisible force by some lazy jobless dude sitting under a tree and a apple falls on his head.  Prove to me why gravity could not exist before proving that it does.  I had always assumed Flat Earthers had not fallen prey to the gravity theory. Until it is proven to me officially it is a theory. Now I see they are using gravity to say we fly upwards??? Why??? That is worse than a round earth.
 Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence. Take a piece of paper and brick of the same size and drop them.  Gravity makes the paper float down whilst the brick slams down? Hmm so wind effects gravity? Heck no, its weight and no gravity pulling does not create weight. Its just weight, no force needed. Why do we all have to complicate something so simple?
Learn the gravitational formula. The product of the masses multiplied by the gravitational constant (6.67*10^-11) divided by the square of the distance between them. Do this with your mass and the mass of the Earth, and the radius of the Earth, and this will result in approximately 9.81 m/s^2. The reason paper floats down more slowly is because there is more wind resistance on the paper, though everything does have a terminal velocity, where the force of air resistance matches the force of gravity. In fact, if a piece of paper and a brick are in a vacuum, they'll fall at the same rate. If you think it's purely weight, ask yourself: Do two bricks tied together fall more quickly than a single brick? If you don't believe in gravity, how can you believe in the other fundamental forces? Air doesn't exist, because you can't see it. How do you know wind is a byproduct of moving air? It can be invisible pixies pushing on things, just like you said.

Too long; didn't read: Learn science.


Mr Pseudonym

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Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2010, 08:19:50 PM »
Sig'd thanks.  :D
Why do we fall back to earth? Because our weight pushes us down, no laws, no gravity pulling us. It is the law of intelligence.



  • Flat Earth Editor
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Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 08:46:07 PM »
Weight is irrelevant. If you dropped a flat 10 lb piece of wood and a 10 lb blowing ball the ball will hit the ground first. Air resistance is everything.

Have you ever seen vertical wind tunnels that paratroopers practice jumps in?



  • 1792
  • Bendy Truth specialist
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2010, 10:23:16 PM »
lololol you are gillamonster in disguise...

why no force? ha! force is simply something that changes the inertial path of an object. Weight is a force smart one. lrn2physics. weight is mass x g.
and the force of drag pushes up on the paper. In a vaccum, they actually would fall with the same accleration. There is no law of intelligence. You are essentially saying that there is a magical weight force that pushes things down, however you say that you think gravity is too magical. You have a humunculus argument. You've ascribed a mechanism for gravitation, but have only given a name to it, and the laws that it follows (even more so, your laws ar wrong), but you have yet to tell us the basic core of this mechanism.


Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2010, 04:27:44 AM »
the dropping of two balls off a skyscraper is a jest by scientists. Terminal velocity does not prove gravity one bit. It just means everything has a max speed in free fall in which we can never hit because of air drag. which to me sounds more like weight than gravity. If it was gravity then depending on your location terminal velocity would be different. Any mass form can have gravitational pool correct? So if I drop a ball out of plane above a huge flat surface and then I dropped one out surrounded by massive buildings would not the affects be different? Even in the smallest way? Would not the Moon's gravitational pull affect it? So during a full moon when the moon is close the terminal velocity should change right? This is without air of course.
Now take 1 10lb ball and 1 100lb ball and drop them from the same height at the same time.
easy to say that but have you every tried it in a airless vacuum with a 100 story building, has anyone?..didn't think so. Oh by the way catch a fart and put it over the head of a goblin then stab him with the holy grail and it will make the world explode. Seriously try it man!

I am saying that a magical force holds us down? Seriously? You are the one saying it is a magical force we cannot see and makes it where we cannot tell that we are upside down! I am saying it doesn't exist. It is nothing more than weight holding us down. No magical force.

 Eh all you guys do is quote other peoples laws and experments and the use wiki. I use to work for the wiki, it is FULL of flaws, some on purpose! This seems to be a round earth society. Not flat earth. I have barely seen one person here who is Flat earth. The ones that do convert get yelled at by the FE'ers. I am not sticking around. Too sad to see everyone has given up or just quote the same garbage over and over and over and over again. 

 Thanks for the great conversation. Been fun.



  • 777
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2010, 05:02:11 AM »
What's the odds that (s)he will post again before the week is out?
Quote from: Gen. Douchebag
Quote from: Raver
Why? You a pedo out for delicious loli?
Sure, whatever



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  • Punk rawk.
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2010, 06:41:39 AM »
Gigatard has an alt?



  • 343
  • Earth Shape Agnostic (ESA) - QUESTION EVERYTHING
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2010, 07:47:43 AM »
ah insults I see!!! perhaps its NOT an alt?! everthink of that!?!?!?

people here cannot see past what they were taught. they were afraid of change and hide behind a mask of hatred and violence to people like me. words like "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" are beyond them. Alas, that it is so.



  • Official Member
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  • Punk rawk.
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2010, 08:02:50 AM »
Nevermind, you're so stupid you barely comprehend your account, let alone the idea of having a second.



  • Flat Earth Editor
  • 9548
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2010, 09:50:45 AM »
the dropping of two balls off a skyscraper is a jest by scientists. Terminal velocity does not prove gravity one bit. It just means everything has a max speed in free fall in which we can never hit because of air drag. which to me sounds more like weight than gravity. If it was gravity then depending on your location terminal velocity would be different. Any mass form can have gravitational pool correct? So if I drop a ball out of plane above a huge flat surface and then I dropped one out surrounded by massive buildings would not the affects be different? Even in the smallest way? Would not the Moon's gravitational pull affect it? So during a full moon when the moon is close the terminal velocity should change right? This is without air of course.
Now take 1 10lb ball and 1 100lb ball and drop them from the same height at the same time.
easy to say that but have you every tried it in a airless vacuum with a 100 story building, has anyone?..didn't think so. Oh by the way catch a fart and put it over the head of a goblin then stab him with the holy grail and it will make the world explode. Seriously try it man!

I am saying that a magical force holds us down? Seriously? You are the one saying it is a magical force we cannot see and makes it where we cannot tell that we are upside down! I am saying it doesn't exist. It is nothing more than weight holding us down. No magical force.

 Eh all you guys do is quote other peoples laws and experments and the use wiki. I use to work for the wiki, it is FULL of flaws, some on purpose! This seems to be a round earth society. Not flat earth. I have barely seen one person here who is Flat earth. The ones that do convert get yelled at by the FE'ers. I am not sticking around. Too sad to see everyone has given up or just quote the same garbage over and over and over and over again. 

 Thanks for the great conversation. Been fun.

Sorry that nobody wanted to indulge your trolling.



  • 1792
  • Bendy Truth specialist
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2010, 01:40:21 PM »
Exactly. You have seen problems with both theories. Im an Earth Shape Agnostic (ESA). I dont think we can yet understand which is true. I advise u to read up more on the New World Order which will further commplicate things.

I missed the part where you or OP saw a legitimate problem with a geoid shaped Earth.



  • 1792
  • Bendy Truth specialist
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2010, 01:57:15 PM »
the dropping of two balls off a skyscraper is a jest by scientists. Terminal velocity does not prove gravity one bit. It just means everything has a max speed in free fall in which we can never hit because of air drag. which to me sounds more like weight than gravity. If it was gravity then depending on your location terminal velocity would be different. Any mass form can have gravitational pool correct? So if I drop a ball out of plane above a huge flat surface and then I dropped one out surrounded by massive buildings would not the affects be different? Even in the smallest way? Would not the Moon's gravitational pull affect it? So during a full moon when the moon is close the terminal velocity should change right? This is without air of course.

Sigh. Gravity is a mechanism for gravitation. Earthly gravitation, the idea that there is a force accelerating things to earth from the reference frame of earth, is undisputable. Forces are things that change something’s momentum or velocity. Air drag is also a force. Weight once again IS gravitational force. The two are equivalent. Why would changing location affect terminal velocity? Because the change in gravity is minimal. Also, yes in fact the moon and frankly every object has a pull on everything else. However the force approximately decreases  with distance squared.
easy to say that but have you every tried it in a airless vacuum with a 100 story building, has anyone?..didn't think so. Oh by the way catch a fart and put it over the head of a goblin then stab him with the holy grail and it will make the world explode. Seriously try it man!
I am saying that a magical force holds us down? Seriously? You are the one saying it is a magical force we cannot see and makes it where we cannot tell that we are upside down! I am saying it doesn't exist. It is nothing more than weight holding us down. No magical force.
 Eh all you guys do is quote other peoples laws and experments and the use wiki. I use to work for the wiki, it is FULL of flaws, some on purpose! This seems to be a round earth society. Not flat earth. I have barely seen one person here who is Flat earth. The ones that do convert get yelled at by the FE'ers. I am not sticking around. Too sad to see everyone has given up or just quote the same garbage over and over and over and over again. 
Some people have tested free fall in a vacuum with high speed cameras. Google is your friend.
And by definition, a force is invisible, so saying that a force we can’t see is obvious. Upside down, is relative, what are you talking about? Ok so your idea is that weight holds us down. Tell me what weight is then, and how it differs in any way with gravity. You are offering a homunculus argument, you are just saying that weight naturally brings things down, but science doesn’t work like that, you have to have a mechanism for it. Your laws of motion are Aristotelian at best.



  • 1792
  • Bendy Truth specialist
Re: Noob thoughts
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2010, 02:02:34 PM »
ah insults I see!!! perhaps its NOT an alt?! everthink of that!?!?!?

people here cannot see past what they were taught. they were afraid of change and hide behind a mask of hatred and violence to people like me. words like "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" are beyond them. Alas, that it is so.
Lets assume that this wasn't a leevee or Gila alt.

Now yes it is true that people have a hard time changing their beliefs. However people have a harder time chancging it to idiotic beliefs, and what you said doesn't adress the fact that 0% of what OP said was correct. Your views of the natural world come of to the average millenial age person as being primative and idiotic, because you seem to not understand the basic principals of science. As such, it is not accepted in a society that values science.