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Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #120 on: June 29, 2010, 08:45:10 PM »
I'm just relaying it as he told it.

Well, that explains it.

And Insane?  Hardly.  Marijuana isn't that strong.  Grip on reality isn't an issue more like an easiness about it.  Kinda like alcohol but with more cognitive function.  You feel good so things which you might not normally do also seem good.

Maybe we should outlaw hot fudge sundaes too.  They're not good for you, and they make you feel good so they obviously make you think things you might not normally do also seem good. 

You also get irritable when you can't smoke, just like most other drugs.


Oh sure they are, but it's still a High.  A different one, true, but why would you get high in the first place?  What?  are you going to seriously tell me that taking Marijuana, Cocaine, Speed, or Heroine doesn't make you feel good for a short time but with various side effects?  I mean, what's the point of doing any of it if it doesn't feel good?

That's my point exactly.  Every drug you mentioned makes you feel good, for a short time, and with various side effects to boot.  You were implying that the high you get from pot is the same as the high you get from crack, except not as potent, and... that's laughable.

And before we continue I want to say that I am biased against drugs.  VERY biased.

No kidding.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #121 on: June 29, 2010, 08:59:23 PM »
LOL @ heemie.

I was great friends with pot users, I've just never done it myself. It's not that I have anything against it, I just don't feel that it's really something I want to do.
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Sentient Fridge

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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #122 on: June 29, 2010, 09:10:43 PM »
I was friends with many potheads myself. I declined smoking with them till I was 17. Even then, I didn't end up smoking with the friends I knew were potheads.

you cant see moutains because you have no eyes

Re: Marijuana
« Reply #123 on: June 30, 2010, 01:43:48 AM »
Not only does it bring our general population's intelligence down when they hit the teen years BUT contrary to what you hear, Marijuana CAN lead to other, harder drugs in the same way that a pack of cigarettes a week can lead to 2 packs a day, and a few beers a week can lead to whiskey daily.

Fixed that for you.

Marijuana's reputation as a "gateway" drug is a myth, probably based on misleading statistics.

Not in my experience.
And besides, anything that screws with your neuro-transmitters can't be good.

Well, I can tell you from personal experience that I've never had any desire to move on to anything harder.

It seems like common sense to me that people who are willing to experiment with pot will be more likely to experiment with others.  I see no reason to think it's not due to their own more adventurous personalities than it is anything actually connected with smoking pot.

Honestly in this day and age when so many children are prescribed mind-altering drugs it's ludicrous that there's still this stigma against marijuana.  We live in a society where it's perfectly acceptable (hell, expected) to stone your kid with Ritalin if he's a little hyperactive (and I would argue it's the kids who aren't hyperactive who are abnormal) but it's still against the law to get high.  Do you think the chemicals prescribed by psychiatrists that people pump into their systems to alter their minds legally are any better than pot?  Or do you feel that everything that alters your brain chemistry must in itself be dangerous, and therefore outlawed?

Or maybe you feel that the neuro-transmitters are more precious than other parts of the brain, and therefore only drugs that alter them specifically should be outlawed?

Oh and it can cause you to puke then sleep in said pile of puke all without realizing it. (happened to my brother... twice)

I flat-out don't believe that marijuana caused any such reaction in your brother.  I've been surrounded by the stuff and people who smoke the stuff my whole life and I've never seen such a reaction from marijuana.  You seem to think that people temporarily go insane from smoking weed (and perhaps even permanently to some degree) and that's laughable, to say the least. 

One thing marijuana categorically does not do is cause you to lose your grip on reality.  It might have some mild hallucinogenic effects but it's not comparable to the loss of ego that accompanies an acid trip.

In all 4 cases each drug creates a very specific effect.  Nicotine for general relaxation, alcohol to stop thinking, caffeine to get hyper, and marijuana to get "high" which is a feel good, brain-dead, light hallucinogenic feeling.
In each case, tolerances causes the user to increase their dosage.  However unlike alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine, there is no general substitute when the tolerance becomes too high for even a high dosage.  Some try, like for caffeine you have Red Bull and those high sugar/caffeine energy drinks but in the end, the body will get used to it.  And nicotine is more of a physical addiction, meaning there is no substitute. 
However, with Marijuana there is.  Want a better high?  Weed not doing it for you anymore?  Try Crack.  Or Speed.  Or Heroine.  They all give you a "high".

So yes, normally you're right in that you just increase the dosage.  With Marijuana, there is a substitute.

That's utterly ridiculous.  The difference between the high you get from any of those drugs and that you get from marijuana is as different as the highs from all of those initial drugs you mention.  For someone so opinionated about drugs you seem to have a poor understanding of their effects.

Or maybe you're just trolling.  I think I smell it, a little bit.

This guy is correct. In my own experience pot is not a gateway drug, the only people who go on to other drugs are the people who wanted to do experiment with them before they even started pot, if anything pot seems to help quench these users desire to explore further. Personally I was never tempted to ever do any other illegal drug, and i never have. Also I'd like to posit the view that it's a lot easier to give up than many people think, its comparable to giving up a food you really like, unlike drugs like crack, or even tobacco. The users above argument is like suggesting someone; who drinks on the weekend will move on to crack or some other cocaine derivative, and if anything that's more likely as the effects are more comparable.

Overall I think moderation can be applied to marijuana consumption, and one can experience minimal psychological dependency if they handle it maturely, much like alcohol. Tobacco on the other hand is a different kettle of fish, again, from experience i can tell you its horribly addictive and well worth avoiding. Legality isn't a factor one should take into consideration when selecting chemicals to put inside there body. There's plenty of evidence of very legal, even prescribed medicine doing much more harm than marijuana has ever done.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 01:51:28 AM by Renkano »



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #124 on: June 30, 2010, 04:37:13 AM »

Oh sure they are, but it's still a High.  A different one, true, but why would you get high in the first place?  What?  are you going to seriously tell me that taking Marijuana, Cocaine, Speed, or Heroine doesn't make you feel good for a short time but with various side effects?  I mean, what's the point of doing any of it if it doesn't feel good?

That's my point exactly.  Every drug you mentioned makes you feel good, for a short time, and with various side effects to boot.  You were implying that the high you get from pot is the same as the high you get from crack, except not as potent, and... that's laughable.
This is my favorite part :)
I honestly don't understand how someone could be so ignorant to the way drugs work. I mean even if you've never tried recreational drugs. Drugs for medicinal purposes such as pain killers and anti anxiety meds all have different effects or if abused different highs. If lorddave wants to actually eduacate himself before arguing this point I suggest he just wikipedias different drugs. you may learn something
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Chris Spaghetti

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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #125 on: June 30, 2010, 06:24:53 AM »
People watch too much television. Television is bad for their health, it damages their eyes and can lead to obesity. Television leads to crime (people break into people's houses to steal their television or steal enough money to pay for television.)

Television targets the young, even toddlers are exposed to television.

It can fundamentally alter our emotional states and desensitise us to horrific events.

It provides people like Glann beck with employment.

Television should be banned, it is the government's responsibility to decide what the people watch.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #126 on: June 30, 2010, 06:29:09 AM »
<3 Chris
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #127 on: June 30, 2010, 06:41:33 AM »
I hate drug conversations, because so much misinformation and "personal experience in dealing with some guy i knew who told me about a guy that told him about someone" gets thrown around.

If you haven't spent time around pot smokers, or drug users, and you haven't done a controlled study, and ou have no reliable source that isn't a govt. funded anti-drug website, or other biased group... you really don't have much credibility. The same goes for the pro-drug side. If you are a junkie, and you can't live without your fix... then gtfo.

Now, people who are functioning members of society, who have used drugs in moderation, can pass them up when it isn't appropriate to use them (inb4 its never appropriate because it is illegal) and have witnessed their effects... then come on, sit down, and we can have a talk.

Personally, from what i have witnessed as an on again off again (now off for the last couple years) pot smoker, and hanging aroudn with a  group of people who have smoked since forever... i can say with as much credibility as anyone ehre, that the people you would expect to abuse other drugs did, but the majority stuck to drinking and smoking a bit of weed. Now, i will be the first to admit, none of them are a great value to society, and none of them could ever e accused of changing the world... but they aren't on welfare, are employed (barring economic reasons beyond their control) and are decent people. No cocaine, heroin, crack, meth. Some vicodin abuse (i blame doctors being fucking tools partially)

That is my piece on marijuana. It isn't for everyone, but it certainly isnt for no one.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #128 on: June 30, 2010, 06:51:02 AM »
Did I just really witness Dann Being serious on the subject. I think I'm in shock.
I loved every bit of it dann
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #129 on: June 30, 2010, 06:54:29 AM »
Did I just really witness Dann Being serious on the subject. I think I'm in shock.
I loved every bit of it dann
Every once in a while... i have to be serious. Especially if it is about something I am kinda passionate about. :D

Also, i was a member of Weed-Forums for a good while, but after several members started advocating kids as young as 12 smoking weed, and explaining why it was ok for people to drive high (i drive slower, its not as bad as drinking, their aren't many accidents reported for driving high! were the most common arguments) i had to separate myself from them



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #130 on: June 30, 2010, 07:04:56 AM »
sounds like very legit reasons for leaving them. Personally I started smoking around 13 but still its not right to go out of your way to try to influence someone that young to start smoking pot.
glad to have witnessed this rare phenomenon  :D
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #131 on: June 30, 2010, 07:10:11 AM »
I should delete the posts. I don't want people getting the wrong idea.

I'm not serious!

On the other note... People are going to start smoking when they start smoking. Depending on how the kid is getting the drugs... i have a huge problem, or a medium sized problem. I understand how drugs get sold and resold. Everyone does. It happens. They fall into the wrong hands. but if some 18-20 something douche is selling to a kid he knows is that young, i have a giant problem.

furthermore, is it REALLY that hard to tell when a kid is high? Fucking parents!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 07:13:17 AM by theonlydann »



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #132 on: June 30, 2010, 07:14:32 AM »
I hate drug conversations, because so much misinformation and "personal experience in dealing with some guy i knew who told me about a guy that told him about someone" gets thrown around.

If you haven't spent time around pot smokers, or drug users, and you haven't done a controlled study, and ou have no reliable source that isn't a govt. funded anti-drug website, or other biased group... you really don't have much credibility. The same goes for the pro-drug side. If you are a junkie, and you can't live without your fix... then gtfo.

Now, people who are functioning members of society, who have used drugs in moderation, can pass them up when it isn't appropriate to use them (inb4 its never appropriate because it is illegal) and have witnessed their effects... then come on, sit down, and we can have a talk.

Personally, from what i have witnessed as an on again off again (now off for the last couple years) pot smoker, and hanging aroudn with a  group of people who have smoked since forever... i can say with as much credibility as anyone ehre, that the people you would expect to abuse other drugs did, but the majority stuck to drinking and smoking a bit of weed. Now, i will be the first to admit, none of them are a great value to society, and none of them could ever e accused of changing the world... but they aren't on welfare, are employed (barring economic reasons beyond their control) and are decent people. No cocaine, heroin, crack, meth. Some vicodin abuse (i blame doctors being fucking tools partially)

That is my piece on marijuana. It isn't for everyone, but it certainly isnt for no one.
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Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #133 on: June 30, 2010, 07:15:03 AM »
I don't think kids should be smoking, about 16-18 is probably an appropriate age
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #134 on: June 30, 2010, 07:15:51 AM »

On the other note... People are going to start smoking when they start smoking. Depending on how the kid is getting the drugs... i have a huge problem, or a medium sized problem. I understand how drugs get sold and resold. Everyone does. It happens. They fall into the wrong hands. but if some 18-20 something douche is selling to a kid he knows is that young, i have a giant problem.

furthermore, is it REALLY that hard to tell when a kid is high? Fucking parents!
I totally agree with you there
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #135 on: June 30, 2010, 07:23:57 AM »
I don't think kids should be smoking, about 16-18 is probably an appropriate age
I won't argue with that. While what i've read about full frontal lobe development not finishing until like... 25? in males (or both) it's not like drinking is illegal until its done, and... i'm not the police. the problem i have with kids that age that do smoke, is i've seen many go to school high, and are a waste. I wold prefer if, instead of an age limit, you could legally smoke weed after you got your diploma, GED, OR were 18 and therefore bound by no law to attend school, and your parents couldn't be held accountable for your truancy. but lets admit it. Most kids going to school high aren't really the best and the brightest.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #136 on: June 30, 2010, 07:27:12 AM »
there are some exceptions :)(not saying it doesn't have an influence at all)
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Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #137 on: June 30, 2010, 07:30:10 AM »
Yeah after school is probably best, but you can finish school at 16 here (but only retarts do that). I'd still rather my kids were smoking than drinking at that age cos drinking definitely affected my schoolwork.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #138 on: June 30, 2010, 07:37:03 AM »
there are some exceptions :)(not saying it doesn't have an influence at all)
Not saying their aren't exceptions, but if you MAKE exceptions, who decides what the exception is, and who is in charge of deciding who the exceptions are. Protect the majority of non-adults, make em all go through an HONEST class that teaches about substance abuse and moderation, and gives the HONEST effects of drug USE and explains how use turns into abuse, and then when they're 18 or done with school, let em make their choices.

Yeah after school is probably best, but you can finish school at 16 here (but only retarts do that). I'd still rather my kids were smoking than drinking at that age cos drinking definitely affected my schoolwork.
I don't care about other countries. I'm trying to save America.
Also, what you say about drinking, i say about smoking (in regards to affect on schoolwork and such) Drinking doesn't affect my memory much if i don't get blackout drunk, but smoking even a couple of rips off a bong will fuck up my short term and make studying useless.


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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #139 on: June 30, 2010, 08:16:33 AM »
Discussing the effects or health risks of the drug, as well as any moral objections, is irrelevant.  The only relevant question is what gives anybody the right to tell somebody else what they can or cannot put in their own body?

Even if you believe the government does have the right to decide that, lets look at the result.  The U.S. has one of the toughest domestic policies on marijuana in the world, yet we are still by far the number one consumer of that drug.  In other words, tough laws has not made the intended impact on marijuana use at all, it continues to grow.  As a result on our stance on drugs as a whole, we have the largest percentage of our population in prison than any other country (how does a free country imprison the highest percentace of its population?).

The war on drugs has cost this country billions of dollars in law enforcement, imprisionment, and foreign conflicts, and arguably thousands of lives as a result of the black market that sprung up around the restrictions.  All of that, with no results to speak of.  We live in a mainly capatalist society, in such a society it is pointless and impossible to effectively ban any kind of commerce for this reason:  If there is a demand for a product or service, there will be a supply to meet it.  You would think we would have learned that lesson after prohibition.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #140 on: June 30, 2010, 08:28:06 AM »
Discussing the effects or health risks of the drug, as well as any moral objections, is irrelevant.  The only relevant question is what gives anybody the right to tell somebody else what they can or cannot put in their own nforcement,body?

Even if you believe the government does have the right to decide that, lets look at the result.  The U.S. has one of the toughest domestic policies on marijuana in the world, yet we are still by far the number one consumer of that drug.  In other words, tough laws has not made the intended impact on marijuana use at all, it continues to grow.  As a result on our stance on drugs as a whole, we have the largest percentage of our population in prison than any other country (how does a free country imprison the highest percentace of its population?).

The war on drugs has cost this country billions of dollars in law e imprisionment, and foreign conflicts, and arguably thousands of lives as a result of the black market that sprung up around the restrictions.  All of that, with no results to speak of.  We live in a mainly capatalist society, in such a society it is pointless and impossible to effectively ban any kind of commerce for this reason:  If there is a demand for a product or service, there will be a supply to meet it.  You would think we would have learned that lesson after prohibition.

Your conversation about the governments "right" to tell people what they can or cannot put in their body is equaly irrelevant, because they have already given themselves the right.

See FDA.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #141 on: June 30, 2010, 08:34:56 AM »
Me and everyone I know have never moved on to any other drugs.

I quit Marijuana 4 months ago. The weed smokers I know hate other drugs and would never touch them.

I'm sure this is the same with the majority of weed smokers, maybe a minority move onto other drugs.

Just out of curiosity, how old are you and your friends?
Oh and Congrats on giving up the habit.

Early twenties.

furthermore, is it REALLY that hard to tell when a kid is high? Fucking parents!

It is hard when the parents have never experienced it before. I think it is good to experience marijuana just so you know when your kid walks into the house high.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #142 on: June 30, 2010, 08:42:16 AM »
It is hard when the parents have never experienced it before. I think it is good to experience marijuana just so you know when your kid walks into the house high.

Sorry, i don't buy that. If your kid starts acting weird, get suspicious and ask questions. you do NOT act the same high as when you are sober.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #143 on: June 30, 2010, 08:46:46 AM »
I guess personal experience can give them better insight but like dann said its not hard to notice when your kid consumes all your food and starts acting funny
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #144 on: June 30, 2010, 08:49:13 AM »
I will admit, if your kid is generally withdrawn and sits in his room for most of the day, and you talk to your kid once or twice a week... it may be hard to notice.

But in that case, you are a shitty parent.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #145 on: June 30, 2010, 08:52:40 AM »
if he is withdrawn and sits in his room yes you are a shitty parent but he probably isnt smoking pot if he is sitting in his room all the time.
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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #146 on: June 30, 2010, 08:57:41 AM »
It is hard when the parents have never experienced it before. I think it is good to experience marijuana just so you know when your kid walks into the house high.

Sorry, i don't buy that. If your kid starts acting weird, get suspicious and ask questions. you do NOT act the same high as when you are sober.

When you are high, you wouldn't really act weird. Usually you would look a little drowsy and you can get away with that by either saying you are tired, wearing glasses or running straight into the bathroom. Most kids spray themselves with perfume and stick a mint or chewing gum into their mouth before they enter the house, so the smell won't give it away either. The drowsiness usually lasts for a few hours (depends on how strong the weed is) but with a quick shower or washing your face, you would be sober again or at least look sober.

It is pretty easy to get away with it when you have parents that have no experience of it.



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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #147 on: June 30, 2010, 09:22:04 AM »
if he is withdrawn and sits in his room yes you are a shitty parent but he probably isnt smoking pot if he is sitting in his room all the time.
Fucker, you know what i mean.

When you are high, you wouldn't really act weird. Usually you would look a little drowsy and you can get away with that by either saying you are tired, wearing glasses or running straight into the bathroom. Most kids spray themselves with perfume and stick a mint or chewing gum into their mouth before they enter the house, so the smell won't give it away either. The drowsiness usually lasts for a few hours (depends on how strong the weed is) but with a quick shower or washing your face, you would be sober again or at least look sober.

It is pretty easy to get away with it when you have parents that have no experience of it.
Instead of weird, i should have said different, like.. WARING SUNGLASSES INSIDE, SAYING YOU'RE TIRED ALL THE TIME, OR RUNNING STRAIGHT TO THE BATHROOM EVERY TIME YOU COME HOME... or smelling like they just put on cologne every time they come home.

Who the heck do you think you're talking to? Someone who has never smoked weed? Silly berries.

Re: Marijuana
« Reply #148 on: June 30, 2010, 09:33:27 AM »
It is hard when the parents have never experienced it before. I think it is good to experience marijuana just so you know when your kid walks into the house high.

Sorry, i don't buy that. If your kid starts acting weird, get suspicious and ask questions. you do NOT act the same high as when you are sober.

When you are high, you wouldn't really act weird. Usually you would look a little drowsy and you can get away with that by either saying you are tired, wearing glasses or running straight into the bathroom. Most kids spray themselves with perfume and stick a mint or chewing gum into their mouth before they enter the house, so the smell won't give it away either. The drowsiness usually lasts for a few hours (depends on how strong the weed is) but with a quick shower or washing your face, you would be sober again or at least look sober.

It is pretty easy to get away with it when you have parents that have no experience of it.

^ Agreed, i did for about 3 years. It takes 5 minutes for someone with moderate experience to know though.


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Re: Marijuana
« Reply #149 on: June 30, 2010, 09:33:47 AM »
My parents were totally naive about drugs.  I was able to fool them for a long time, but not forever.  They eventually busted me.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.