ESA (pronounceed: EE-SA)-Earth shape agnostic (i just dont know)
here is a heavily edited (by friends so there will be no typing mistakes) essay I wrote on why i am an esa! Enjoy!
I used to live in a content little world. A world where good and evil, right and wrong, were obvious. A world where modern scientists were heros, politicians were good, and, yes, the earth was most definitely round. All this changed in the past year and it felt like everything was going to come tumbling down! But I was strong and my own inner strength had me accept that all I had previously believed was incorrect. I realized we cannot definitively prove the shape of the earth because we need to first unmask the conspiracy. Some will call me insane. Yet I will tell me tale nonetheless and inform all of how I slowly rejected all of the above assumptions (except good and just more confused now...).
I really did believe our politicians wanted the best for us...that they wanted to PROTECT America. Boy was I wrong. I once accidentally stumbled upon Alex Jones. He opened my eyes up to a new world...a dark world....a world where everything I knew was wrong! He talked about the NWO (NEw world order) which the skull and bones, illuminati, and other powerful groups and politicians in the USA got together. They were a shadow government. I later examined books and even videos of Bohemian Grove...where they met and had MOCK HUMAN SACRIFICES AND PRAYED TO A DEMONIC OWL GOD CALLED MOLOCH! IT was there on youtube! There were also reports of them having sex with men up there...even Richard Nixon admitted it in a video (also available on youtube for those of you who are interested!) I read about how the US was covering up ALOT...including its own citizens...
I felt so confused....why oh why was the line between good and evil so blurred? All of my prejudices...I didn't want to believe it...but the evidence showed the NWO existed and was powerful! In this age of globularism it is so much easier for a shadow gov't to rule the world. Organizations like the UN were able to have many of the world's nations checked up on as most of them were in it. But even scarier was Barrack Obama....his election was clearly a fraud. He fought against weak opponents who did everything wrong...he wasn't even born in America and he had associated with terrorists and radicals like Bill Ayes and Jeremiah Wright. He was obviously a puppet of the NWO...groomed from a young age for this job.
I came to this website, FES, in this state of mind. I admit I left some joke threads about my conversion to FE...but I wasn't serious. Yet I eventually became more intrigued by it. I was never a good typist. Yet the FE'ers were always tolerant and open-minded, politely telling me to watch my grammar while the RE'ers sneered and mocked me. They were also open-minded and tolerant of new ideas. So many come to this site to mock and ridicule rather than to listen. Why did RE'ers do this I asked? It was because they were like me. Scared of their world views....ingrained in them since childhood, being destroyed. When I lost my faith in our world leaders and realized they were part of the NWO I felt that way too.
I believe that a massive conspiracy is possible. The NWO proves that! Their tentacles are everywhere! Credible sites like, as well as individuals like ALex Jones and Mark Dice, have exposed them! All of the so called "evidence" for a RE could have been fabricated too, I thought. It was impossible to know. The only way we could know is by overthrowing the conspiracy by spreading word of its existence. I finally had lost faith in modern science's objectivity. If the NWO could fabricate everything we know about the universe they could maintain an amazing amount of control over the human race! The human race would develop as they wanted it too.
I believe RE'ers have to open their minds.Don't be afraid of the unknown! I lost faith in the comforting world I had once known...but now i know that I have a duty to search for the truth and enlighten my fellow man. Research the New World could possibly be the face for the Flat earth conspiracy. I am not sure what shape the earth is but I do know that RE cannot be believed blindly. In a thread I made asking RE'ers why they believed most of them admitted they had been taught it from a young age. Could it be that they are being manipulated? Re may bethe truth and it might not be. BUt I implore my fellow RE human beings to not judge people for their grammar or beliefs but embrace a heaping helping of tolerance, inclusivity, and mutual love so we can discover the truth.
ESA Gigamonsta