Here's the thing. Your photo and my photo don't prove anything. Bendy-light crap makes any 'I can see the curvature of the earth in this photo!!!' pointless.
Light bends, but it takes a truly massive object to curve it. (Aka a RE-type sun) And since gravity is required to make earth curve, the only gravity in a flat earth universe comes from celestial objects, making it seem like you're not on the outside, but inside of a sphere.
While if a RE could bend light, it would make the earth seem even more curved.
(The only time people have seen light bend naturally is during solar eclipses, which proved relativety correct, or near black holes, making earth impossible to bend light either way)
An atmosphere would more likely make things blurrier, not changing thier shape.
Conclusion? Your photo is at too low of an altitude to see curvature, while the concorde flies high enough to view the curvature of the earth, and the inability of earth to bend light proves no line-curving phenomena.