The method you use can offer NO explanation on the type of map the earth actaully uses.
We have provided plenty of maps on this very website!
Can offer no explanation as to how bendy-light works.
I think Steve would like a word with you - I think he may disagree with your assement. As far as I can tell, he can, and does, offer extensive explanation for how it works.
Can offer no explanation to UA and how it affects the earth but not my glass of milk.
I actually tried to work through this with you personally. I assure you, most other globularists have no trouble understanding the theory of Universal Acceleration, even though they disagree with it. The fact that you funamentally can't understand it is a reflection of your own intellectual ability, not the explanatory power of Zeteticism.
How other planets have gravity but we dont.
Nothing has gravity. Gravity does not exist.
Offers NO explanation to how geostationary orbit works. No explanation as to how GPS works.
Satellite signals are broadcast from high-altitude aircraft, as I have explained many times.
The method we use can offer explantions with proof and MEASURABLE RESULTS to all the phenomenen observed.
Can it offer explanations, proof and measurable results for the existence of gravitons? Gravitons are one of the major explanatory devices of globularism. Where are the proofs and measurable results which show their existence?
Coincidently the method we use was used to develop the concrete floors you walk on everyday. So if you don't believe in the scientific method I suggest you go live in a forrest somewhere and stay away from any structures. Since these structures were designed based on theories developed using scientific method. So in your opinion all structures on earth are inferior.
That's complete nonsense. The production and development of concrete, and the facts which are involved in understanding such processes, are accessible to zetetic enquiry.
Anti-moon is once again rejected as a theory. Try again.
It is rejected by you. However, whether you reject or accept a theory has little bearing on what anyone else does.