Flat Earth: The Novel

  • 121 Replies


  • Official Member
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  • Punk rawk.
Re: Flat Earth: The Novel
« Reply #120 on: May 13, 2010, 06:03:43 AM »
For a group that is as lacking in numbers as yours is, you guys have way too many different ideas on what things could be. Out of the what, 60 official members, you have how many different moons? Ones a spotlight, ones a sphere, ones living, ones an anti-moon...no one is going to take you guys seriously (ever) until you actually decide what the hell a flat Earth consists of (never).

Re: Flat Earth: The Novel
« Reply #121 on: May 13, 2010, 07:18:28 AM »
There is an option for a flat earth in Civilization 4.


Afraid I cant link as it is an ingame option, if you have it go onto

"custom game"

then on world wrap click flat earth