Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Oracle Speaks!
The angry mob surrounded Chris Spaghetti. Angry snarls were emerging from everyone.
"He's a wolf!" shouted Taters.
"Cut his throat!" screamed Wendy.
Dann sprang forward first and dealt a heavy blow to Chris, who staggered back and fell to his knees. Then the mob was upon him. His ribs were kicked, his face was stomped, and a few people stooped down to whale on him with their fists. The violence didn't stop until the Oracle shouted for calm and quiet.
The villagers slowly stepped back to survey their work. On the ground before them there lay a dead man. A beaten, bruised, bloody man, summarily executed by democracy, but still, only a man.
Chris Spaghetti was lynched, 17-1. He was not a wolf.
It is now night. Wolf Michelangelo, send me a kill. Guardian, tell me who you want to protect.