There are 4 werewolves:
Wolf Leonardo
Wolf Michelangelo
Wolf Donatello
Wolf Raphael
The game is divided into "day" and "night" cycles, which are usually 24 hours each. The extended days are so that members from different timezones can participate equally.
For the Villagers, the aim is to kill all the Wolves. At the outset of the game, the Villagers do not know who the Wolves are; it is up to them to figure it out.
The Villagers can vote to 'lynch' someone they suspect of being a wolf during the day cycle of the game. To do so, they must secure a certain number of votes (50% - 60%, the exact number will be declared at the beginning of the day). Wolves can participate in the discussion and vote as well, because the villager don't know who they are. People who have already died in the course of the game are not allowed to talk during the day (only during the night), and hence cannot vote.
An important note as well: If the villagers win, ALL of the villagers win (including the dead ones). Because dead villagers (and wolves) can post during the night, being killed does not necessarily mean the game is over for you.
The Guardian is on the side of the Villagers; he/she gets one chance each night to protect one villager. The Guardian sends me a PM, and that person will be protected from any wolf attacks that night. Please note that the Guardian cannot protect him/herself.
The Wolves win when they have reduced the villagers down to a 2:1 ratio. Once this ratio is reached, the wolves will overrun the town and kill all remaining villagers. However, they cannot win if the two siblings are alive. This means that if all three non-sibling wolves are alive, they will win when only 6 villagers remain (9 people total).
Unlike the villagers, each Wolf knows who the other Wolves is. Every night, a Wolf can send me a PM telling me who they want to kill, and then that person will be killed. The Wolves take it in turns: Wolf Leonardo the first night, Wolf Michelangelo the second, Wolf Donatello the third, and Wolf Raphael last. On the fifth night, it is Wolf Leonardo's turn again. If a wolf dies, the wolves do not lose a turn. The following morning, I will reveal who was killed.
One werewolf and one villager will be chosen to become siblings. This pair no longer shares the goals of their factions: they win when they have killed off everyone but them to a 2:1 ratio. The werewolves cannot win so long as the traitor in their rank lives, but they cannot attack each other during the night. When one sibling dies, so does the other.
Also, these are important:
-Make it very clear who you are voting to lynch. In order to count, a vote must be stated as follows:
"I vote to lynch [NAME]." You must have the phrase "I vote to lynch", otherwise it could be construed as a suggestion or something. When voting, add a running total so that keeping track of votes is easier.
"I vote to lynch [Player A].
[Player A]: 1"
You can change your vote, but please keep the running total up to date.
-Dead people (villagers AND wolves) can talk during the night, but ONLY at night.
-Wolves cannot disclose who their partner is, even once they're dead.
-Wolves can vote to lynch each other, but cannot kill each other outright (during the night).
-No posting screenshots or other "physical" evidence, whether of chat logs, PMs, "Who's Online", or anything else.
-Only players can post in this thread.