Exactly how you are capable of thinking that a short phrase does an adequate job of describing the complexities of every single occupation, and how you become an expert in it, is in some way realistic, makes absolutely no sense to me...
For your exuberant and frequent claims of being a scientist, and all the attributing education required, you seem to lack a rudimentary understanding in reading comprehension. Let me try and break this down one more time:
1) You listed requirements to being a scientist
2) These requirements were incorrect as defined by the dictionary
Never once during any of this did I say you were wrong in any capacity except as defined by the dictionary. Never did I say anyone with a minimal knowledge in their desired field was a scientist (and I believe I said that very clearly). Never did I say the process of learning in your field was irrelevant. I said, that your ludicrous requirements to being a scientist were definitively wrong. Through, I would be willing to easily concede that they are not mutually exclusive -- something that I believe you assumed I did.
In order to be a scientist, you need not go to school, you need not publish papers, and surely need not even follow the scientific method (though not doing any one of these would almost certainly make you a poor scientist). All you need to do is have acquired an expertise in your field of science.
I have the dictionary backing up my definition, you have the nothing more than a veiled appeal to authority behind your side. Keep the strawmen coming, I'll keep correcting you.