Have you ever been to a Subway Resturant? They make the food right in front of you. If the place is disgustingly dirty, you'd just walk right out.
What's stopping you from inspecting a kitchen? You could easily police the situation yourself by just taking a look. I don't see anything wrong with this. If I had a resturant, this is what I would do, health inspections or not.
It seems to me like you're advocating abolishing interdependence in society, and adopting an "every man for himself" approach, which simply won't work. For example, take food which is purchased in a supermarket. Are you really going to take the time to go around to every manufacturer and personally inspect their factory to make sure that they're making the food properly? If someone gives you chocolate as a gift, are you going to ask them where they got it so you can drive out to its place of manufacture and make sure that there's nothing wrong with the manufacturing process?
People can make educated decisions based on whatever they like. I'm not saying there shouldn't be some kind of reviewing body, just not one that demands I give them money, or else.
If quality is important to you, you can choose to purchase the 'certified' whatever product, or you can roll the dice on a non certified product.
Just look at the preservatives in food. If your country uses mandatory food labels, you might notice a bunch of scientific sounding names for these preservatives. Most people have absolutely no idea what they are putting into their bodies, they just no the government hasn't stopped them yet.
I highly encourage you to watch the movie, Food Inc. It's a documentary of the American food system.
Specifically, there's a section in that movie about cattle. The cattle in this movie are so packed together at the processing yard, that by the time they get to the slaughter house, they are litterly covered in shit. They have to be power washed before they are slaughtered.
But, since the government decides how much poop is okay to eat, you'll never hear about it. I personally want ZERO shit in my food.
Additionally, why do you have to purchase food at a super market? You make that choice.
That's where brand name recognition comes into play. Like Kosher products. How do you know those things are really Kosher? Did you meet the rabbi that blessed that food?
Same idea applies to the shoes you are wearing. What kind of oversight do you think Vietnam has for their clothing industry. Perhaps they use many harsh chemicals in the process. This thought never crosses into most peoples minds.