According to FET, we will all die very soon.

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According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« on: March 18, 2010, 11:01:33 AM »
Global Warming.

It is going to melt the ice wall, causing our water and atmosphere to be uncontained causing us to die horrible deaths.



  • 190
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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 11:40:50 AM »
Global Warming.

It is going to melt the ice wall, causing our water and atmosphere to be uncontained causing us to die horrible deaths.

Oh shit yeah!!

~runs off to turn the heater down~
~No Ordinary Moments~



  • 18597
Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 01:35:18 PM »
That ice wall is really a mountain range.

See, according to FE, the Earth is like a bunch of islands in a giant lake.
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Lord Wilmore

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 01:42:59 PM »
Planar warning may well cause a rise in sea levels, but the rim continent is just that - a continent, not an ice shelf.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2010, 01:55:29 PM »
That ice wall is really a mountain range.

See, according to FE, the Earth is like a bunch of islands in a giant lake.

ooo.. imagine if there is enough ice on the wall to make the sea level get higher than the mountain range of that continent whjen it all melts.. what would happen? Earth would overflow?
~No Ordinary Moments~



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2010, 02:28:27 PM »
Planar warning may well cause a rise in sea levels, but the rim continent is just that - a continent, not an ice shelf.

Wilmore, correct me if I wrong but according to your model, the rim continent is still undiscovered and therefore is still only speculation.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2010, 02:32:16 PM »
The earth is expanding so the melting of ice will have virtually no effect



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2010, 02:37:25 PM »
The earth is expanding so the melting of ice will have virtually no effect

so the rising sea level that scientist are measuring is not there? or is it too strong for the expanding earth to handle? or is the measured rising just not enough to be mentioned? Any thoughts?

BTW being an inhabitant of the Netherlands I hope you're right
~No Ordinary Moments~


Lord Wilmore

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2010, 02:58:30 PM »
Planar warning may well cause a rise in sea levels, but the rim continent is just that - a continent, not an ice shelf.

Wilmore, correct me if I wrong but according to your model, the rim continent is still undiscovered and therefore is still only speculation.

You are correct, however I consider rising sea levels to be strong evidence that the rim continent exists.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2010, 04:09:06 PM »
You have a few outcomes:

A) assuming the ice wall is just ice, it melts and everything goes to hell.

B) assuming it is a mountain range, the ice melts, and we all drown.

Remember, this ice wall is meant to consist of a lot of ice, more than just what Antarctica has.



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2010, 04:14:47 PM »
You have a few outcomes:

A) assuming the ice wall is just ice, it melts and everything goes to hell.

B) assuming it is a mountain range, the ice melts, and we all drown.

Remember, this ice wall is meant to consist of a lot of ice, more than just what Antarctica has.

Still global/planar warming will kill us all.  So everyone live life to the fullest because we probably don't have much time left.


Eddy Baby

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2010, 04:16:35 PM »


Isn't that the same as RE?



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2010, 04:20:28 PM »


Isn't that the same as RE?

Yeah but discs have less surface area so it would happen much faster with a Flat Earth.  Also there is the possibility that our atmosphere is being held in by a shelf of ice, which would melt and cause everything liquid (and also the atmosphere) to fall off the earth disc leaving us mighty screwed.



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2010, 04:33:18 PM »
On RE, we have a fairly good guess how much it will rise due to everything being mapped and such.

On FE, who knows what's on the otherside of that wall.

It could be a giant dam, holding back an endless sea.



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2010, 05:30:06 PM »
Seeing as how 2% of the world’s water is drinkable and 90% is ice (in the round earth) wouldn't that equal a 1.8% rise in the worlds oceans?

The ocean's depth is an average of 3790 meters (12430 ft), so 101.8% would be 3858.22 meters (12653.74 ft). That would mean the water levels would rise a grand total of 68.22 meters (223.74 ft)

While that is a considerable height it DOES NOT FLOOD the entire world, just most of the grazing land.

Antarctica (in RET) is 18,000 km, in FET it is 125688.84 Km (in circumference). This is 7 times as much land mass (at least in coast line). Since there is no account of how deep the ice wall is I will assume that it is as deep as Antarctica is from coast to pole.

Antarctica has 90% of the earths ice, 90% of 90% of 2% would be 1.62%. 1.62% times 7 gives us 11.34%, add that to the .18% and we have 11.52% of the worlds water in ice form. That would mean there is 9.72% more water in the world then in RET.

Grand total increase of water in FET if all the Ice melted = 436.608 meters (1431.936 ft)

« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 10:48:30 PM by Drdevice »


Benjamin Franklin

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2010, 07:18:17 PM »
Seeing as how 2% of the world?s water is drinkable and 90% is ice (in the round earth) wouldn't that equal a 1.8% rise in the worlds oceans?

The ocean's depth is an average of 3790 meters (12430 ft), so 101.8% would be 3858.22 meters (12653.74 ft). That would mean the water levels would rise a grand total of 68.22 meters (223.74 ft)

While that is a considerable height it is not the entire world, just most of the grazing land.

Antarctica (in RET) is 18,000 km, in FET it is 125688.84 Km (in circumference). This is 7 times as much land mass (at least in coast line). Since there is no account of how deep the ice wall is I will assume that it is as deep as Antarctica is from coast to pole.

Antarctica has 90% of the earths ice, 90% of 90% of 2% would be 1.62%. 1.62% times 7 gives us 11.34%, add that to the .18% and we have 11.52% of the worlds water in ice form. That would mean there is 9.72% more water in the world then in RET.

Grand total increase of water in FET if all the Ice melted = 436.608 meters (1431.936 ft)
Did you just use random, uncited numbers, percents, and assumptions and thought it actually proved anything of substance?



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2010, 08:03:15 PM »
ok fine here is the location for the %

as for the antarctica mesurments (i know its not the best sorce but I was just in it for quick answers)

and the one for flat earth I extrapolated out of the distance from the north pole to the south pole and then 2*pi*d=c


The average depth of the ocean

« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 10:53:39 PM by Drdevice »


Wakka Wakka

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2010, 09:47:33 PM »
Everyone does realize that Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean all the glaciers and polar icecaps will melt, right?
Normally when I'm not sure I just cop a feel.

Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2010, 10:24:17 PM »
Everyone does realize that Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean all the glaciers and polar icecaps will melt, right?
Of course not!  The atmosphere is a zero sum game, and planar warming will only make the make path of the metallic sun warmer, and making the ice wall and central pole colder.  The ice will grow, and eventually threaten baby harp seals and Santa Claus.  :'(



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2010, 11:22:56 PM »
Everyone does realize that Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean all the glaciers and polar icecaps will melt, right?
No, because most people are intelligent and understand that that is what will happen if heating continues.


Lord Wilmore

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2010, 07:44:00 AM »
Yeah but discs have less surface area so it would happen much faster with a Flat Earth.

That depends on the size of the disc.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord



  • 18597
Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2010, 01:34:45 PM »
Everyone does realize that Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean all the glaciers and polar icecaps will melt, right?
No, because most people are intelligent and understand that that is what will happen if heating continues.

Well yeah, everything will melt if it get's too hot, but if the poles were to get hot enough to melt all the icecaps and glaciers, we'd have far bigger problems like having the whole planet turn into a desert.  I don't know the math, but the planet would have to retain a significant amount of heat for all areas of the planet to be above 0c for 6 months at any given time.

The Global Warming right now means that enough Ice is melted to change the ocean currents.  Once those change, the climate will alter based on the new water flow patterns and the subsequent redistribution of heated air and water that goes with it.
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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2010, 01:38:55 PM »



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2010, 04:08:55 PM »

I wouldn't count on it.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.


Tom Bishop

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2010, 04:54:02 PM »
I don't doubt that the earth may be getting hotter. However, I do doubt that it's due to anything caused by man.

The earth has been getting hotter and colder since times immaterial. Ice ages come and go. Eras of heat come and go. It's the nature of all things old and new.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 05:08:23 PM by Tom Bishop »



  • 18597
Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2010, 06:24:56 PM »
I don't doubt that the earth may be getting hotter. However, I do doubt that it's due to anything caused by man.

The earth has been getting hotter and colder since times immaterial. Ice ages come and go. Eras of heat come and go. It's the nature of all things old and new.

But how?
With a round earth model, the temperatures range in cause from axis tilt to plate tectonics moving the land mass to alter the ocean currents.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



  • 227
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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2010, 07:20:50 PM »
I don't doubt that the earth may be getting hotter. However, I do doubt that it's due to anything caused by man.

The earth has been getting hotter and colder since times immaterial. Ice ages come and go. Eras of heat come and go. It's the nature of all things old and new.

Wow, I haven't read all of your posts but this is the first thing I have ever compleatly agreed with you on.

It doesn't mean things shouldn't change, resorces are still limited but I think its a good way to motivate people who otherwise wouldn't care.


Eddy Baby

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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2010, 02:10:20 AM »



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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2010, 03:42:02 PM »
Just to say this: the real danger of global warming isn't said to be all of the ice capes and glaciers and icbergs melting completely.

It's them melting enough to affect water salinity in various parts of the ocean which will in turn affect various currents (whose water flow is partially determined by salinity-affected density) which will in turn affect environmental conditions like temperature and weather.

I probably should have posted this thread in complete nonsense, because it was meant more as a friendly jest than an actual argument.

If any mod feels the need to move it there, they may feel free to do so.



  • 728
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Re: According to FET, we will all die very soon.
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2010, 07:27:12 PM »
Just to say this: the real danger of global warming isn't said to be all of the ice capes and glaciers and icbergs melting completely.

It's them melting enough to affect water salinity in various parts of the ocean which will in turn affect various currents (whose water flow is partially determined by salinity-affected density) which will in turn affect environmental conditions like temperature and weather.

I probably should have posted this thread in complete nonsense, because it was meant more as a friendly jest than an actual argument.

If any mod feels the need to move it there, they may feel free to do so.


Pour enough fresh water into the seas and the salinity drops enough for the tops of them to freeze.

Heat isn't what I'm afraid of, it's the very rapid cooling that comes soon after.