Seeing as how 2% of the world’s water is drinkable and 90% is ice (in the round earth) wouldn't that equal a 1.8% rise in the worlds oceans?
The ocean's depth is an average of 3790 meters (12430 ft), so 101.8% would be 3858.22 meters (12653.74 ft). That would mean the water levels would rise a grand total of 68.22 meters (223.74 ft)
While that is a considerable height it DOES NOT FLOOD the entire world, just most of the grazing land.
Antarctica (in RET) is 18,000 km, in FET it is 125688.84 Km (in circumference). This is 7 times as much land mass (at least in coast line). Since there is no account of how deep the ice wall is I will assume that it is as deep as Antarctica is from coast to pole.
Antarctica has 90% of the earths ice, 90% of 90% of 2% would be 1.62%. 1.62% times 7 gives us 11.34%, add that to the .18% and we have 11.52% of the worlds water in ice form. That would mean there is 9.72% more water in the world then in RET.
Grand total increase of water in FET if all the Ice melted = 436.608 meters (1431.936 ft)