Earlier, I developed a new alternative theory which is a superior explanation for both gravity and the occurence of bendy light.
Here is the theory:
Imagine a piece of metal between two magnets which have the ability to fluctuate in their strength. The metal will continuously move between the two magnets.
Now habe the metal become flat earth and the magnets two supermassive black holes with fluctuating masses, and thus gravitational pulls.
NOTE: I know Bishop seems to get stuck on the Quantum Field Theory explanation for gravity, the Graviton. the final undiscovered particle of that theory discounting the higgs boson. For Tom's sake, we will be using the more classical explanation of gravity, in that it is a result of mass.
Also Note: Flat Earth is meant to signify the Flat Earth Assembly, including the Earth itself, the atmosphere, and the sky mirror.d
Flat Earth is trapped between the gravitational pull of these two bodies. It is constantly going upwards towards one (whichever one is more massive in particular instant). The "top" always points towards the more massive black hole as a result of physics, but the flips occur so quickly (and occur at the same time as the change of gravity) that they are unnoticeable.
Gravity is a combination of the pull of whichever black hole is the lesser in an instant, and the upward movement of flat earth.
Stars are actally reflections of our own light on the sky mirror.
Bendy light is actually a result of the black holes bending the light.
This theory, here to be referred to as BH-FET, is supported by Bishops post about Occam's razor.
Which is the simpler explanation:
That the flat earth is moving upward because of a theoretical unobserved mass whose effects are wholly unexplainable by modern physics,
Or that it is moving upward as a result of observable phenomena acting as physics, a field of research which is often PEER REVIEWED, says is legitimate?
Thus Bishop has shown his support for the nonexistence of the EA, and for the superiority of BH-FET