I'd like to know why people feel that Jesus is so special for sacrificing himself. People die for others every day, yet they aren't celebrated nearly as much as Jesus is.
Well there is probably no way that I can completely satisfy you in just one post, but here is an introductory answer to your question.
Sure there are many people that die for people everyday but that may be for one person, 50 people, or thousands, and yet Jesus, the Christ died for everyone's sins. Also he died for the right reasons, not for wars created by man.
Jesus' death was special because he was the only begotten son of God, the firstborn of all creation, and was created solely by God himself alone, and his death was a ransom sacrifice for all those born into original sin, thus opening the way for eternal life.
Jesus was more than just some guy that saved some people, for he was perfect and had these characteristics:
a balanced view of material things
a courageous liberator
depth of feeling and warmth
wonderful counselor
master teacher
righteous judge
outstanding prophet
a healer
superb example of love
Jesus had a vital place in God's purpose, for he was the key, or central figure in the outworking of all of God's purposes, and the focal point on which the light of all prophecies would concentrate, and the foundation upon which God would build all future arrangements for the eternal good.