Alternate FETs?

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Alternate FETs?
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:28:21 PM »
If FET is true, many assumption of modern science would have to be edited or completely disregarded to fir that.

FET has a great many theories which accomplish this editing or disregarding.

However, I have seen no concrete proof or experimentation to validate these theories.

This is one of the reasons that I went on to develop a branch of FET that I call SF-FET, which contests that flight is possible even if the Earth where Flat and constantly moving upward.

So, I think that more alternate FET theories such as SF-FET should be developed and proposed.

Since no concrete proof has yet been provided for theories such as Bendy Light, the Universal Accelerator, or really any of the tenets, this leads me to believe that they cannot be the only way to rationalize a Flat Earth.

So in this thread, I invite everyone to propose subsets of FET.

Keeping with the tradition FET, these theories do not need to have any experimental validation.  The only need to fit your observations, and only your observations.

Perhaps if more alternate theories such as SF-FET are developed, we can get closer to a true FET.

Re: Alternate FETs?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 12:44:01 PM »
SF = Science Fiction?

Don't tell me you've gone to the dark side  ;)
There is evidence for a NASA conspiracy. Please search.



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Re: Alternate FETs?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 12:49:04 PM »
SF = Science Fiction?

Don't tell me you've gone to the dark side  ;)


SF-FET has all the validation that FET has, so it should be considered on at least equal ground.  This leads me to further belief that other such theories can be developed and brought to light.

Furthermore, the FE'ers should be perfectly willing to make their theory stronger by editing it or incorporating alternate explanations that still support their flat earth.  With the amount of effort they put into defending FET, I don't see why they wouldn't take this opportunity to strengthen their stance.


Lord Wilmore

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Re: Alternate FETs?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 12:49:28 PM »
I assume it stands for 'Space Flight'.

I too think that dogmatism is something that the Flat Earth Societybove all should avoid. Also, as far as I know, in the Davis model spaceflight is possible.
"I want truth for truth's sake, not for the applaud or approval of men. I would not reject truth because it is unpopular, nor accept error because it is popular. I should rather be right and stand alone than run with the multitude and be wrong." - C.S. DeFord



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Re: Alternate FETs?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 02:50:03 PM »
Here is an Alternative Theory I have developed to explain the activity of light and the upward movement of Flat Earth.

If there were a large black hole above the Flat Earth Assembly (including the Flat Earth, its contained atmosphere, the Sun and Moon, and the Sky Mirror) pulling it all upward.

The light bends due to the intense gravity of the black hole.

It is possible that there is a gravitational force below us as well, which is causing us to rise stably and slowly (as there would have to be counterforce to maintain the steady upward rise so close to the main black hole's event horizon.

There are many ways in which the rise could be constant however, for example if the two gravitational bodies had fluctuating gravitational forces, and the "top" of the Flat Earth would quickly and unnoticeably flip when the one body overtakes the force of the other.

Therefore, the Earth is continually going "up" toward one body or the other.

This makes stars difficult to explain, however, I believe I have one.   The sky mirror reflects the light of the earth , but the distance of it makes it so that only small strong points of light are reflected back.  The spinning of the stars has to do with the way the black holes affect the mirror.

Similarly to how Space Flight became SF-FET, I am calling this BH-FET.

Others should feel free to participate in this theorization.



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Re: Alternate FETs?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2010, 04:55:40 PM »
Furthermore I'd like to say that one of Bishop's pages supports BH-FET

Whats the simpler explanation:  That our Earth is travelling within a small distance much like how a small piece of metal acts when between two magnets,  or that same theoretical unobserved mass happens to be sitting below our Earth and is hurtling us up into space and also magically making light bend?

Since the former is quite obviously a simpler explanation with less assumptions,  Bishop himself shows that the Black Hole explanation is superior to bendy light and the electromagnetic accelerator.