Daniel is only president of TFES because he invented it.
It's not as though he was appointed by a board or anything. He registered a domain, bought some space and dumped some SMF fora in there.
True. John Davis's views are much more ideologically akin to Charles Johnson and Samuel Shenton which contrasts with Daniel's adoption of novel opinions such as an upwardly moving earth. Correct me if I am wrong (with address and meeting times), but unlike James, John Davis and others, Daniel is not the leader of any local flat earth group in London or anywhere. The Knoxville Flat Earth Society is a genuine ideological child of Charles Johnson's Flat Earth Research Society International of which Daniel was never a member.
John Davis keeps on having meetings but forgets to invite anyone.
He initiated a thread announcing the opening of the Knoxville Flat Earth Society with an open invitation to visit.
Anyone here interested? I'm in the beginning steps of making a new group in Knoxville.
I also sent him a private message about this, and he said that it was no problem to visit for one of the meetings although he is still evidently working on gathering a core group of members since his society is so new.