Parsifal, since you seem to be retarted about how most users approach software, let me fill you in.
Most users don't have a disassembler on their computer. Fewer know any assembly languages. Yet for some reason, these people have all their software work and can do what they want their software to.
How do I know my software doesn't have spyware and such in it? Because if a program I'm using doesn't need a connection to the internet to function, I don't allow it through my firewall (which BTW, is also my virus scanner. It is commercial and not open source, yet my computer is virus free).
I understand that you think "free" software is best and "open source" is the best thing that can happen, but most users who use open source alternatives don't download the source, only binaries. Because they don't care about looking at the source and seeing HOW the program does what it does. All they care about is WHAT it does FOR THEM, which you don't need to look at the source code for.