Okay, while I think a lot of the science behind FET is odd, I find it plausible, discounting anything that the "Conspiracy" tenet says should be discounted.
Light travels in bendy, depending on the orientation at which it is emitted from the source?
Alright, needs some more explanation on why "vertical" light bends and "non-vertical" doesn't, and how from any particular source this light knows what is "vertical" and what isn't, but yeah. I can go with that.
The Earth is large flat disc surrounded by a large ice wall, and any curvature we've seen is an illusion caused by the aforementioned bendy light? Yeah, I can go with that.
And it is traveling upward causing somethign reminiscent of Gravity? Sure. I can go with that.
But what I can't go with?
The conspiracy, from my interpretation, is what all of FET relies on. Yes, all the science is plausible, but only if you've already assumed that the conspiracy is true.
And this is what bothers me. A Conspiracy theory is not science. A conspiracy theory by nature can never be consequently proven or disproven, making any Conspiracy theory a wishy washy thing.
Sure you can argue that 9/11 was staged by the government, but you can also argue that it wasn't. And no matter how much the "It wasn't staged by the government" folks try with their arguments and evidence to convince the "It was staged by the government" group, the latter group will always be able to find some small piece of evidence, which through coincidence or misinterpretation will always be able to be championed as undeniable proof of the conspiracy.
The same goes for the Space Travel conspiracy theory. No matter how much evidence RE'ers find that support that we have gone into space at some point or another, FE'ers will always find a piece of evidence that they can champion as their undeniable proof, regardless of its validity.
And the real problem?
FET relies on the conspiracy theory to be plausible.
Light *could* travel in that bendy fashion, but if we've gone into space, we would know that it wouldn't, because we would see the location of the Sun, and all the planets orbiting around it, and we could use various experiments to measure the way light travels.
The Earth *could* be a large disk moving up through space, but if we've gone into space we would know that it isn't, because we have taken pictures that would show that it isn't.
So there's my problem.
The science of FET relies on something that is not science to be plausible.
And as a scientist, I just can't consign to that.
So now, FE'ers, I invite you to convince me of your theory.
Do any of you have a way to explain this theory based on pure scientific fact that does not rely on a conspiracy to be plausible?
Or any other explanation that effectively removes the theories need for this conspiracy? (I don't know what that would be, but if any of you have any idea, you're welcome to try.)