Ok lets use this thread to outline the different hoaxes of NASA.
Also is there verifiable evidence to support a case for NASA being primarily created as a disinformation branch of the USA military?
Lets take the
supposed images of the Earth, as supposedly taken from close-Earth orbit. Now there is a big problem I have always seen with satellite TV feeds, which are few and far between, they are mostly controlled by the military, and are not very reliable/truthful images at all. Also anyone with any brains, can see that they are cheap simulations of a round, rotating globe. Things like this have always disgruntled myself, anyone who looks at these video images, can plainly see one specific spot on these small fake models where a hot-spot lamp light reflection is seen. If these supposed images of Earth were real, a very specific light reflection hot-spot would never be seen. Also they look like they are made of plastic and have a very artificial look to them, with no Earth atmosphere glow at all.
Take a look at this Apollo 17 image, the famous 'Marble Earth' photo AS17-148-2272-"Full Earth" photographed during lunar coast
http://www.apolloarchive.com/apg_thumbnail.php?ptr=217&imageID=AS17-148-22726Now save that HR image onto your computer, then make it bigger, turn it up-side-down, then look at that raised 'ice' section of the ridge of Antarctica. This part alone reveals this to be a fake Earth model that was used for this Apollo 17 photo.
Let us move onto supposed space images that NASA says are from things like the Hubble 'space' telescope. I have concluded that the
Hubble telescope is one almighty con-job, and is a pure work of mythical fiction. The bright, very colorful, highly in focused images are truly impossible for any telescope in existence to have ever taken. 'Dreamland', Area 51, is where these sci-fi pretty picture works of cock'n'bull fiction are created. Just look at any of these 'photos' that NASA releases, the depth of perception, and even shadowing in the images are truly impossible for any real telescope to produce. The truth is, a small area of the heavens is chosen, then Area 51 Dreamland imagineers, dream up what should be in that specific space of heaven. After all, who is to prove NASA wrong, because no one else can actually reproduce what NASA have released, to back up their fantasy claims.
faked Mars orbits & landings can be included, along with the carefully constructed
work of fiction-'Voyagers'. The fact that no men or women anywhere, have ever actually gone into out of space for real.
Empty, light-weight space shuttle shells taking off into space. Simulated TV footage of the astronauts inside the space shuttle shaking around. Anyone can look at some of those videos, and can easily see that none of those 'shuttle astronauts' were experiencing any 'G'-forces, when they were so easily moving their hands and arms around.
What else would others like to cover and investigate, to add to the list? There are a multitude of hoaxed photos produced by NASA besides that above Apollo 17 'Marble Earth' photo. The Apollo NASA images are full of so many mistakes, it defies logic to believe in NASA's moon landing fantasy as being real.