IT'S WEREWOLF TIME!"...Hewn from the red seam
Sewn in men's veins
A hunger awakes
With two forms but one name
The hunter of Moon
That takes endless delight
To see the dark spread;
Day vanquished by night
But the village has numbers
No mean strength to have found
To battle the demon
The evil Man-Hound
Yet as some fear the night, others curse morn'
To see day follow night; to see dusk follow dawn..."Rawwwwrrrr etc.
"HEAR YE HEAR YE, THE ORACLE SPEAKS!My name is Njal. This is the name I was given by my father, Gisli, who was village chief before me, and he was given his name by his father Ilmac, who was chief before him. Such is my name, such is my blood. As my name comes from my father, so my blood comes from my father. All that is me, all that was him, all that will be me- these things in essence are the same. Name, blood... past, future. Our blood is our past, and from our past springs our future- and so, from our fathers' blood, springs both
their past and
our future. I awoke this morning to be confronted with the horror of our past invading our present, to decide our future - coming from our blood to spill our blood.
I had long hoped my stewardship of this village would end in the greatest triumph known to an Oracle: the knowledge that his time was a time of peace, where no evil soiled the land and where a man might live and die knowing only the world of men and no other. But this morning, I sensed in my very veins that an evil had been unleashed upon this earth, this village, which my father (Sho-Ul te'ma) was blessed never to see. I never knew my grandfather Ilmac; he died ere I was of full mind- I have only fragments of memory... his face... the seeming immensity of his hands... the great lines stretching from the corners of his eyes... none of this matters now. In my blood is his blood; in me, Ilmac remains, and through me he shall guide us.
Some fool among us has found the old spells, the old magic. This person tried to control what cannot be controled. Hubris breeds folly, and they have loosed upon us an evil they could never hope to master. I pray to the great Sho-Ul this person will meet the fate they deserve. But prayers are merely hope; action is salvation. This fool has become Wolf, and unleashed 2 other wolf-men upon our village. Among us, friends, in this very crowd, 3 of our number bear the curse of the Moon.
We are too late to stop what has begun; this night is lost to us. But from tomorrow, we shall hold council, and by vote, we shall being the purge. This will take courage, friends. We may not always make the right decision. But the ways of our fathers were wise, and through these ways only can we survive. Go to your beds now, and pray to Sho-Ul that you may live to see the blessed light of dawn. But in your prayers, remember that for one among us, this night shall never end..."
PLAYER LISTThere are a total of 23 players, as follows:
1. Chris Spaghetti - Just not trustworthy2. theonlydann - Democratically Deceased3. Eddy Baby - Part of Wolf Doohan's balanced diet4. Colonel Gaydafi - Joined Wolf Nimoy for a midnight snack5. EnigmaZV - Eaten by Wolf Nimoy6. Benjamin Franklin - Shredded by Wolf Doohan7. Blanko - Removed for the common good8. frostee - Culled by consensus9. Parsifal - Lynched by a bloodthirsty mob10. Sean - Lost to Wolf Doohan11. BanthaPoodoo - Munched by Wolf Shatner12. Saddam Hussein - Used as decoration by Wolf Shatner13. Ichimaru Gin :] - Wolf Nimoy14. Jack - Finished quickly by Wolf Doohan15. Areweonfiya - Lost to Wolf Doohan16. Raist - Wolf Shatner17. LordTalon69 - Lost to Wolf Doohan18. Jack1704 - Wolf Doohan discovered a meal between breakfast and brunch19. SupahLovah - The Last Stab20. Space Cowgirl - Lost to Wolf Doohan21. Taters343 - Wolf Doohan22. Mykael Wolf Doohan's dinner23. Mrs Peach - Devoured by Wolf DoohanPlayers who die will be crossed off the list, and then put into one of the below groups, as well as being colour-coded (
green for a lynched person,
red for a 'wolfed' person, and
purple for a dead wolf.
BanthaPoodooParsifalEnigmaZVtheonlydannMykaelBlankoSaddam HusseinColonel GadafiEddy BabyBenjamin FranklinfrosteeMrs PeachChris SpaghettiJack1704SupahLovah
Raist, AKA Wolf ShatnerIchimaru Gin :], AKA Wolf Nimoy
How Werewolf WorksOkay, first off, anyone who doesn't understand the game or any part of it, feel free to send me a PM and I will clear it up for you. I know most of you haven't played this before, so here's a general outline:
There are 3 Wolves (chosen at random) and 25 Villagers (including one Psychic, also chosen at random) in the game. The wolves will be identified as follows:
Wolf Shatner
Wolf Nimoy
Wolf Doohan
The game is based on 'rounds': each round lasts 48 hours. This is made up of a 24 hour 'day' period (i.e. when it is daytime in the game) and a 24 hour night period (when it is nightime in the game). Why does a Werewolf day last two days in real time? Well, we have lots of people from lots of countries and hence lots of timezones at FES, and I want to give everyone a fair chance to vote/talk/play, and a 48 hour round is the only way to do this.
VillagersFor the Villagers, the aim is to kill all the Wolves. At the outset of the game, the Villagers do not know who the Wolves are; it is up to them to figure it out.
The Villagers can vote to 'lynch' someone they suspect of being a wolf during the day cycle of the game. To do so, they must secure a certain number of votes (the number is decided by the village Oracle, i.e. me). Of course, the Wolves can also vote as no-one knows who they are! People who have already died in the course of the game are not allowed to talk during the day, and hence cannot vote.
The Psychic is on the side of the Villagers; he/she gets one chance each night to make a guess and find out whether or not someone is a Wolf. The Pyschic sends me a PM, and I tell him/her whether or not that player is a Wolf. Like everyone else in the game, the Pyschic can vote in the lynch.
WolvesFor the Wolves, the aim is to kill enough of the Villagers so that 1 in every 5 players is a Wolf- for example, if all three Wolves are to stay alive and win, they have to kill until there are only 12 Villagers left (i.e. 15 players overrall). For two Wolves to win, there must only be 8 Villagers left (i.e. 10 players overall).
Unlike the villagers, each Wolf knows who all the other Wolves are. Every night, a designated Wolf can send me a PM telling me who they want to kill, and then that person will be killed. The Wolves take it in turns: Wolf Shatner the first night, Wolf Nimoy the second, and Wolf Doohan the third. On the fourth night, it is wolf Shatner's turn again. If a wolf dies, the wolves do not lose a turn; instead the turns alternate between the remaining wolves. The following morning, I will reveal who was killed, and how.
Game Rules1. The first rule of Werewolf is that you do not break the game.
2. The second rule of Werewolf is THAT YOU DO NOT BREAK THE GAME. A not uncommon event in WW games is that having been betrayed by his/her fellow wolves, a dead wolf reveals their identities. This is a dickish thing to do. Seriously, wolves are bastards, and they will do anything to save their own hides. If they think you're as good as dead, they will betray you and join the other villagers in voting to have you lynched, just to avoid suspicion. This is completely normal, so please don't be a whiny bitch about it. Remember, even if you die as a wolf, if the wolves eventually win, you also win.
Long story short: wolves turn on wolves. Deal with it. If you ruin the game for everybody, I will probably ban you for a month or something. It's very annoying.
3. Don't edit your posts! Just make another one. This is no big deal, but if you edit your post, you lose your vote that round, so it's in your interest not to do so.
4. Make it clear who you are voting to lynch. I want to see the words 'vote to lynch *insert name here*' to count a post as a vote. You can say 'I vote to lynch' or just 'vote to lynch', but I want to see the words 'VOTE TO LYNCH (name)' in that order. Don't say 'vote billy' or 'lynch John', because in a certain context these could look like suggestions rather than votes. If it's unclear, I just won't count it. It isn't that hard to put three words in front of someone's name in the correct order.
5. Don't post during the day-cycle of the game if you have been killed. Dead players can only talk at night. Just to be clear, lynches happen during the day and werewolfs/psychics PM at night. Check my last update; if a lynch is on, it's daytime. If I've asked the wolves/psychic to PM, it's night.
6. The Psychic cannot tell people they are the psychic (at least not within this topic). Obviously, I cannot control what you do elsewhere (PM, IM, IRC etc.), but beware; with the Psychic, not all may be as it seems...
7. As per the title, if you're not playing, you're not playing. You can't join late due to the mechanics of the game, and I don't want you posting if you're not involved. I'll just delete any posts you make. If anyone gets trollish though, I will hand out suspensions.
Most of all, have fun, and POST. It's way more fun if you get involved, instead of just showing up and voting every now and again. Plus, inactivity can really kill a game based on votes, so try and stay active if you can.
This is the first night, so no lynch.
Wolf Shatner: Send me your kill.
Psychic: Send me a guess.