Kerbal Space Program

  • 9 Replies
Kerbal Space Program
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:09:43 AM »
This is a fascinating little sim for anyone interested in space flight.

Its premise is that an alien race that is similar to ours in technology is trying to get a space program off the ground. The game is still in beta mode but you can already design rockets and space planes and attempt to get things into orbit or even visit other worlds in their solar system. There's a free demo.

Round earthers will enjoy playing around and experimenting with the physics in the game. Flat earthers can learn about how round earthers think space flight works. Or maybe the game world works with the world view since it doesn't take place on Earth but on an alien planet that is round. Or maybe after they crash a few rockets it will re-enforce their belief that spaceflight is impossible.

I've crashed a lot of rockets, but I have gotten a few things into orbit.

Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 12:38:19 PM »
I've been thinking about getting this game.  "Viking space program" (swedish guy playing it and builds some crazy rockets in his vids, with some crazy explosions) on youtube has had me cracking up.

I'm not sure of my graphics power, but I need to try the free demo I suppose.  $17 I think for the full version.

Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 02:42:08 PM »
I've been thinking about getting this game.  "Viking space program" (swedish guy playing it and builds some crazy rockets in his vids, with some crazy explosions) on youtube has had me cracking up.

I'm not sure of my graphics power, but I need to try the free demo I suppose.  $17 I think for the full version.

I got it for just under $10 over a year ago. :p It's really worth it and is so much fun. ;D
Why use evidence

Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 06:55:49 AM »
This is great! Thanks for sharing it.


Chris Spaghetti

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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2013, 06:17:47 PM »
I've been playing this game for a while and have planted ships on most bodies in the Kerbal System

My 4-ship mission to Duna

An unmanned probe in orbit of the gas giant, Jool. The Holland mission is to plant a probe on every moon of the system.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 06:21:54 PM by Chris Spaghetti »



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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 12:44:59 PM »
Well, I basically just lost my whole weekend to this game. Thanks for telling me about it.  >:(

In all seriousness though, this is actually great. I managed to orbit Mun and get my Kerbonaut back home without dying. Going to try for a landing in the next couple of days.



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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 01:23:02 PM »
Getting this.



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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 09:29:59 PM »
So it would seem I still have some work to do on my landing technique:

Uploaded with

But, at least this one didn't end in a spectacular explosion.  :D


Chris Spaghetti

  • Flat Earth Editor
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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2013, 08:41:34 AM »
I seriously Th*rked up my last Mun landing attempt. I thought I'd try it Appollo-style, with a lander and an orbiter module. I crashed the lander but kept the Kerbal alive. Realising I couldn't rescue him with the current orbiter, I sent the kerbal in orbit home.

The ship I sent to rescue him was also Apollo-styled, except the lander would be unmanned. I only realised once I got to Munar orbit that I'd forgot to stick solar cells on the ship and the batteries were dead.

So I had to send a third unmanned ship up, which consisted of a couple of RCS tanks, some solar panels and a docking port. I had to dock the third ship to the second lander, rescue the kerbal on the surface, transfer him to the waiting orbiter, then undock the power ship from the lander and attach it to the orbiter.

Overly-complicated mission but all kerbals got home safely.



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Re: Kerbal Space Program
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2013, 09:49:56 AM »
I seriously Th*rked up my last Mun landing attempt. I thought I'd try it Appollo-style, with a lander and an orbiter module. I crashed the lander but kept the Kerbal alive. Realising I couldn't rescue him with the current orbiter, I sent the kerbal in orbit home.

The ship I sent to rescue him was also Apollo-styled, except the lander would be unmanned. I only realised once I got to Munar orbit that I'd forgot to stick solar cells on the ship and the batteries were dead.

So I had to send a third unmanned ship up, which consisted of a couple of RCS tanks, some solar panels and a docking port. I had to dock the third ship to the second lander, rescue the kerbal on the surface, transfer him to the waiting orbiter, then undock the power ship from the lander and attach it to the orbiter.

Overly-complicated mission but all kerbals got home safely.

Good job!
The earth is round because the space man said so.