Global warming can't destroy the world in less than 50 years and I think it is impossible. Technology in 50 years will be more than good enough to combat global warming. As I said earlier, we have cheap and effective methods of reversing Global Warming should it become too damaging.
Some of the best equipped and most highly organised and motivated civilizations of history have had shelf-lives of maybe a few hundred years at best before descending into abominable ruin. Consider that fact, and then consider our contemporary ability, our continence as individuals and as communities, to deal with our most basic and urgent problems.
Your mind-numbed optimism is heavily misplaced and has countless tragic historical precedents.
You're simply incorrect about the ease of reversing global climate change. Shockingly false. If you were even close to correct, it would not be so crucially important to our longevity as a civilization that we radically cut our carbon emissions, the bane of the Conspiracy which would spell their downfall and humanity's redemption. Regrettably, a divisive, hyperhedonist, cryptosatanic media machine will keep you shrugging your shoulders until the irradiated, starving looters are making their way up your front lawn under a searing, poisonous sky. Personally, I hope the catastrophic widespread flooding of low-lying coastal areas finishes me off before this happens.