Well, the dinner example is what i state in the the first place... an example, but you choose to elaborate, change the sentence and imply that i am a gay man which is not true so your point was to insult me!
I never implied any such thing. There's a website called rif.org you might want to visit sometime.
The second assumption was that i am a troll which again i am not because i didn't say anything to imply that!
Again, rif.org. I didn't assume you are a troll (though to be fair this post is making me wonder). I fear that you may be a troll because we see so many. More visitors here are trolls than aren't. The law of averages suggests it. I gave you a way to prove you're
not trolling and so far you're failing to make your case.

The proposition in our conversation here is quite simple, as i have explained earlier adding a purposely misinterpreted example to gain grounds to throw insults, i am making an offer here to cover the cost of logistics and take whoever of your group is interested on an exploration expedition, adding a documentary crew to record things the way you will dictate. Now i would expect that the appropriate assertiveness from your side to be something like "thank you for your offer mr X, how can we make arrangements so the we can meet and discuss the matter at hand" and not "PM mr David and deposit the £££ in our paypal account" which is abrupt for a multilevel procedure like this one. This is business my friend trust me and in the business world you have to glide not drop!
You are asking us to plan an entire itinerary on the promise of a stranger. You're starting to smell more like a con artist than a troll. I'm afraid we just can't trust you unless you front the money. But rest assured if you
do front the money the expedition shall be mounted!
I'll tell you what. I sense you may be apprehensive about providing Daniel with the money because you don't know him. PM me the pertinent information regarding your debit/credit card (card number, expiration date, name, address, and of course the secret three-digit code on the back) and I promise I will make this happen. I've been chomping at the bit to mount such an expedition! You can trust me; we're already friends!

disclaimer: Do not pm me with your account details.