World War 3

  • 230 Replies
World War 3
« Reply #90 on: August 02, 2006, 12:41:44 AM »
Quote from: "Rick_James"
If Israel gives in to Hezbollah demands Hezbollah will realize that kidnapping Israeli soldiers is an effective status quo upsetting method and use if as often as posible.

Don't you think that at this stage, Kidnapping Israeli soldiers has already been proven to be an effective way to disrupt the status quo? Don't you think that they've already benefitted from having done it? So what happens in response isn't really going to affect their decision a whole lot (unless they get completely wiped off the face of the Earth of course) in my opinion (only).
I understand your point about not setting a precedent for next time, but it seems to have already been set. Now (in my opinion) it's time to start looking at what will bring a halt to the immediate violence, so that diplomacy can commence.

I found it interesting to hear on the news (ABC - our equivelant of BBC; one of the less "influenced" news broadcasters) that they suspect Israel to launch their largest offensive yet in the coming days, before America tells them to stop.... Does this mean that America has already said "We will tell you to stop next week"? IF so, doesnt this mean they see what's happening and have judged it to be appropriate? Does this include bombing the UN outpost in Lebanon despite repeated calls to Israel to cease bombing that area?

I'm not launching an anti-america campaign in an unrelated thread, just saw this on the news, and wondered what you guys thought of it.

I'm finding this thread extremely interseting - a much better source of views from both sides than the media, who are either obviously pro-Israeli, or just as obviously anti-America and it's allies.
Thankyou all for the intelligent views you have been posting :)

Without evidence to back such a claim, you can't go around claiming it. That's my two cents.

World War 3
« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2006, 06:43:33 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
Quote from: "Erasmus"
Quote from: "Dionysios"
The ONLY REASON Hizzbolah kidnapped the single digit number of people it has now is because ISRAEL FIRST KIDNAPPED THOUSANDS OF PALESTINIANS.

On the other hand, the quoted statement simply false.  The fact of the matter is that Lebanon and Israel are fighting over land claims, and that Hizbollah's goal is to push Israel as far back as possible.  They have taken and will continue to take whatever action they deem necessary to achieve that goal.

Kidnapping Israelis is just one way they think they can achieve that.  I think they don't really care about the prisoners, and just want an excuse to bring Syria and hopefully Iran in to back up their push into disputed territories.

You are wrong as the quoted statement about israel continually holding large amounts of Palestinian political prisoners is indeed the reason for the CURRENT conflict.  That is what many Palestinian representatives as well as the Syrian Ambassador to the US have said on CNN.
HOW do you know otherwise other than your anti-islamic prejudice?

- Dionysios

Well, of course the Palestinian representatives are going to say that the "political" prisoners is the reason for the current conflict.  What else are they going to say?  That they admit that wiping us off the map is their ultimate goal, now just as much as it was in 1948 and that lobbing missles into our cities is yet another attempt at achieving that goal.  The Palestinians will always come up with an excuse for more suicide bombings and katyushot- give up this piece of land, give up that piece of land, give back these prisoners with blood on their hands, etc. etc.  I think most logical people see by now that "land for peace" demand is an allusion and that anything short of turning ALL of Israel into "Palestine" will not satisfy our "neighbors" or the Dionysios's of the world.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein



  • 1499
  • funny, you thought I'd convert, didn't you?
World War 3
« Reply #93 on: August 02, 2006, 06:49:40 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"

  Any world war involving the United States would be a golden opportunuity to liberate Aztlan from its american occupiers.

- Dionysios

Aztlan is America, right? So then how can "Aztlan" be occupied by Americans?

Quote from: Commander Taggart
Never give up, never surrender!

World War 3
« Reply #94 on: August 02, 2006, 07:05:52 AM »



  • 1499
  • funny, you thought I'd convert, didn't you?
World War 3
« Reply #95 on: August 02, 2006, 07:12:02 AM »
Wouldn't European be a better description since thats where most of them came from?

Quote from: Commander Taggart
Never give up, never surrender!

World War 3
« Reply #96 on: August 02, 2006, 07:25:26 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #97 on: August 02, 2006, 07:29:50 AM »
Quote from: "cadmium_blimp"
Wouldn't European be a better description since thats where most of them came from?

By the same logic the United States of America would be the United European States.  However, this would embarrasingly expose the colonialist nature of such a government.

  By the way, Amerigo Vespuccia was both a European and a colonialist.

- Dionysios



  • 1499
  • funny, you thought I'd convert, didn't you?
World War 3
« Reply #98 on: August 02, 2006, 07:36:15 AM »
So then where would you expect us to go when you oust us from our homes?  I don't condone what was done to the Native Americans and I didn't have anything to do with it.  Should I be punished for the mistakes of those who came long before me?

Quote from: Commander Taggart
Never give up, never surrender!

World War 3
« Reply #99 on: August 02, 2006, 07:38:15 AM »
And yet Dionysios resort once again to name calling and distortion of history to call for the destruction of my country and elimination of my people.  

I also find it funny that all throughout history, the Dionysios's of the world  have told us [Jews] to go back to Israel where we belong and now that we have they want Israel to be destroyed.  

Clearly Dionysios and his ilk are NOT interested in "justice" but elimination of Jews (let's not let his ravings about the "terrible zionists" cloud the REAL target of his parainoida- ALL Jews- whether zionist or not, religious or not, capitalistic, communistic or anything in between, liberal or conservative, etc. etc.)

I stand corrected.  I was wrong when I said nothing short of the dismantlement of Israel would be enough to satisfy the Dionysios's of the world.  I was too generous in making that statement.  Nothing short of the elimination of us Jewish vermon would be enough to satisfy Dionsysios and his ilk.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #100 on: August 02, 2006, 08:20:35 AM »
Just to add a little bit of FACTS to my above post:

The great poet George Satayana once wrote that "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Yet every time I read an article about the Israeli / Palestinian conflict it is obvious that no one does remember the facts.

There is always a great deal of talk about “Israeli occupied territories” and “Palestinian Refugees” and the “Right of Return” by those who fled Israel in 1948.

But what are the facts? Are these lands “occupied” at all? Who are these “refugees”?

Let’s turn the clock back about 120 years to 1882 and move rapidly forward. Were there millions of Arabs living in “Palestine” back then? Maybe even a few hundred thousand? Nope. According to the Turks who “owned” Palestine at the time there were 141,000 Muslims, both Arab and non-Arab in Palestine.

By the time Britain had taken control the Arab population was 752,048. Let’s not argue how it grew from 141, 000 to 752,000 in a mere 40 years. . .let’s focus instead on the fact that the Arabs made up 75% of the population of Palestine. The Jews at the time made up 11% and the Christians nearly another 10%.

But here we get back to why knowing your history is so critical. In 1923 Britain (who now controlled Palestine) spun off over 75% of Palestine and gave it to the Arabs! So the 75% of the Arab population now could lay claim to 75% of the land. Seems somewhat reasonable a division. This new country (which even today is 60% Palestinian in population) is named Jordan.

That is right: Jordan is in reality Palestine.”

The remaining 25% was to be made into a Jewish state.

Surprised? It gets even better.

In 1948 after the United Nations decided to carve up the remainng 25% as Jewish and Arab nations, the Arabs elected to reject the UN decree and go to war against Israel in an attempt to take all of the land for the Arabs. They lost the war and an estimated 300 to 400,000 Arabs who had been living there “fled.”

But here is an important part of history that again gets over looked: while these Palestinians fled Israel and now demand the right to return. . .the Arab countries demanded that the Jews living in their countries leave. Over 600,000 Jews were made refugees in 1948 – their lands confiscated, their moneys taken. . .many had lived in those lands for a thousand years or more but they were forced to flee.

Yet we never hear about these refugees. Why don’t they have the same “right of return” or “reparations” as the Palestinians demand?

Earlier I mentioned that Jordan got 75% of Palestine in 1923. Well, in the 1948 war the Arabs got another 10%. So now with 85% of “Palestine” they still demand more land from Israel.

Why? Why do reporters and editorialists only review history back to 1967? One hundred and twenty years is not so very long ago historically speaking. Neither is 46 year since Israel’s inception in 1948.

Why are these facts never discussed? Why is it always Israel who must give more and more?

George Satayana put it very well indeed when he said "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

In 1867 Mark Twain wrote of Palestine:

"A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action. We reached Tabor safely.. We never saw a human being on the whole journey."  

Before the first aliyah in the 19th century Palestine was a mostly deserted place that was falling apart. I can show you pictures of the "Dome of the Rock" supposedly the 3rd most holy place of Islam was literally full of weeds and desolate. Hey, I'll bother. I'll find you a picture.

[not able to transfer pictures]

Notice the weeds and basic decay? and


Did you notice the roof is not gold and is missing lots of tiles?

By 1917 the British census determined that Arabs were 75% of the Palestinian population, the Jews were 11% and Christians made up another 10%. The Balfour Declaration of the same year promised to create a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. In 1922 Britain carved away 75% of Palestine and created a Palestinian state named Jordan.

Jordan IS Palestine. 75% of the population was given 75% of the land in 1922.

A Jewish state was not created until 1948 when the U.N. carved two states out of the remaining 25% of Palestine. Israel accepted, and the Arabs went to war in an attempt to erase the entire Jewish state. When the war ended the Arabs possessed 85% of Palestine and 99.99% of all the land in the Middle East.

This is the true history of Israel and her Arab neighbors.

What of the Palestinian refugees? Their tragedy is all too real – but Israel is not to blame. From 1948 to 1967 Arab countries controlled their lands – yet they were not assimilated. They lived then, as now, in refugee camps. It is a crime that Jordan did not assimilate them. I do have sympathy for the Palestinian refugees – but why are the other refugees ignored and forgotten?

For 2,500 years (long before Islam) Jews lived in Arab lands. In 1945 they numbered 1,002,270. These Jews were forced to flee in 1948. Israel assimilated them. Israel also assimilated many Arabs who became citizens and today sit in the Israeli Parliament.

So here we have the true history – two sets of refugees (Arab and Jew) – one assimilated long ago – another festering. We also know the truth that there are two Palestinian countries already in existence -- Israel and Jordan.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #101 on: August 02, 2006, 09:25:08 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #102 on: August 02, 2006, 09:28:20 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #103 on: August 02, 2006, 09:37:01 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #104 on: August 02, 2006, 09:52:14 AM »
and the racist settlers such as yourself should indeed be evicted.  That is not to say murdered as Palestinians are not like jews and should have mercy on their enemies in the event of victory, but the continuous israeli atrocities must stop.  A hero like Saladin who put an end to the success of the brutal and animalistic Crusades is needed to put an end to brutal, colonial, and animalistic zionist state of israel.  

Dionysios, you didn't have to call the Jews "vermin".  Your words (in all of your demagogic rantings) speak for themselves.  Note the bold words in your above quote.  Without knowing me (or any Israelis) you have labeled us all as "racist settlers", as well as assuming that we wake up every day and have nothing better to do than lust for Arab/Palestinian blood, but that the Palestinians are NOT like us Jews and are better than that (peace loving people that they are :?, unlike us Jewish/Israeli warmongers ).  In addition you are calling for the dismantlement of my country, as well as the only country in which Jews can find refuge from the likes of you and anyone who doesn't see that the calling for the dismantlement of the State of Israel is akin to inviting us [Jews] to be at the mercy of all the Dionysios's of the world by, once again, being guests in their hospitable countries, which basically spells out endless pogroms, inquisitions, and holocausts for my people.  Basically this would spell our destruction.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #105 on: August 02, 2006, 10:20:16 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #106 on: August 02, 2006, 10:27:48 AM »

World War 3
« Reply #107 on: August 02, 2006, 11:17:39 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
And we did NOT label ALL israelis as racists.  Thou continuest with spin and fabrication.  No offense, but thy rantings have consistently contained false accusations.  We are not offended or angry, but it is never the less wrong, and we beseech thee to be more careful with the truth in thy diatribes.

  Dost thou really WANT the israeli air force to continue bombing Lebanon?  We should trust that thou hast some dignity.

- Dionysios

I would tell you that if you think that my ranting contain false accusations to please enlighten me, but considering that you also believe that there is some tall mountain in the middle of the (supposedly flat) earth, around which the sun rotates (your explanation of the supposed "illusion" of sunrise and sunset), combinded with the fact that you believe it would be best for manking if illiteracy flourishes, I wouldn't expect your "knowledge" of the Middle East Conflict and Israeli history to be exactly up to par either.

And no, I don't want innocent Lebanese OR innocent Israelis to be bombed.  Of course, if you are so concerned about innocent Lebanese civilians being bombed you might want to tell Hizbullah and their ilk to not hide like cowards behind women and children.  Then again, I supposed you and your ilk don't believe Israel has the right to defend herself because we don't have the right to exist in the first place, but that is YOUR opinion which is based on revisionist/distorted history.  However, this is a free site, so it is your right to spit venom, just like it is mine to respond in kind.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #108 on: August 02, 2006, 11:19:12 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
Quote from: "mbczion"
Basically this would spell our destruction.

History stands against you, my friend.

- Dionysios

I rest my case;  your words are yet another indication of why Israel NEEDS to exist and woe to us [Jews] if Israel shall cease to exist.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #109 on: August 02, 2006, 12:01:13 PM »



  • The Elder Ones
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  • Rick <3 Gayer
World War 3
« Reply #110 on: August 02, 2006, 04:39:40 PM »

Without evidence to back such a claim, you can't go around claiming it. That's my two cents.

Which claim? I have only reported what I saw on the news. Am having trouble finding a link for you, as I'm at work, but if you have a look I'm sure you can find an article around that mentions it. Really, I wanted the collective opinions, not to argue the point.

World War 3
« Reply #111 on: August 03, 2006, 04:19:19 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
Quote from: "mbczion"
Quote from: "Dionysios"
Quote from: "mbczion"
Basically this would spell our destruction.

History stands against you, my friend.

- Dionysios

I rest my case;  your words are yet another indication of why Israel NEEDS to exist and woe to us [Jews] if Israel shall cease to exist.

Wrong.  By "History stands against you" we mean that history disproves your belief that the Jews would be destroyed if the state of israel never existed as it has proved the Jews to be indestructible so the state of israel does not NEED to exist for the Jews to survive.  

  The Jewish Diaspora has a Divine purpose, and God chastises those whom he loves.  Hardship which has the potential to place a people on the path to Salvation is not the same thing as annihilation.  

Suffering does not equal ahhihilation.
Diaspora does not equal annihilation.

- Dionysios

Well, Dio, history PROVES that Jews are NOT safe as long as we do not have our own sovereignty in our own state (but have to rely on the goodwill of individuals like you) and I suppose the destruction of one-third of world Jewry is not enough annihilation for you.  Oh wait, you do not believe that the Holocaust happened.  I almost forgot.  But even if it didn't there were enough pogroms that happened long before WWII and I am sure Jews would be safe "returning" to Europe and all the Arab/Muslim countries who would all just welcome us with open arms.

Dionysios, I have one for you.  Why don't you worry about what is good for your people (whoever they may be) and I will worry about what is good for my people.

BTW, I'm sure that dreaming of Israel's destruction might give you multiple oragasms and cause you to cum on your keyboard, but it aint gonna happen.  Sorry!!!!  But you have the right to keep dreaming....

Last but not least, when are you going to settle down once and for all?  I mean choose a final location already.  I have seen your location change from India to Ethiopia to Egypt.  Are you getting kicked out of every country you try to settle in?  Doesn't anybody want you? :lol:
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #112 on: August 03, 2006, 09:44:26 AM »
I have just requested that MBC Zion be permanently banned from this forum.  If the article above is not immediately deleted, then I will never post in the regular forums again (+).

  The following links to traditional Orthodox Jews who, unlike MBCZion, do not use obscenities and lies to discredit their opponents:

  The following links to the Protocols of the Sanhedrin (English translation of the 1897 French edition) is the single best book to study in order to understand the modern history of the world over the past several centuries including the very latest events as well as those to come and the trends and direction in which the world is headed:



+ as long as the jewish nigger MBCZion is posting with that disgusting language.

- Dionysios

World War 3
« Reply #113 on: August 03, 2006, 11:08:51 AM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
I have just requested that MBC Zion be permanently banned from this forum.  If the article above is not immediately deleted, then I will never post in the regular forums again.  

- Dionysios

What's a matter Dio?  Having someone in the forum who is a Jew and Israeli who will not just lie around like a rag and let you rant your venom about my people unanswered and actually throw a little bit of facts, rather than propaganda into the "discussion" just a little intimidating for you?  Go ahead, ban me.  Not everyone is going to bend down and kiss your feet.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #114 on: August 03, 2006, 11:11:54 AM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
Quote from: "Dionysios"
I have just requested that MBC Zion be permanently banned from this forum.  If the article above is not immediately deleted, then I will never post in the regular forums again.  

- Dionysios

What's a matter Dio?  Having someone in the forum who is a Jew and Israeli who will not just lie around like a rag and let you rant your venom about my people unanswered and actually throw a little bit of facts, rather than propaganda into the "discussion" just a little intimidating for you?  Go ahead, ban me.  Not everyone is going to bend down and kiss your feet.

Your terrorist state won't be around for much longer.  Americans are coming to terms with the problems and waste that Israel is.  Without them, you're nothing.

World War 3
« Reply #115 on: August 03, 2006, 11:21:53 AM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"
Quote from: "Dionysios"
I have just requested that MBC Zion be permanently banned from this forum.  If the article above is not immediately deleted, then I will never post in the regular forums again.  

- Dionysios

What's a matter Dio?  Having someone in the forum who is a Jew and Israeli who will not just lie around like a rag and let you rant your venom about my people unanswered and actually throw a little bit of facts, rather than propaganda into the "discussion" just a little intimidating for you?  Go ahead, ban me.  Not everyone is going to bend down and kiss your feet.

Your terrorist state won't be around for much longer.  Americans are coming to terms with the problems and waste that Israel is.  Without them, you're nothing.

Oh, is that so?  We turned the desert into the blossoming garden and metropolis that it is today and won four wars, despite being outnumbered, long before America so much as threw a dime our way.  I say to America to hold onto their money and use it for the homeless and unemployed in your own country.  Just hold onto the billions of dollars you fork out to Egypt and Jordan as well.  They will be fine without your help as well.

BTW, our "terrorist" state is the only thing standing in the way from the fundamentalist Islamic regimes from turning the whole western world into a fundamentalist Islamic hell on par with Saudia Arabia.  Israel is on the front line in this struggle, even if the naive like yourself (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt) and the Jew hating Dionysios (his posts speak for themselves) don't appreciate us.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #116 on: August 03, 2006, 01:58:31 PM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
BTW, our "terrorist" state is the only thing standing in the way from the fundamentalist Islamic regimes from turning the whole western world into a fundamentalist Islamic hell on par with Saudia Arabia.  Israel is on the front line in this struggle, even if the naive like yourself (I am giving you the benefit of the doubt) and the Jew hating Dionysios (his posts speak for themselves) don't appreciate us.

Wow? Do you actually believe that bullshit or just ran out of stuff to say?

They fucking hate you because you STOLE THEIR LAND AND KILLED THEIR PEOPLE.  It's not a hard concept to grasp. You really need to lay off the propaganda your country feeds you and take a step back.

Anyway, let's say you're right. Then you guys sure fucking suck at it then considering the terrorism occuring around the world.  So please enlighten me as to what exactly your few square miles of dirt is doing to stop them anywhere else?  Almost sounds like the 'fight them over there so we don't over here' line.  Too bad they only want to kill us & you because we're over there in the 1st place.

Also, I'm not sure when you think those 4 wars occured, but maybe you can enlighten me after reading this:

Besides that, the US is also your biggest arms dealer.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4311
  • Rick <3 Gayer
World War 3
« Reply #117 on: August 03, 2006, 07:38:18 PM »
BTW, our "terrorist" state is the only thing standing in the way from the fundamentalist Islamic regimes from turning the whole western world into a fundamentalist Islamic hell on par with Saudia Arabia.

IF by "standing in the way" you actually mean "Stirring up the hornets nest until all the hornets from other nests come and gang up on you and you have to call the Coalition of the Willing to bring some insect repellant", then yes, I agree.

Although, I don't think the coalition will be nearly as willing this time(/place).



  • 1607
  • Im a mushroomcloudlayin motherfucker, motherfucker
World War 3
« Reply #118 on: August 03, 2006, 08:11:17 PM »
I dont agree with this thread at all, i think your all being a little too harsh.

For someone that is supporting their race mbczion you seem a little unwilling to listen to anyhting else.

Dont get me wrong, in the whoel scheme of things I am for the Jews, but in the current conflict, you cannot deny that Israel is at fault. Yes, Hezbollah could b held responsible, but Israel are the ones that will be held accountable.

Like...O M G ! ! ! He is, like, totally using the gun as like some kind of sexual weapon. O M G ! ! That is like, totally awesome! ! !

World War 3
« Reply #119 on: August 03, 2006, 10:44:32 PM »
qwerty789 wrote:
Wow? Do you actually believe that bullshit or just ran out of stuff to say?

They fucking hate you because you STOLE THEIR LAND AND KILLED THEIR PEOPLE.  It's not a hard concept to grasp. You really need to lay off the propaganda your country feeds you and take a step back.

We "stole" nobody's land.  There never was an independent Palestinian State and before 1948, when one used the term "Palestinian" he was refering to anyone who lived in Turkish owned (and then later British owned) Madatory Palestine, whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Arab, or Caucasian.  The term "Palestinians" as we know it today was not invented until 1964.  Until then, the Arabs in Israel refered to themselves as either Syrian or Jordanian and considered the term "Palestinian" to be a "Zionist" invention.  It is you who really needs to lay off your distorted view of reality and history.

qwerty789 wrote:
Anyway, let's say you're right. Then you guys sure fucking suck at it then considering the terrorism occuring around the world.  So please enlighten me as to what exactly your few square miles of dirt is doing to stop them anywhere else?  Almost sounds like the 'fight them over there so we don't over here' line.  Too bad they only want to kill us & you because we're over there in the 1st place.

If the Islamic fundamentalist weren't concentrating most of their energy on Israel, then they would be utilizing it that much more all around the globe.  We are clearly on the front lines here fighting it.  Not so hard a concept to grasp.

qwerty789 wrote:
Also, I'm not sure when you think those 4 wars occured, but maybe you can enlighten me after reading this:

Besides that, the US is also your biggest arms dealer.

From the same site:

U.S. economic grants to Israel ended in 1959. U.S. aid to Israel from then until 1985 consisted largely of loans, which Israel repaid, and surplus commodities, which Israel bought. Israel began buying arms from the United States in 1962, but did not receive any grant military assistance until after the 1973 Yom Kippur War. As a result, Israel had to go deeply into debt to finance its economic development and arms procurement. The decision to convert military aid to grants that year was based on the prevailing view in Congress that without a strong Israel, war in the Middle East was more likely, and that the U.S. would face higher direct expenditures in such an eventuality.

And another site that might be of interest:
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein