... 17 November. He's a good guy.
Not really. You guys even at your worst have got a sense of humor that I have yet to perfect:
By the way, thanks for mentioning the Punisher...
Thanks again for this notification which I will ascribe as your contribution to the flat earth cause.
On a more serious point, in a private message which was rather critical of me for daring to openly disagree with him on a couple of points, levee mentioned that WWIII will allegedly end with a 3 day solar eclipse.
Now I have actually come across this alleged 3-day eclipse before in papist as well as Russian old believer literature. Frankly, I consider it suspicious, and it must pass a serious examination before I would consider believing it. It very well MIGHT be a fabrication or some cult belief working the rounds.
My principle question for levee or anyone who might know about this alleged 3-day eclipse is this:
What is the ultimate source or sources for this information?